Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1199: Fighting spirit

More and more participating disciples gathered in the high platform.

Among them, the heroes split the evidence, the strong into the cloud, Qin Shi in the audience to watch, among them is the strong man who cursed the five layers, there are nearly a hundred, let him secretly admire: "eight domains are not eight domains."

Nearly a hundred curses, afraid that only the eight-domain call for the devil contest, can attract so many strong people?

"Next, it is Jianzong!" The other seven fields of the participants have gathered on the stage, Yuan Hao cold eyes to aim at Qin Shi, his old eyes, could not help but flash cold.

"Kid, it's up to you." Fengsha took a shot of Qin Shi, and every palm has high hopes.

Qin Shi took a deep breath and wrapped the black robe until he got up and jumped to the high platform.

When Qin Shi stepped on the high platform, it could not help but cause a few minutes.

"Is it?" The rest of the seven domains are slightly sloppy, one side of the wilderness, the domain of the main hole ghost, slightly surprised: "Oh, I did not expect this little guy is the trick of Jianzong this time?"

Jing Cai was smiling at his side: "This is not simple. In just two years, he and I have seen it in a different world. If you give him a few years to grow, the future is really Not limited."

"Walk the wrong move." Kong Ghost's old eyes could not help but flash the road.

"The domain owner is saying that when I was in a chaotic domain, should I take care of him? Will he be able to win him as a wasteland?"

Kong Ghost did not conceal and nodded: "If this is the case, now maybe he is a disciple of my wilderness, and the champion of the Divine sacrifice should belong to us."

"I looked at my eyes."

Kong ghost shook his head: "This is no stranger to you, and who can think of it, the kid who was only four days old, can leap to such a situation in two years, even Jianzong, I believe it is also gambling, but did not expect true Let them win the gamble. Two years ago, I don’t know how many people were laughing at Jianzong, because it’s a stupid move to offend the chaos, but I don’t know how wise the sword is.”

Hearing the analysis of Kong Ghost, Jing can not help but smile.

"He is the Qin Shi?" The disciples of the chaotic domain are boiling.

"Is it actually him? Is he not a traitor to our chaotic domain?"

"Well, but don't underestimate him. Now he is a red man in the eight domains. The champion of the Divine Festival is him."

"What? He is so powerful?" Many disciples exclaimed.

Among them, there are many elders from the foreign countries two years ago. They saw that Qin Shi’s style was a long sigh: "Two years ago, this game has become so powerful."

"Yeah, the chaotic domain lost him at the beginning, and it was also my misfortune."

"Hope, this time he will not be doing anything that will damage my prestige. This time, in order to invite the ghosts to play, we have paid a great price for the chaotic domain. We must not lose this time. The champion of the Magic Contest."

Eight domains are gathered together, each with a ghost.

Because the swordsman only Qin Shi alone played, so when Qin Shi stood firm, this time the eight disciples of the disciples are all on stage, Yuan Zhen as the host, always standing on the high platform.

His old eyes looked at Qin Shi, although the turmoil caused by Qin Shi continued, but he showed his face: "The kid, let you have a good time, your jealousy will come soon."

Qin Shi stood, he looked around the audience, most of them are old guys who are over 100 years old, which makes him feel very strong pressure.

However, suddenly, he was black and shocked. From the windy side, he was shocked to find a slightly familiar shadow. He accidentally said, "Is she actually? She is actually the contestant of this demon contest?"

This shadow is his first, the same-age disciple he saw in this demon contest. This shadow seems to feel Qin Shi’s gaze, and the beautiful swaying, coincidentally colliding with Qin Shi.

Instead of looking at it, Qin Shi reveals a light smile.

It’s just that he is amiable, but the other is not. The gentle beauty is flashing in the cold color.

"Feng Yan, what's wrong with you?" Beside Qian Qian, is a young man, and he is also a young talent in this demon contest, gently asking questions.

Ye Fengqi smiled sneerly: "Nothing, just see the dog that is unsightly."

Ye Fengqi's voice is not too big, just happened to let Qin Shi hear, Qin Shi frowned, and his heart was not happy: "This little girl, when she was sneaked into her bath, it has nothing to do with me, her spring has not been I saw, what am I doing!!!"


The young man pointed to Qin Shi, and immediately raised his head proudly, waving a punch at Qin Shi, full of threatening charm, meaning Qin Shi away from Ye Fengqi.

Seeing Ye Fengqi and the youth beside him are so unfriendly. He originally wanted to say hello and simply gave up and turned his eyes.

"Kid, you still don't want to provoke the windy kid." Suddenly, an old voice rang from his side. He glimpsed and curiously turned back. He was a white-bearded man in a robes of purgatory.

"Predecessors, are you?" Qin Shi thought about it and had no impression of the old man.

The old man cares and laughs: "Haha, don't think about it, we don't know it. I just admire it. The winds are always the strongest field in the eight domains, and the one that just threatened you." Kid, his name is Cheng Xu, and he is a rare genius in the windy age. He is born with a supernatural soul. It is said that there is already a half-step curse domain. At such age, less than a hundred years can achieve this kind of cultivation. I am afraid that it is second only to the ghosts of the year."

The degree of "half-step curse domain?" is indeed beyond the imagination of Qin Shi, and he can't help but look at the young man.

However, he immediately converges his eyes, looking at the old man with curiosity. In this demon contest, each is a smug of heart. If he did not know each other before, he could hardly understand why the old man was so kind.

"Haha, although we don't know, but we have people who are familiar with each other." The old man seems to see Qin Shi's doubts and smiles.

“People who are familiar with each other? Who is it?”

"Zi Lingsha, no stranger? If it is counted, she was still half of my apprentice, that is, I brought her into purgatory." The old man faintly said.

“Zi Lingsha?” Qin Shi suddenly realized that the look of respect was quite a lot: “It turned out to be the teacher of Zi Lingsha, and she was disrespectful and disrespectful.”

"Okay, your kid doesn't have to be polite with me. Before I came to participate in the demon contest, the little girl specially looked for me and said that if possible, I hope I can help you, the snowy cuckoo you want. Should it be for her?" The old man waved his hand.

Since the old man can know the broken snow cuckoo, he must also know the current condition of Zi Lingsha. Qin Shi nodded. "Well, this is what I owe her."

The old man nodded with satisfaction.

Perhaps it is the reason of Zi Lingsha, Qin Shi is inexplicably close to the old man. In the process of waiting for the opening of the devil contest, he and the old man chatted a lot. The old man named Huo Dao, he participated in this competition, also for the sake of breaking Snow cuckoo came.

Although the two have a huge gap in the years, it seems to be like a forgotten year.

In the conversation between the two people, the time passed slowly. When the blink of an eye arrived at noon, the Lantern Festival came back to the people again. He looked up at the time and said: "At noon, when Ji Shi has arrived, then pick up Down, I announced the eight-domain joint demon contest, officially started!"


The field cheered and cheered.

When the applause faded away, Yuan Zhen waved his palm, and a golden dragon danced out of the sky. It looked very holy and made the audience fall into silence again.

When Jinlong entwined a circle, the high platform was finally lifted up, and the dragon tail and the dragon head collided with each other, turning into a circle and encircling the high platform, and a colorful barrier covering the sky enveloped it.

The formation of the barrier, Yuan Zhen only faintly laughed: "Next, what we are going to carry out is the first item of the devil contest, fighting the soul!"

"As everyone knows, the demon sorcerer is the most noble profession in the human world and the ruined continent. It can connect its own soul with the savage beast, refine the magical charm of the power of the beast, and enhance the combat ability of the monk."

"However, the demon sorcerer can refine the strong magical devil, but it is always inseparable from his own soul cultivation, so the soul is cultivated as the root of the magician, so the so-called devil contest, nature Can not be separated from the soul, this fighting soul is the contest on the soul."

"The first fighting spirit, the rules: the eight-field contestants, together to sacrifice their own souls, to fight the battle with the power of the soul, the melee will continue until the sea to select a hundred magical divisions, the 100 winners will be eligible Entering the second phase, the loser is eliminated."

The voice of Yuan Hao Lang Lang introduced.

Hearing the rules, some older demon sorcerers are used to it. Most of them have participated in several times, even dozens of eight-character magic contests.

In this regard, Qin Shi is not unexpected, Fengsha has already introduced the order of this magical contest with him, but he did not expect this so-called fighting spirit, so simple and rude.

Of course, he really likes this way.

Direct and decisive.

When the rules are familiar, Yuan Zhen is a faint saying: "Since everyone has already made it clear, then this is the fundamental of the Golden Dragon Seal, please invite the contestants to sacrifice their souls, the first Fighting the soul, now, start!"

Yuan Zhen shouted loudly and the audience was boiling.

Adding eight domains, hundreds of contestants are all gearing up, and some younger contestants have sacrificed their souls. Only the palm-sized gods are offering from the eyebrows and entering from the dragon head of the Golden Dragon Sealing Array. Inside the array.

"Kids, let's go in too." Huo Dao rushed to Qin Shi and smiled lightly.

"Good!" Qin Shi nodded, and immediately he spread his hand, a very cute mindful body jumped out of his palm, along the dragon head into the enchantment.

This golden dragon seals the soul, has the effect of blocking the power of the soul, when the soul of all the participants enters into it, a golden barrier envelopes the high platform.

As a result, it will also be announced that the first fighting spirit will be officially opened.

Hundreds of souls are in the enchantment, and they are burning with arrogance.

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