Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1194: 1 punch spike

Under the oppression of Qin Shi, Moyang’s spiritual defense line has obviously been defeated. The strength of Qin Shi is that he feels powerless to resist. Hundreds of disciples of the temple cannot even be within 100 meters of him. Close, what a horror?

Before the collapse of Moyang, he screamed fiercely. His foot was forced to collapse, and the dust on the ground was lifted up in layers. He hit it with all his strength and gathered his fists. He rushed to Qin Shi.

"It’s Moyang!"

"Moyang finally has to be hands-on." Many foreign disciples still have some confidence in Moyang. After all, Moyang also has the strength of Scorpio.

call out! I have to say that Moyang also has a certain strength, blinking | pig | pig | island | novel www. [zhu] [zhu] [dao], he rushed into the 100-meter defense line of Qin Shi, that layer is strong The spiritual fluctuations did not stop him.

Seeing this scene, many foreign disciples are happy.

"Successful! Moyang he succeeded!"

However, they did not realize that Moyang only broke through the most basic defense of Qin Shi.

Of course, Moyang can enter the soul circle, and Qin Shi himself feels a bit of an accident. From the body of Moyang, he is actually aware of a strange suffocation.

"This power is the strength of the group?" Qin Shi will deepen his soul. This is from the dantian of Moyang, which locks a very strange black scorpion snake. The snake keeps turning, it is extremely slow. The speed erodes Moyang.

The demon nodded: "Well, not just him. I just felt that it was wrong. The spiritual power of these disciples is very illusory, and the foundation is unstable. If I have not guessed wrong, they all rely on the group." A mystery, so I quickly improve my strength."

"This is the case?" Qin Shi suddenly realized, squinting: "No wonder, before I was in a chaotic domain, there were not so many seven-day and eight-day disciples in the chaotic domain. Was it the secret of the scorpion group?"

"Well, but this mystery is not without side effects. You have just seen it. The suffocation is consuming their dantian. If this is a short time, it may be okay, but it will sacrifice some of their longevity, however, If you use it all the time, when their dantian is finally swallowed up by suffocation, they will completely lose their humanity and become a murderer!"

Qin Shi sighed and shook his head: "It’s a poor guy who thinks he’s got the benefit, but he doesn’t know how to use it.”

"But I am very curious, the group is so chaotic, and the chaotic domain will agree."

"Oh, the chaotic domain and the scorpion group are themselves savage, enchanting, and not chaotic, otherwise they will not betray the landlord, so naturally they will not care about the life and death of these disciples."

Qin Shi slightly stunned: "Really!"

At this time, Moyang approached, and he was about to hit Qin Shi. Many foreign disciples cheered and excited.

However, Qin Shi looked up and showed a sneer sneer, shook his head, and he fixed his mind, and his shadow was swayed, and his body and Moyang’s fists were just staggered.

"Do you know, you shouldn't be right with the fog alliance."

"Hmm?" Moyang slammed.

Immediately, waiting for him to return to God, Qin Shizheng got up, the same is a punch, just on Qin Shi’s fist, gathered together the purple lightning that rushed, and even the sky was eclipsed in an instant, as if surrendered by a real dragon. Similarly, Qin Shi Meng’s punch, the purple dragon’s head made a deafening, and hit a chest of Moyang.


A loud noise, immediately like Moyang, like a ball, was directly shot by Qin Shi hundreds of meters.


The earth immediately shattered, and Moyang cut a deep bottomless rift on the ground and stopped hitting the wilderness of the wilderness.

The whole scene saw this scene, and the fierce one was shocked.

"One, one punch?"

"This, is this possible?"

"Oh my God, a boxing flying Moyang? Moyang is now the strongest in our foreign domain, even so, is it so defeated?"

All the disciples of the audience were silent for a moment, and even the atmosphere did not dare to breathe, fearing that Qin Shi would kill them.

It was once occupied by Qin Shizhen, and now Moyang was defeated again. The disciples of the temple did not dare to say more, and they spread out like a sand.

Qin Shi sneered, and this slowly walked over to Fu Jun and others. He waved his hand and tied the chains of Fu Jun and others.

"I am tired of you."

Fu Jun quickly shook his head and immediately felt the breath around Qin Shi: "This is only a few months, you broke through?"

Qin Shi faint smile: "Lucky."

Fu Jun’s mouth twitched, although Qin Shi said that he was lucky, but Fu Jun knew that pure luck could not make people break through so many times.

If you said that the last time in the domain of the gods summoned him to see Qin Shi, Qin Shi is a newly hatched young dragon, this time, obviously has completed the transformation, is a dragon that can really fly the sky.

Qin Shi and the original in the chaotic domain, the gap is too big, originally, at the beginning, he was in front of Qin Shi, there are still some superiority, but now, but already out of reach.

Qin Shi seems to see something, smiled and said: "You are always my brother!"

"Stone! You are so cool! Come, come, sign me a word, and wait for you to become a Swordmaster, this thing will definitely sell a lot of money!"

Just behind the thick voice, Qin Shi could guess who it was with his eyes closed.

When the condensate rain came forward, it was still the look of the rich.


Qin Shibai gave him a look, and immediately he was too lazy to care for him. His eyes turned and he looked at the Moyang, which was in the ruins, and a smattering flash of light, and the palm of his hand was empty.


Moyang fierce was caught in the hands of Qin Shi by a suction. Qin Shi’s palm was very hard, just like when Moyang was holding the condensate rain. However, his strength is not comparable to Moyang’s. I heard the sound of every inch of joint breakage in Moyang.

"Just, are you doing this to my brother?"

Originally, Moyang has already fainted, and Qin Shi used the power of the soul to sneak into the sea, awakening his mind, word by word, cold road.

Moyang panicked, instinctive struggle, suddenly, he saw Fu Jun, a look of praying eyes: "Qin, Qin Ge, no no no, Qin Grandpa, Grandpa Qin, please, please, don't kill me, don't kill I, I know it is wrong!"

"Do you know what is wrong?" Qin Shi asked.

"Know, I know, I know, Grandpa Qin, please, don't kill me, I won't dare anymore!" Where is the original break in Moyang? Cry without dignity.

Qin Shi nodded with satisfaction, and immediately his eyes suddenly sinked: "Well, since you know it is wrong, then it is responsible for your fault."

"No!" Moyang fears the arrogance, suddenly, he and Fu Jun look at each other, for a moment like grabbed the life-saving straw: "Pay, Fu Jun brother, Fu Jun brother, don't let him kill me, ask You, beg you, don't let him kill me! Have you forgotten? I was originally a member of the fog alliance!!!"

Fu Jun’s fierce fist, his eyes flashed aisle.

"You also have!"

boom! Waiting for the army to open, Shen Fengchun fiercely punched a punch, punching Moyang's front teeth and shattering, his face was stunned, his eyes were red: "You killed me a lot of fog league disciples, you are now also I am so proud to say that I am a disciple of Wumeng!"

"What is going on?" Qin Shi asked curiously.

Fu Jun shook his head weakly, and Qing Qing said gently at the side: "At the beginning, this Moyang was chased by the World Youth League. The eldest brother saw him to be killed. He was kind enough to save him and take him in, but later discovered that this The ambition of the people was great and the temperament was sinister, so that he was expelled from the fog alliance, but unexpectedly, the temple was suddenly established, and the strength increased sharply, killing me under the fog."


Qin Shi nodded secretly. In this case, it is really a group of people who are guilty, and the person like Moyang is the easiest to be used by the group.

"Give him to me." Suddenly, the army opened his mouth and the army slowly moved forward. He was red in his one-eyed eyes, and a dagger was slowly pulled out by him.

The light of Yin Ge is reflected in the face of Moyang. He immediately lost his heart. The cry of fear: "No!! No!! Fu Jun, Fu Jun, you can't kill me. If you kill me, the chaotic domain will not Let go of you, the chaotic domain will not let you go, you let him let me go now, you help me kill him, kill him, I will help you in front of the domain, let you say a few words, let you Wumeng continues to be the biggest force in the outer domain, can't it? Can't it?"

Fu Jun always said nothing, step by step to the front of Moyang, he looked up, his eyes mourned to death, finally, he spoke, only said: "If you die, I have to die. Brothers revenge! Wumeng disciples, there is no white blood."


The white knife entered the red knife, the army's dagger, penetrated the throat of Moyang, and Moyang could no longer bark. Until he died, he died and he looked at him.

Qin Shi shook his head helplessly. He knew that Fu Jun’s heart was definitely not good. He shot the shoulder of Fu Jun: "Let's go, I will have something to say to you."

"Well?" Fu Jun stunned, and immediately did not ask, quietly nodded.

After so much experience, he is now dying.

Qin Shi and Fu Jun and others are When they turn to prepare to leave the Wilderness Mountains, the outside disciples unnaturally give way.

"Big brother!" Suddenly, a trembling, a strong man squatted from behind.

Fu Jun glanced, and when he turned back to see the brawny, his eyes sank.

That brawny, isn't it the old five? There is a **** mouth pierced by Moyang at his chest, a look of remorse, staring at the army: "Forgive me!"

Fu Jun’s heartstrings trembled, and the fists subconsciously tightened.

Qin Shichong paid the military: "This kind of person is not worth it. If you can't keep your heart, I can help you."

After saying that, seeing that the army did not respond, Qin Shi turned around and walked toward the fifth.

Suddenly, Fu Jun stopped Qin Shi, Qin Shi could not help but glance: "Don't you still see through?"

Fu Jun shook his head: "I know, I just can't be as ruthless as they are... After all, we have been together for decades, let him kill."

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