Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1183: 6 灵封灵阵

"Simulation of the soul?" Qin Shi suddenly stunned and blinked: "What do you mean?"

"The meaning is that in this array of methods, it is possible to simulate a virtual soul. In ancient times, this method was forbidden, because someone used this method to simulate thousands of souls, and then refining, The slain, you must know that this is against the sky. I did not expect that this little girl could master this kind of formation!"

"Is there such a thing?"

Qin Shimeng was amazed and he was a magician. His soul is far more than ordinary people. Therefore, he knows the importance of the soul. He often lives and dies for a lifetime. In this dust, he is not the flesh, but the soul. The reincarnation of the wheel means that a soul, from the body of the previous life, is reinfused into the new body of the pig `Pig`s Island `fiction` www.huhuom, and the people in the human population cannot be resurrected, mostly It is also the soul.

In ancient times, there were many powerful medical practitioners who were known to have the skills of returning to life, living dead, and white bones. In fact, they only reshaped the body for ordinary people, refining their bodies for the souls, the human body, and even the internal organs, Dan Tianling. The veins can be refining, and even Qin Shi’s current ability can even reshape the flesh. However, in tens of millions of years, no one can re-create the soul.

The soul is the essence of man.

It is because of knowing this that Qin Shi is even more surprised and simulates the soul. Is this really possible?

"In fact, it is not what you think about it. This method can simulate a soul with real senses." The demon suddenly said.


"Of course not. If this is the case, then is this world not messed up? I just said that in ancient times, the guy who mastered this kind of formation was used to refine and smash the scorpion. ""

"In this method, the yin and yang, the five elements and the gossip, and the mastery of the Qimen armor, so the heaven and earth aura will be transformed into a way of thinking with the soul. In ancient times, some people used this to create a substitute, if not for the power of the soul, It is difficult for outsiders to distinguish between true and false."

"Is this the case?" Qin Shi gradually realized that if he only simulated the appearance and shape of the soul, it would be understandable.

"However, this little girl said it is good. This method has a magical effect on your ability to cultivate the soul. This soul starry array is running, and it requires multi-layer space grafting. If I have not guessed it, this soul starry array. The simulations should be a lot of beasts in the space of the beast. They are simulated by adopting them as templates. You only need to use these simulated souls to make magic charms, which will not cause the beasts of this animal space. Damage, but also to the cultivation of refining magic, can be described as a double-edged sword, two birds with one stone."

Qin Shi nodded secretly, but his eyes were still eclipsed. He knew that although the soul simulated in this soul star array could be refining him, most of his refining process was also simulated and refined. The character can't be used at all, so that the plan he wants to swindle the sand is completely ruined.

"Okay, let's be content, this soul starry array, there are endless souls for you to cultivate, this kind of beautiful thing, I do not know how many magical things that the magician dreams of on the mainland, what your kid is still wrong here."

"I know...!" Qin Shiyi pulled his face and licked his mouth. He turned back and asked, "Can I start practicing now?"

"Of course, you can do it at any time." A smile like a flower, a moment of tenderness, and said: "Oh, right, forget to tell you, if you have enough strength in the last few days, you may wish to go to this array. Walking in the deepest part of the law, maybe there will be unexpected gains."

"Unexpectedly harvested? What is it?" Qin Shi curiously asked.

"Who knows, it depends on your own skills." For example, the flowers sold a sly smile, and immediately waited for Qin Shi to open, saying: "In the past two months, I will be here to guard you." You can safely practice, well, I will close the array."

Qin Shi hesitated and nodded. He knew that if he didn't say anything, he wouldn't use it anymore. It would be better to explore it yourself and look back and jump to the galaxy.

Falling into the Milky Way, Qin Shi was trapped in the starlight of the hustle and bustle, surrounded by a beautiful picture. He turned around and danced around, feeling the feeling of vastness, and could not help but reveal a few shocks.

"This soul is empty, it is not easy."

Originally, there was only the rubble-sized Jinwu ground. At this time, the feeling of Qin Shi was very heavy, vast, innocent, and invisible.

call out!

Suddenly, a vaguely broken sound was swept by the ear. Qin Shi’s reaction was extremely fast, and his eyes were chasing away. A translucent soul was fleeting in front of his eyes.

"That is the soul that this method simulates?" Qin Shi asked.

"Well, that's the thing. Don't rush to catch him. Always follow his steps. There will be big discoveries. Maybe it's the nest that simulates the soul here. If you find it there, you will develop." The demon responded.

Qin Shi nodded, and immediately emptied into the void, quietly keeping up with the soul.

In the Milky Way, about half a column of fragrant Kung Fu, Qin Shi followed the soul body to a very dazzling place, here, there are dozens of stars in size, these stars are pitted, however, Qin Shi stares Those potholes, but a little surprised.

In those potholes, he actually felt the power of endless soul.

"Sure enough, it is the nest of the soul here!" The demons were slightly excited to drink.

Qin Shi secretly admire, the light is observing with the power of mind. There are thousands of souls here. There are so many large numbers. If all of them can be refining, it is to curse three layers, that is, to curse the four layers. Probably?

"This is really a fortune!"

Qin Shi involuntarily raised his mouth, revealing a smeared smile, and rubbed his hand: "Then, the next moment is hunting!"

call out!

He was fiercely placed in the star, and he took the lead. It was naturally the soul he had followed. His fingers were pinched and he slammed, and a six-angled spirit was shot by him.


The six-angled spirits hit the soul, instantly swelled several times, and turned a circle in the golden light, the soul was fiercely shackled.

"Hey!" Qin Shi’s attack was too sudden, although the soul was aware of it before, but just thought that Qin Shi was also the soul that was simulated, he never worried about it. Qin Shi shot, he suddenly realized that. A fierce snoring.


The sharp dragon swayed, but he struggled, but he could not break away from the six-legged spirits of Qin Shi. In the battle, he was tightened, and the domineering scream turned into mourning.

However, no matter how he is jealous, he can't change the existing ending. In the six-legged sleepy array, the soul body is crushed into powder.


When the soul exploded, Qin Shi was volleyed, but when he reached out to catch the virtual demon of the soul, he was slightly surprised: "Well? Is this the soul of the bone dragon?"

"Well, I guess it is really good. This soul starry array simulates the beast in this animal world space. In this case, the strength of the soul is suitable for your current cultivation."

Qin Shi nodded excitedly, but suddenly he frowned, and the black squint swept a circle, in the distant dozens of stars and squats, there was a subtle sorrowful voice, and a vague low roar.

"Little guy, be careful!" The demons stunned.

call out! call out! call out!

Three roads broke, Qin Shi subconsciously turned his body, but this is the case, his sleeves are still broken open, but fortunately, there is no serious injury.

He grabbed his shoulders and looked at him with a sigh of relief. He saw nine fierce dog heads in three directions.

"Is it a **** three-headed dog?" Qin Shi woke up.

"Hey!" The three **** three-headed dogs crouched in three directions, burning in anger and smashing.

"I did not expect that here, this **** three-headed dog and the bone wing dragon still have such deep feelings?" Qin Shi curious.

“Well, the simulation itself is based on the fierce beast in the space of the beast, so it will also simulate their habits and emotions.”

Qin Shi nodded stunnedly and immediately stared at the three **** three-headed dogs. He sneered: "Oh, three little things, I am not afraid of even the real body in the outside world, I will fear that the three of you are simulated." Pirate goods?"

"Hey! Humble humans, less crazy here!" Hell three-headed dog screamed, three **** three-headed dogs spurted out the emerald **** fire at the same time, the fierce flame ignited the stars, the surrounding temperature soared, the fire almost Instantly permeate Qin Shi’s foothold.

Qin Shi’s foot slammed into the sky.

"Little guy, don't care. The soul that is being simulated here is not much weaker than the real soul of the outside world!" The demon carefully raised one sentence.

Qin Shi nodded: "Do not worry, I know."

Qin Shizhen opened his eyes and flashed the **** fire in the general lava. The palm of the hand raised a dragon seal, and the shadow of the shadow swayed through the star, and the distance was nearly a thousand meters. Hell three-headed dog's eyebrows.

"Give me broken! Condensation!"

Between the gasps, a Hell three-headed dog was retouched by Qin Shi.

"Hey!" The other two **** three-headed dogs were immediately provoked, and the deafening voice made the stars and rivers tremble.

"Little guy, he is calling the rest of the soul!"

"I feel it." Qin Shi snorted, his mind was always flowing in the Milky Way. The two Hell three dogs had just screamed, and among the dozens of stars, nearly a hundred souls were ready to move.

"Have a hundred souls? Hey, just come and refine it for me!"

"Kid, what are you going to do?" The demons were shocked. Hundreds of souls, even if they were simulated, would not have been met by Qin Shi.

Qin Shi black sputum is full of light, suddenly, he held one hand, one word, one sentence, said: "Six ribs, seal the spirit!"

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