Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1180: Refinery

The appearance of a girl under the golden light is undoubtedly an alpaca, which makes Qin Shi stunned, and the difference he imagined is huge. He thought that the name of the goddess of the beasts would be a real dragon and a phoenix. Level of the mysterious beast? Why, how could it be an alpaca?

"What alpaca?" The alpaca was white and Qin Shi glanced. The jade hand waved and changed back to the girl: "You are an alpaca! Your family is an alpaca!"

"Amount...!" Qin Shizhen grabbed his head: "Not an alpaca, then you are talking about what you are?"

"I?" The girl squatted, very sullen, and sighed with arrogance: "Well, since you sincerely asked, then I will tell you with great compassion, I am... maintaining the peace of the universe. , the universe is invincible? Pig? Pig? Island? The novel w.uu霹雳 is the most beautiful, the most beautiful and the most lovely... a cockroach!"


Qin Shi squinted: "How do I listen as if it is not as good as an alpaca?"

“What do you know?” The girl squatted high and walked around in the room: “I, I am not arguing with the worldly, to be a carefree little donkey, you see what the golden dragons and phoenixes are, although Jin Yu The table, but most of them are also ruined. The kind of simple and simple little donkey like me is your real choice. The final destination, you don't understand."

After all, she knocked Qin Shi a few times.

Qin Shi is full of black lines, let him receive a donkey to do the life of Warcraft, he is a hundred unwilling in his heart, he indulged for a moment, but he does not believe that this girl is really just a donkey, whispered to the demon : "Demon, you know, what is this beast?"

The demon thought for a while and shook his head: "I have been arranging this world for thousands of years, but I have never really seen such a beast on the gods list."

"You don't even know?" Qin Shi could not help but show his disappointment.

"Hey, hello! I said to you, what is your expression? What is it? Let you refine this girl, and you will be wronged by Warcraft. Are you not wanting your friends to live?" Fluttering Qin Shi with a threatening tone.

Qin Shi slammed his mouth. He really wanted to say that ah, this is more than a grievance. He has kept the young for many years, so he was forced to take it away. How could he not be wronged, but considering the safety of several people? His face was dark again.

"Is it necessary for me to surrender to the arrogance of this girl?"

"Little guy, in fact, refining this little girl as the life of Warcraft, it is not bad, although it is still not known about the origin of this little girl, but since ancient times, all the beasts who can create the space of the beast, all are nobles. Maybe we are blind, and then you can't guarantee that you will be able to find a more suitable one than her. The magician refines the life of Warcraft, although the order of the beast is very important, but the fusion is also the same. Indispensable, you must know that in history, there are quite a few magicians who share the same thoughts with you. The arrogant demon teacher always wants to refine the high-ranking beasts, but, not to mention, the human heart is not enough. Like, if you want to fill it up, how many people have the organic skills to find the beast that can satisfy their own desires, even if they really find it, can it be combined?

"In the long river of history, I don't know how many magicians, in the end, it is fallen on this refining and destroying the world of Warcraft. Once the fusion fails, it is absolutely fatal. The sea is shattered and the blood is dying. Now this little girl takes the initiative. It is proposed that you can refine and refine. This is the degree of integration that is beyond the reach of others. If you can achieve 100% integration, it will be even stronger than your refining and real dragon."

"The degree of integration between the host and the native Warcraft has always been the most concerned thing for the magician."

Wen Yan, Qin Shizhen began to look at this point, he also knows well, this is one of the reasons why he has not refining his life for many years, but he thinks that he wants to refine his head and do his own life, he will suffer.

He couldn't help but shook his head: "I knew it would be better to refine the millet."

At the beginning, Xiaomi Cai, who was also proposed to become his own Warcraft, only considered the freedom of Xiaomi Cai and the character of the little girl, and refused.

"Oh, then you have to bear the heart." The demon faint smile: "You think about it yourself. Anyway, I think that if you refine this little girl, it is also a good choice."

After hesitating for a long time, Qin Shi used the quirky gaze to scan the girl's eyes. She couldn't help but smile and shook her head: "It's enough to mock people."

“Ready to compromise?”

Qin Shi shrugged: "Otherwise, do I have any other choices now?"

"It seems that there is no more."

In the current situation, if Qin Shi wants to refuse, unless he gives up the life of the sword and others, but with the knowledge of the evil spirits on Qin Shi, it is very clear that Qin Shi will never do this.

"That won't be."

Qin Shi was forced to go to Liangshan, and looked at the girl with a sad face: "I can promise you, but I have a request, I have to see my brothers first."

Qin Shi is sure, the girl is beautiful and happy, "This is no problem."

After all, her jade hand waved, the air in the room faltered a few times, a broken space was torn open, and there were dozens of figures **** by the five flowers. Isn't that a few swords?

"Sword meaning!" Qin Shi fiercely screamed.

It is obvious that a few people in the sword can see Qin Shi, but their mouths are all sealed by the girl, and they struggled hard.

"Hey!!!" They whispered insanely and asked Qin Shi for help.

"Okay! See you and see, it's time for you to fulfill your promise!" The girl waved her sleeves again and the void disappeared.

Qin Shi took a deep breath and smiled bitterly: "It seems that if I don't promise you, are you really not ready to let go of these brothers?"

"Of course!" The girl did not shy away.

"That's the beginning." Qin Shi fell directly, he looked around in a circle, this gold house itself is an independent space, is suitable for his retreat and refine the life of Warcraft: "It's here."

"What is fine, I am in the Golden House, but there is a hundred times of the gathering of the spirits, refining here is very good for you!"

The girl was unhappy and stunned, and immediately she walked up to Qin Shi’s body, and then she untied her collar. In the face of Qin Shi, she would take off her clothes.

"Hey, what are you doing?"


"I know you have to take off your clothes, I want to ask you, what do you take off your clothes!" Qin Shi is full of black lines, this little girl is too casual, right?

The girl licked her innocent eyes: "Of course it is changed back to the original shape, I don't become the original shape, how do you refine me?"

"Amount...!" Qin Shi stunned, as if it was indeed like this, and was dumbly questioned by this little girl.

"Then you are carrying me."

"I have done it, don't see it here. Anyway, I will be yours sooner or later!" The girl was very sweet and sweet, and immediately she flashed golden light and turned into the alpaca again.

When I think of this alpaca in front of me, it will take a long time to become my own life-threate, and Qin Shi’s heart is full of bitterness.

"Okay, refining." The girl smiled and suddenly said: "Oh yes, I know what you are calling, why don't you ask me what?" Seeing that the tricks are going to be one. You are not curious about what I am calling?"

"Who wants to be one with you!" Qin Shi shook his head in desperation, but he did not seem to know what the girl called, and asked: "What is your name?"

"I? You guess!"

"I...!" Qin Shi blinked, and his heart slammed for a while, and he couldn’t help but scream: "I rely!"

He really wants to be mad by this hoe.

"Okay, don't tease you, my name is like a flower!"

"What is the flower?" Qin Shi blinked for a long time, and it was full of black lines... This is not as good as the name of responsibility. What kind of trouble do you want to make?

"Your name... is it too casual?"

"Is it free? I feel very good. You will call me a flower later, how beautiful the name is." If you are ashamed of flowers, you will smile with pride and you will take a few steps back. And Qin Shi half-meter position: "Okay, let's get started."

Qin Shi took a deep breath, and this is the end of the matter. It seems that the escape can't escape, and it makes a posture of dying, and bites his teeth: "Death is dead! Count me to plant!"

This is the fierce sacrifice of the handprint, Qin Shi is still very familiar with the refining of the life of Warcraft, although there has never been a personal operation, but in the past few years in the Fu Mo Tong Jian has done a lot of research.

Refining the life of Warcraft, and refining magic is similar, similar to the same work, but the refining magic, is the soul of the beast, and a spell connected, in order to achieve the power and charm of the life of Warcraft into one It is useful to use the magical character to play the role of the beast, and the refining of the life of Warcraft, but it is to take the sea as the foundation, the soul of the life of Warcraft is grafted into the sea of ​​knowledge.

In simple terms, in fact, the life of Warcraft, is the magician in the sea to raise a beast in their own knowledge, and the soul blends, so that they can achieve a combination of two ~ ~ both advance and retreat.

Therefore, Qin Shi started, first to create the enchantment of refining magic, because the flower is voluntarily become the soul of Qin Shi, so there will be no vicious beast struggle, and the enchantment of the situation, he also Did not deliberately create a six-legged sleepy array.

When the enchantment came out, a faint golden aperture was formed around the flowers. After the golden aperture was formed, Qin Shi quickly changed the fingerprints, and the aperture was slowly reduced, and a little bit of control would be controlled.

During this period, he went out of his mind and sacrificed his own soul as a medium to form a subtle connection with the golden aperture.

"The last step, condensate!"

When the soul is connected successfully, the Qin Shi black scorpion sinks slightly, and then the most crucial moment, as long as the soul of the flower is sent to his own knowledge of the sea, the initial refining of the life of Warcraft, even if it is completely completed.


Suddenly, however, Qin Shiren was tight. From the golden light, a very powerful force burst into the air. He was almost caught off guard and was shot by the golden light.

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