Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 3 Chapter 117: Dragonscale

"Qin Shi? Are you Qin Shi?"

Seeing Zijin Token, Yuan Bo was shocked.

Recently, the name of Qin Shi is surprisingly loud in the fire.

On the status, the whole sect is not an elder, no one can compare Qin Shi. After all, he has a disciple with a full contribution of 500,000. Even the original genius of the past is not far behind him. This is really unprecedented in the fire sect.

"Hey, Master Yuan Bo, are you going to let it go? Block me and Yin Mo’s sister to watch the sunset." With his people's way of treating his body, Qin Shi took advantage of Yuan Bo's time and worked hard. I smashed Yuan Bo and took Yin Mo through.

Hao Shuai and Xu Qiaoer are behind, and they keep up.

For Yuan Bo, a deceptive little person, Qin Shizhen is too lazy to take care of.

Looking at the back of the four people, Yuan Bo has a heavy face, and his eyes are fiercely glaring at Qin Shi. The fist screams: "Hey, a stupid boy who just started, is not a dog smash, complete. Is the death banned? Do you dare to grab Yin Mo and wait for the burning of the sky, that is, when you die without a whole body."

Of course, these words Qin Shi four people did not hear.

The four turned around and have entered the cabinet of the fire. Stepping into the cabinet, Qin Shizhen’s sleeves, looking at Yin Mo, still holding him, looked smirk: “Hey, I’m talking about the chest girl, when do you want to hold me? My appearance fee is very expensive. drop."

Was awakened, Yin Mo quickly shyly released his hand, touched Yin Hong climbed the neck, cold: "Hey, my sister is so beautiful, the beautiful woman is holding you this little three, that is the blessing of your previous practice, back Let's go to the home."

"Oh, you woman, the mouth is hard, this little is just to help you solve the trouble, you have no return, forget it, even say this less? Really do not know the return, grateful Dade." Qin Shi I licked my mouth and had some unpleasant complaints.

Yin Mo was teased by Qin Shi: "What do you mean, my sister should ask you to drink a meal?"

"That is for sure." Climbing up the track, Qin Shi received: "A meal can not, the lesser innocent body, how is it worth ten."

"Smelly shameless, you are doing a lot of things, and you are too embarrassed to say innocence with your sister? Not with you, my sister has something to do, first go." Yin Mozhen gave Qin Shi a big white eye, after The figure is dancing and moving, and the spirit is far away. Before leaving, "Don't forget to burn the sky, and lose the puppy."

"Hey, what about the wine?"

Qin Shiyi stunned, not shouting.

"Wait to win the sister and say, my sister will make a decision." Yu Yin retraced, Yin Mo disappeared completely.

"I am embarrassed, who is rare, you are flat-chested." Seeing the wine at the mouth, it was like flying in the wings. Qin Shi was indignant and squatting: "This girl is really too unskilled. Ben did not meet her, and she had never had a good thing since she met her."

All the way to complain, the three returned to the disciple room.

Lin Yu, Su Ming, Qin Yu, Zhou Qin, several people have already returned, they saw Qin Shi and Xu Qiaoer, one by one excitedly rushed out. Especially Zhou Qin and Xu Qiaoer, the two are like friends who haven't seen each other for a few years, and they kiss me and me.

Looking at the two people hugging and holding, Lin Yu pulled a face: "How good is it if I am smart?"

"Oh, don't make a fool here." Qin Shi got together, several brothers together, but also for a long time did not get together, so they decided to count on the handsome, together with the ancient city to find a restaurant, have a good pastime, Relax all the time.

Going to the ancient city, in the mountain forest, Qin Shi hooked on the shoulders of Lin Yu, and a smirk forced to ask: "I said Xiao Yuzi, talk to my buddy, this Mid-Autumn Festival is going back to Zhou Jia, and we are Miss Zhou Da. Between, did you get out of the sparks?"

"The fire doesn't know, but the flowers are quite a lot!"

Not waiting for Lin Yu to open, Su Ming was afraid of the words on the ground, and rushed to pick it up, and laughed: "Stone, you lick his neck."

"Bad boy, don't say it, then say that I have abolished you." Lin Yu looked embarrassed, trying to catch Su Ming.

Unexpectedly, Qin Shi’s eye was fast, and he grabbed Lin Yu with his backhand and opened the neck of Lin Yu. I saw that there were countless teeth printed on the neck of Linyu, like a little hamster. The feeling of cockroaches really looks like a blooming azalea.

"Haha, let's miss Miss Zhou, still hot and sharp." Looking at the one azalea, Qin Shi laughed out, and took a lot of charm to take a look at Lin Yu's shoulder, saying: "Xiao Yuzi, brother really. I should thank you for the world man."

"Thank me?"

Lin Yu kneels and blinks.

"Of course, you have received Zhou Qin, how many men in the world are protected from poison?"

After listening to the sound, Lin Yu returned to taste, a cold look, angered: "Stone!"

Qin Shi and Su Ming looked at each other and the two ran out of joy. Lin Yu was chasing after him. The three people seemed to return to their children when they laughed.

Of course, for this kind of behavior, Zhou Qin and Xu Qiaoer were sent to the three people with one big eye and shouted: "Three idiots!"

Qin Hao and Hao Shuai stood behind and shook their heads helplessly.

The relationship between the two and the Qin Shi trio is still somewhat isolated. In particular, Qin Lan, only to join this circle soon, many places can not be opened. Of course, there is Qin Shi, a thick-faced master like a city wall, who will drive two people in a moment.

Five people were on the way to the ancient city.

In the process of making trouble, Qin Shi suddenly relaxed a little, and together with the brothers, left the unpleasantness in the barren town, all behind.

Waiting until the ancient city, Qin Shi seven people went to the restaurant that met the drunken fairy. Just entered the restaurant, took the store owner to see Qin Shi, and immediately respected the flattery, the best wine in the restaurant to Qin Shi and others. For this, Qin Shi is also happy to accept, after all, his top grade Lingshi, can fully meet this table banquet.

In the process of drinking, Qin Shi simply told a few people about the next town, which concealed the five towns to attack the Qin family. After all, things have passed and he does not want his brothers to worry about him.

Once again, several people drank a lot, and they all let go of drinking. No one used the power to dispel the paralysis of alcohol. As a result, at night, several people were almost broken, even how to return to the fire. Can't remember.

This night, Qin Shi is really very happy.


The next day, early morning.

Qin Shi only felt a nausea in the abdominal cavity, and even got up and rolled out and rushed out of the room.

When he just rushed out of the room, he held an old tree in the yard. A vomiting stomach spit out, and gradually slowed down. He said, "Good guy, this wine can’t drink, it was drinking. It’s cool, and only then I know that I’m guilty.”

After a while complaining, Qin Shi was relieved.

After that, he was not idle, watching the secret of burning the sky in front of him, so he simply dealt with breakfast in the cafeteria and returned to the wing to prepare for retreat.

In a few days, Qin Shi spent all his time in cultivation. The spiritual power in a piece of Lingshi was taken by him, so that his spiritual power in the middle of the spiritual period was completely stabilized. He had reached a full state, but he could break through, but there was still a paragraph. distance.

This made him somewhat anxious: "Chu Yuanba is the peak of the spiritual world. If I don't use the Nether Sword now, Ken is not his opponent. Moreover, he has two more powerful bullies on it, and the ghost knows if there will be If you can't break through, you are not an opponent at all."

Realizing this, I think of a few people in Linyu.

Qin Shi will not doubt that if there is a conflict between the three bullies of Yun Dingzong in the secret of burning the sky, Lin Yu will definitely do his best for him. The strongest of these groups is Lin Yu. . They are far from the opponents of Chu Yuanba and others.

A defeat can mean death.

This is not what Qin Shi wants to see.

"Hey, this is the peak of the seal, and the pressure is not that big." With a sigh of relief, Qin Shi took a deep breath and swayed in the space ring, and took out a bottle of bright red blood. This blood is the first time before returning to the waste town, drunken sent his red blood dragon dragon blood.

Looking at the blood bottle, Qin Shi hesitated, thinking: "It seems that it is difficult to break through in the attack, only from the defense. The blood of this red blood dragon should be able to rise on the star layer."

If you do it, Qin Shi will swallow the blood of the red blood dragon.

The blood enters the lower abdomen, it is like an agile snake, and the body of the blood flows through the spirit of Qin Shi. At this time, the blood of the whole body suddenly violently appeared, as if it were a threatened hedgehog, while the spiking of the whole body resisted the invasion of blood.

"Oh! So terrible spiritual power."

I never thought that the blood and blood of the red blood dragon is so thick that it is far from being able to resist the blood of Qin Shi. I saw the blood of red blood dragons absorb the spiritual power in the blood and form visible impurities in the blood. The mixed spirits in these magazines exude a faint red light and fainted a little bit.

"Stone, run martial arts!"

When the halo is scattered, the book is in the jade.

Qin Shi did not dare to neglect, and rushed to run the first layer of the star-studded body: the skin. The martial arts operation, a little bit of stimulating the body's blood, in a blink of an eye, Qin Shi's skin condensed a piece of blood-colored snakes, snakes on the scent of light spots.

When the martial arts is running, the blood circulation is accelerated, and the blood is stimulated by the spiritual power. It begins to gradually become violent, and the blood instantly boils. It is like a river that has been dry for a long time. Suddenly, it is bathed in a shower of rain, and a burst of madness .

"Stone, condensate!"

The blood beats and the seven days pass.

Seeing the time is ripe, the jade in the book shouts.

Through seven days and seven nights of refining and chemicalization Qin Shi at this time the whole body is bright red, it is like a blood man. He got the tips of the jade in the book, and quickly put his hands on his chest. The spiritual power was instantly poured into the atrium, and the blood blasted openly. It blended with Qin Shi’s blood and body and mind like a fascinating combination of water and milk.


The rapid breathing became smooth and the chest was regularly undulating.

Qin Shi suddenly blinked, only to see the blood traces of his whole body with snake rind falling off, but the snake lining did not reveal his original skin, but it was a tougher dragon scale.

The scales are red and indestructible.

"This star-studded tyrant is really powerful. Now I have this red-blooded dragon armor. Even if it is Chu Yuanba, I don't want to hurt me easily." Scales, satisfied laughter.

In the book, Jade nodded and said: "The star 陨 陨 决 决 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , The battle body is considered to be a great place."

At the corner of the mouth, Qin Shi nodded.

He knows that the jade in the book is correct. If you can find the essence of ancient dragons, I am afraid that with his current strength, even if he fights against the broken spirit, he can retreat.

Of course, for the time being, it is not the time to consider the essence of the dragon. The most important thing now is the current mystery of burning the sky. In the past seven days, tomorrow is the time when the secret of the burning of heaven will begin.

When I think of facing Chu Yuanba, Qin Shi suddenly can't wait: "Oh, Yun Dingzong, it is time to count the general ledger with you."

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