Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1166: 7 color killing

Early in the morning, Jianzong was still in peace, and Jianyi led his disciples and Qin Shi to leave the giant tower. The giant tower itself was built in the back of Jianzong, which is very close to the land of the seal.

Leaving the giant tower and climbing three natural dangers in a row, the sword was slowly stopped, and in front of him, it was a sea of ​​greenery that was fascinated by the eyes. In the green sea, the flowers and grass linger, the ancient woods gather, the light is At a height of 100 meters, it is difficult for three people to embrace the thick and towering old trees. When Qin Shi looks at it, he says that there are hundreds of them.

These ancient trees, any one, are witnesses the evolution of the long river of history. They are extremely rare species. In addition, they are afflicted with the aura of Jianzong all the year round. Although it is not a treasure of heaven and earth, it is not weaker than those of the immortal medicine. It is.

"Qin brother, this pig - pig island - novel.. inside." Jianyi reached out to the green sea.

Qin Shi nodded, this green sea is indeed extraordinary, the most important thing is its location, is surrounded by mountains, he can vaguely feel that there is a strong enchantment among the four peaks.

"At the same time, with four peaks as the eye, to create a top secret, it is a really spectacular array."

"Well, the array of the land of this seal is a constant blessing of the elders of my swords. It can even be comparable to the patriarchal sect of my ancestor. If there is no privilege of the lord, it is difficult to be a powerful man. Break in." Sword proudly smiled.

Qin Shi has no doubt about this. He believes that under the influence of the jade in the book these years, he has mastered the enchantment method. However, if he is allowed to break through this battle, he has no grasp. .

This method is already a natural danger.

"Qin brother, let's go in, I will follow me in a moment, I will lead you in front of you." Waiting for Qin Shi to take care of a circle, the sword is a coincidence.

"Yeah!" Qin Shi smashed his palm, and he was too eager to wait.

"Everything is tight. If it falls, it will be attacked by the enchantment method. I will not be responsible for anything. When I don't blame, I don't say the ugly words in front." Sword intended to scream at the disciples behind him. It can be seen that his face is very calm.

The group of disciples are also very careful, one after the other, closely following the sword, for fear of being pulled away.

Qin Shi was caught in the middle, and I still want to argue with others. This feeling of being protected is very weird, but the sword is very firm about this matter. No matter what Qin Shi said, the sword is not willing to change the place. .

He didn't want Qin Shi to make any mistakes. Otherwise, the lord blamed him for not being able to bear it. It was not only a sword, but the rest of the disciples also agreed. In the end, Qin Shi would have to compromise.

Until the Green Sea, the sword intended to take out a treasure from the arms, this treasure is very embarrassing, engraved with a sharp sword.

He hung the treasure on his chest, and he took a deep breath and entered the green sea. The Baozhu just touched the border of the green sea and suddenly raised an aperture to hold everyone in it.

"Don't leave this aperture."

The sword was stunned again, and it was slowly moving forward.

Entering the Green Sea, there is a land of incomprehensible and incomprehensible. In this area, only the aperture is clearly visible, and it is difficult to see even 50 meters in front.

At this time, Jianyi took out a tortuous map and followed the drawing on the drawing to lead the team step by step. So he spared the enthusiasm of about half a column and changed from a chaotic land to a colorful land.

Entering the colorful land, the repression of Qin Shi’s heart faded a bit, but immediately, slightly frowning, he found that the Jianzong disciple beside him suddenly became nervous, as if he would lose his life at any time.

"What's wrong?"

"Stone, you don't know. The enchantment of this seal is divided into three layers. The first layer is the foggy array, the second layer is the colorful smashing array, and the third layer is the poor road. This three-layer array, The first layer is the best, even if there is any mistake, the most is the lost direction, and then go back to the exit around the road, and the third road of the road is a road to a road, once you turn back, will Forever lost."

"However, the real most horrible thing is the second method of the central government. This is the real difficulty. This second method, once there is a mistake, will be affected by the seven attributes of the heavens and the earth. The joint killing, even if you have the skills of the big, it is impossible to compete against the seven attributes at the same time. Before we hunt for the beasts, the first time I entered this method, one of the disciples accidentally touched. This colorful killing agency, you don't know, on the spot, he is by my side, I looked at him with my own eyes, the whole body up and down, my eyes were blown by light, the five internal organs were swallowed by the darkness, my heart burned, Dantian was flooded, my palm was poisoned. The vine entangled and broke, the foot was rotted by the swamp, and a golden blade was covered by his celestial spirit, and he was penetrated by righteousness."

"Is there such a thing?" Qin Shi was shocked.

"Of course it is true, so we are now afraid of this colorful killing, and therefore we have only had such a big opinion on you."

Qin Shi’s heart is stunned. He didn’t think about it. Sword and others waited for him to hunt and kill the beast. He even had a life, and he couldn’t help but raise a few points in his heart.

"However, you don't have to blame yourself. We all started to misunderstand you. Now we all understand that you are not the kind of sly person. Let us be careful, it will be fine."

"Well, don't worry, no one will lose your life." Qin Shi patted his chest to guarantee.


Suddenly, a scream rang from the rear, and the disciples slammed back to the first place. Qin Shi’s movements were the fastest, and his black scorpion sank.

I saw that on the last side, a disciple's foot was entwined by a rattan. The cane was as full of magic, and suddenly he pulled him out of the aperture of the pearl.

When the disciple fell into the colorful void, his look was distorted, and the fear came from the bottom of his heart.

"Save me, save me!"

He was crazy, and the disciples in the aperture were panicked.

Swords and eyes are cold: "Damn! Don't move!"

Jianyi tried to appease his disciples and rushed to the last few steps. He tried to use his own movement to drive the aperture, which could cover the disciples. However, those canes seemed to know the intention of the sword, and did not give the sword any chance. The sword moved forward, and the rattan strip pulled the disciple down two steps away.

The disciple was in full view, and the whole body had been infested with the power of seven attributes, and his body began to become numb.

"Destroy! Destroy! This is really ruined!"

"I want to save him!" The disciple next to Qin Shi, who happened to be a good brother who was taken out of the aura of his aura, his eyes turned red in an instant, violently leaning forward, and wanted to rush out of the aperture.

Sword reached out and grabbed his collar: "Give me a stop, are you crazy?"

"What should I do? Is it necessary to watch him die? Impossible, he is my brother! I am going to save him, let me go!" The disciple was almost roaring.

"You can't save him!" Sword is very helpless, Shen Sheng.

The disciple was so calm that he calmed down and squinted that his eyes were red. It was a kind of inhumane misery to see his brother being killed.

call out!

Suddenly, however, a ghostly figure rushed through the crowd, and when he passed by the disciples, he paused a little, and Qin Shi gently patted him on the shoulder.

The disciple turned back with a red eye. When he saw Qin Shi, he gave a slight glimpse. Qin Shi smiled lightly: "Don't be impulsive, I said, no one will lose his life."

"Well?" The disciple stunned the gods and began to understand the meaning of Qin Shi.

The sword is meant to be extremely responsive. He suddenly realized what Qin Shi would do: "Stone, don't be stupid, no one can stand up to this colorful killing, even if it's a big power, you can't go wrong. You are different from him!"

Qin Shi shook his head: "What's the same? I can't go wrong, can he do it? Everyone is a human being, and all of them have friends and relatives."

"No! I don't allow it!" Sword intends to catch Qin Shi quickly.

However, he is too naive, how can he compare with the speed of Qin Shi with his cultivation? His palm just had to grab the black robe, and the black robe suddenly disappeared. He just turned back to the head, and Qin Shi was already outside the aperture.

His heart sank suddenly: "Damn, this is a big trouble!"

The rest of the disciples are also dumbfounded. Even the disciples who want to save people are no longer making noises. No one has expected them. Qin Shi will personally commit crimes and rush out of the aperture to save people.

In their eyes, people like Qin Shi are tall and high. They used to be uninhabited. How could they risk their lives for others?

"What should I do now? If Qin Shi is in trouble, all of us present at I am afraid I can't escape the punishment of the sovereign."

"There is no way, I can only listen to the fate of the sky. This colorful killing is not something that I can crack." Swordsman’s head shook his head: "We all misread him."

At this moment, the heartbeat of Jianyi and others has completely changed with the actions of Qin Shi.

Qin Shi jumped out of the aperture, and his surroundings were entwined by the colorful brilliance. Seven different attributes were gathered together. This situation is absolutely impossible between the heavens and the earth. The sword is said to be good. The world is powerful, he can block a property, and he can never block seven.


With a fierce drink, Qin Shi tried to break the entanglement of these attributes and quickly wrap around the disciple. At this time, the disciple has been destroyed by seven attributes, and when he saw Qin Shi, like It is the last life-saving straw: "Qin, Qin Shi, save me, beg you, save me! I still don't want to die!"

"Persevere, we will not die!" Qin Shi’s palms slammed hard and grabbed the disciple’s shoulder. Immediately, he sacrificed the power of the whole body, at the expense of burning his own spiritual power, and the colorfulness of the disciple’s surroundings. Light, shattered.

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