Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1157: inform you

"The first group of the 12th head of the outer group? Is there a boundary strength?"

The demon nodded: "Well, the boundary is, after all, a watershed for cultivation. The whole group is a foreigner. It is only his name. If I remember correctly, it should be a guy named Caesar."


Qin Shi pours the air in the mouth, which is what he never thought of, and it has made his heart not come heavy. He thought that the group outside the group, with hundreds of domains, is already against the sky, I did not expect In this group, there is still a boundary exists?

"Isn't that the whole group of 溟 group, all of them are the boundary strength? This group within the group, there is * pig * pig * island * small * said ww.huzu how terrible?"

The boundary, that is, looking at the human world, the most peak of the entire eight domains, so far only eight people, is the current domain leader of the eight domains, and the group, but has the entire inner group of the world's power?

The 溟 group, really too strong, for a time to make his chest, as if pressed by the boulder.

"Three thousand years ago, after all, it was the world of our Mozu, and the scorpion group is the power of the old dog to control the sky. It has tens of thousands of years of history. It is not unexpected that there are these strengths. However, you don't have to worry about it. Before the sun has not completed the resurrection plan, the group of guys in the inner group will not easily show up, you still have a lot of room for improvement."

The demon saw what Qin Shi thought and comforted.

With a long sigh, Qin Shi also understands that the demon has said that human beings have only begun to rise in the past 30,000 years. It is hard to come to have today's achievements. What about the situation? Although now, that is the height he looks up to, he believes that one day, he will be full of sight, even overlooking, just like the original heaven, the sky, the realm, the realm that once was high, now Isn't he all defensive?

He believes that as long as you don't give up, there is always this belief, it is enough!

"Come on slowly!" He sighed, but the black scorpion flashed through the cold: "At least in the past two years, first find the head of these twelve devils!"

"Oh, little guy, is it good to fight, look at your appearance, it seems that the relationship between hunting and the group has changed."

"No way, I want to live." Qin Shi booth opened his hand and smiled, and finally stopped staying, the Yuanshen returned to the sea of ​​knowledge, the black scorpion slowly opened.

Just opened, the one that caught his eye was a white spring. Immediately, his face was red, and I saw that Zi Lingsha was still the intoxicating look of the little bird. !

"Oh...!" He couldn't help, he whimpered and spit, his eyes subconsciously aiming at the two winding peaks in front of Zi Lingsha's chest: "It's a stunner."

At this time, Zi Lingsha also regained her mind. She immediately noticed the burning gaze of Qin Shi. Immediately, the jade face shy, and her eyebrows glared at Qin Shi. She quickly blocked the two rabbits with her hands and said: "I said you. This person, is it enough?"

"Not enough!" Qin Shi subconsciously blurted out, only to realize that he said the wrong words, Zi Lingsha's face was gloomy, and he quickly flicked back a few steps. This turned his head: "I'm sorry, sorry!"

"Zhuo!" Zi Lingsha was laughed by Qin Shiqi. The jade hand waved and took out the purple long skirt from the space ring. After dressing neatly, he smiled and said: "You don't care, I don't care, you said your little wife." Not far away, what would she think if she saw this scene?"

Qin Shi’s fierce glimpse, this is amazed, Qi Xuexin is still nearby, and asked: “Right, what about them?”

"It should be on that side." Zi Ling Sa Yu's hand pointed, and immediately said: "Let's go out, this spring can no longer be cultivated."

Qin Shi swept the spring water next to her eyes. At this time, the spring water was already infested with hundreds of kinds of poisonous poisons. From time to time, it also appeared sticky foam, which was very toxic.

Although, with his current cultivation, these poisonous gases are not a big problem for him, but staying here for a long time is not good for him. For this reason, he and Zi Lingsha’s foot step, from this spring to the peripheral waterfall. Out.

Leaving the spring eye, a cool air rushed over, so that he could not help but greedy and sucked a few: "I have to say, it is still clean air."

However, he heard the words next to him, but Ziling Lingmei was slightly flashing over the twilight.

Of course, Qin Shi did not notice this. When he landed on the cliff above the waterfall, the first thing that caught his eye was the woman with blue hair and long waist. The woman’s face was clean, soft and special. It is equipped with the rolling waves, the dust is brilliant, and the world is independent.

Qin Shi thought, this kind of beauty should only be in the sky. It is rare to hear a few things in the mortal world. It can make him meet once, and there is no regret in this life.

What impressed him the most was that he was able to feel the cold current overflowing from the snowy heart when he was away from the distance of the kilometer. The cold current wrapped the waterfall layer, and there were forty-nine layers, so huge. The enchantment, its consumption of light is to think about it, it is horrible.

And this is the case, in order to give Qin Shi a stipulation, it is still a retreat.

"Snow heart...!" Qin Shi gently snorted.

Turning back, I heard the familiar voice, and Xue Xuexin couldn’t help but tremble. When she saw Qin Shi’s face, the jade eyes were filled with tears.


She hurriedly greeted, and slammed into Qin Shi's arms. The hanging heart was finally put down. Looking at the appearance of the two people's love, Zi Lingsha was very interested in taking a step back, and the three men did not bother.

In front of Qin Shi, the snow heart is no longer a little cold and cold, but like the Iraqi bird, gently said: "I, I really thought, I will never see you again. ”

"Stupid girl, I am not good." Qin Shi gently smiled, ten fingers gently through the blue hair.

"Are you okay?" Xue Xuexin still did not feel relieved and asked about Qin Shi, and asked.

"Well, thanks to Lingsha this time, she helped me to suppress the magic night Roland. If this is not the case, this ghost thing is really difficult to deal with." Qin Shi smiled.

Wen Yan, Qi Xuexin's attitude towards Zi Lingsha eased a lot. This looked at Qin Shi and couldn't help but feel a bit gratified. These two women didn't know what was going on. They were always needle-pointed.

"How long can this suppression be suppressed?" The woman was thoughtful, and Xue Xue immediately grasped the key and asked.

Qin Shi couldn't help but smile, and Xue Xuexin never turned around, and everything was sharp.

"Two years, within two years, the toxins in his body will not break out." Zi Lingsha hesitated for a while, the first to answer.

"Two years?" 沁雪心黛眉蹙, this time seems to be quite long, but for the cultivation, but it is just a matter of bombing the command, it is likely that a retreat, it will be spent, this is not her thought The result to be seen: "After two years? Can you continue to seal?"

"This...!" Zi Lingsha suddenly choked, I do not know how to respond to the rushing Qin Shiwang.

Qin Shi also said that he was helpless. He said: "Let's be honest."

Zi Lingsha is only a dagger: "No, if you want him to be safe after two years, unless... unless you can find the devil."

"The boundary is fierce?"

The snow is so cold that she is more aware than many people. This is a difficult matter.

The cold and beautiful eyes have already fallen on Zi Lingsha. This look has to be grinded out. Qin Shi is not good at the side. This is why he squeezes into the center of the two people and says: "Okay, thank you. The thing is, I am not without any problems now. The most important thing now is how to find the evil spirits in the realm."

It’s a matter of Qin Shi’s safety, and Xue Xue’s heart is anger, but I still don’t forget to look at Zi Lingsha. “I will help you find a solution. The information of Qing Xuezong is very wide. When I return to the sect. The door will help you check it out."

"This is because of my poison alliance. After all, I will do my best to help you. Look at it now. I seem to be redundant here. Then I will go back first. When I have news, I will send someone to you immediately." Zi Lingsha shook her head helplessly, and immediately did not say much, turned and left alone, the back, looks, very lonely.

When Zi Lingsha was not far away, Qin Shi took the hand of the snow heart: "She has helped me a lot, you don't want to be embarrassed about her, don't go to the trouble of the drug alliance, at the time Chi Yan, and the mall, if not her, I am afraid I have no life now."

However, Wen Yan’s beauty is inexplicable. Qin Shi’s heart can’t help but pick up and worry: “What happened to you? Did I say something wrong?”

He really cares about her too much.

沁 Snow heart gently shook his head, whispered: "No, I just hate myself... When you need help the most, the person around you is not me."

Qin Shi stunned, this is a faint smile, scratching the nose of the snow heart with his hand, said: "Stupid girl, thinking about it, I want to protect you, right, wait for me, I have something to do Said to her."

After the words wait until the snow heart responds, Qin Shi just jumped up and caught up with the figure of Zi Lingsha, said: "Lingsha, wait a minute."

"Well? What happened?" Zi Lingsha curiously returned to the first.

Qin Shi was silent for a while and suddenly said: "This time, last time, thank you."

Zi Lingsha glimpsed, immediately understood Qin Shi’s words, and glanced at Qin Shibai, saying: “You have to say thank you to me, then you don’t have to, I will save you, there are reasons. You know."

"You can rest assured that the snow cuckoo, I will help you get it from the chaos as soon as possible." Qin Shi patted his chest and promised: "In addition, there is one thing, I want to ask you."

"Seeking me? What?" Purple Lingsha was slightly surprised.

"Help me to keep an eye on that guy who used poison to me. I suspect that he has a close relationship with one of my enemies." Qin Shihei smashed through the road.

Zi Lingsha glimpsed a little, and immediately said: "Is it a group? You can rest assured that this is not necessary for you to say, I will do it naturally. I will send someone to inform you of the news."

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