Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1145: 6000000

"Snow heart...!"

Every time, when I saw the familiar shadow, Qin Shi’s palms would be involuntarily tightened.

Perceived the vision of Qin Shi, Xu Qingfeng looked at the snow heart, immediately, was shocked by the fascinating country, whispered: "That is the woman that the stone brother is looking for?"

"Hey, how? Can you stop to envy?" Xu Qing, Xu Yue, sighed and smiled: "Be content, you only see one, even if you add the mad woman of the refining domain, it is only two. I have seen all the women around him. Really, I don’t know, I’m scared. The three women, any one, are dead fish and geese. I don’t know what this kid is. ""

Yu Yue followed and nodded: "And, don't underestimate this woman, she is the most outstanding disciple among the eight domains, the icy ice girl of Qing Xuezong."

"She is the icy ice girl of Qing Xuezong?"

Xu Qingfeng Zhang’s mouth, the name of the icy ice girl is in the eight domains, but there is no one who knows no one.

Haoyue shrugged and took a picture of Qin Shi: "Oh, I missed it for so long. Before I was in Jianzong, I was looking forward to this moment every day. Now I have finally seen it. Go ahead?"

It is said that Qin Shi’s black scorpion is mild, and it’s been a long thought. However, he suddenly shook his head and immediately reached out to the three men. He said: “Take the 30 million that you won before. God domain points are used by me, can you?"

"Well? What do you want to do with so many points?"

The three men were slightly surprised. However, the three did not hesitate. Although the 30 million points were huge, the three were clear. Without Qin Shi, they could not even get three thousand. Since Qin Shi asked for it, they naturally It will not be vague.

The three men reached out at the same time, took off the waist card, 30 million points, flashed on the waist of the three people, immediately turned into three silver stars, falling into the hands of Qin Shi.

Before listening to the three people, Qin Shi still had some unbelief. Now, looking at the number of points on the waist card, he couldn’t help but scream. At this time, his points are already breaking 40 million. A kind of horrible number, afraid of looking at the domain of the gods, may not have a second person.

"It’s terrible." He smiled bitterly and said to the three people: "Thank you, I owe you, if I can survive this disaster, I will give you back twice."

"Get out of the way, less here to be polite with us. When you bought us for us, we didn't think about returning you."

"Yes, in addition, less here to say that sullen words, your kid is not always self-proclaimed hard, this thing, can't beat you, Zi Lingsha that stinky mother is not saying, she will come up with a solution, Believe her." Haoyue anxiously licked Qin Shi.

Hearing the words of the three people, Qin Shi couldn’t help but have a warmth. Immediately, he had no nonsense. He just nodded to the three people. After that, Yu Guangyu went to the vast auction site.

At this point, the auction has already been opened, and one after the other, the auction items have fallen into the family. I have to say that in this Divine auction, any auction item is a treasure that has no price and no price. .

Xianpin Lingcao, the creation of martial arts, the best spirits, everything.

These are the treasures of the world that have made countless great powers ruin the blood, but here it is very common.

In this auction, he also saw a lot of familiar faces. Many of the characters in the Divine Land Festival have face-faced characters, almost all of them appear in this sacred auction house: the end of the night, the blazing field Xiao Yan.

And the forbidden domain dragon group, the wilderness Kong Xianhui, even the windy domain that is obsessed with the little girl: Ye Fengqi also appeared here.

Even Qing Xuezong, the hero who is a bold and strong man, is also the pursuer of Xue Xin: Bai Junlong, too, he and many other Qing Xuezong disciples will protect the snow in the center.

Of course, in nature, the disgusting guy is also indispensable: the blame.

Qin Shi will be in the eyes of the audience. He is not in a hurry to get close to the snow heart, but always leans on the wall on the terrace, embracing his arms and waiting silently.

This makes the three months of the month are puzzled, but Qin Shi did not explain, he is always looking to the snow heart, the snow hand jade hand grips the waist card.

"Three hundred and six hundred thousand third time! Drop hammer!"

Hey! An exciting hammer sounded, and now, a superb shotgun, with a score of 3.6 million points, was hammered and hammered, which caused a lot of embarrassment in the audience.

After this gunshot, Qi Xuexin suddenly rose up the chest, and a few condensates were flashed in the beauty.

"Next, what I am prepared for is a treasure that has been lost for many years on the mainland. She came from a family that was once passed down on the mainland. It is a pendant made by the deep sea Xuan Bing."

"This pendant, named: cold quiet month, starting price, 300,000 points, each time to increase 100,000 points, now start shooting!"

On the terrace, the beautiful auctioneer boasted, and soon the atmosphere of the audience was pushed to the top. Then, with a wave of her hand, a blue pendant appeared in her hand. The pendant was made up of a Slim silver ice is mentioned, but it is very cold, but it is very soft and wanders in the breeze, giving people a strange beauty.

Under the silver ice necklace, it is a half-moon-shaped blue crystal. From the crystal, far away from the kilometer, Qin Shi can feel the cold of the north, so that he can not help but frown. .

Qin Shi’s secret dark passage: “It’s no wonder that the snow heart will be shaken for it, so it’s rich in ice.”

After the auction was launched, the audience suddenly burst into shock.

"Three hundred thousand!"


"Six hundred thousand!"

"Eight hundred thousand!"

"one million!"

Such a treasure, the million has almost become a threshold, the effort in the blink of an eye has soared rapidly, until after reaching a million, only some of the disciples with insufficient financial resources are turned away.

Of course, the audience also knows that after a million is the real kill.


Suddenly, a light drink, the auction price was once again pulled into the peak.

The entire Shendi auction house, all boiled up, many disciples looked up in the direction of the sound, Qin Shi is also, the weak and cold voice, how familiar he is? Snowy heart, shot.

"That is, the icy ice girl of Qing Xuezong?"

When Xue Xuexin just opened her mouth, she was immediately recognized by the people present. Her name was so loud in the eight domains that some of the disciples who were still eager to move were suddenly retired.

"This cold and quiet month is indeed a good baby. If it is used properly, it is this cold current, and even the domain must be taboo."

"Well, though, if you have offended the icy ice girl, I am afraid that some of them will not be worth the loss... The woman’s coldness is not weaker than this cold moon."

"Forget it, let's not find trouble for ourselves." The leaders of all major domains are shy of shaking their heads and immediately put down the number plate in their hands.

Hey! Hey!

However, just after two hammers fell.

"One hundred and eighty thousand!" Suddenly, a young man stood up. He was wearing a robes in the wind, and his mouth was always smirking.

"That is, the wind domain Kong Mu?"

"Confucius? Kong Yan's younger brother?" Haoyue is also a glimpse.

Wen Yan, Qin Shi was slightly surprised. At the beginning, Kong’s repair was seen by him. He did not expect that he still had a younger brother in the wind, and he could feel it. This Kong Mu auction was extremely targeted. The gaze of the eyes, always with the meaning of ridicule.

"Two million!" However, in the sound of the audience, Qi Xuexin was always indifferent, she gently lifted the number plate and read.

"2.3 million!"

There are not many more in Confucius, and each time they have 300,000 points more than the snow heart, which makes the audience feel the atmosphere suppressed.

Soon, the value of this cold and secluded moon has soared to five million. The things that could have been won in the first million can be pulled down by such high prices, which makes the snow heart stunned and chilled. The meaning of the rushing Kong Kong looked forward.

"The icy ice girl is angry!"

All the disciples of the eight domains were clearly feeling the coldness of the snow heart, and they could not help but shudder.

Beside Kong Mu, a disciple of the same wind domain deliberately lowered his voice: "Mu Big Brother, we don't have to offend this icy ice girl for this cold moon?"

"You know what!" Kong Mubai took a look at the disciple, but also some helplessness: "The domain master has orders to close her possible suppression, not only her, but now, there are Shura saints in the blazing domain, and there are Luo in the chaos. Yi, purgatory has thousands of mountains and secluded women, Jianzong has Qin Shi, the forbidden domain has a dragon group, even the wasteland, there are also Kong Xianhui, and the weapon is sitting in the town."

"However, in this way, my domain is very passive. Confucius’s sacrifice in the sacrifice of the gods itself has caused great damage to my winds. Therefore, we must suppress them as much as possible. Otherwise, I am in the wind. It is likely to withdraw from the stage of history."

"It turned out to be like this?" The disciple was shocked. It seems that their winds are indeed weaker than the rest of the seven domains.

After five million, Yu Xuexin regained her gaze, but when she once again wanted to start slowly, Bai Junlong, who was next to her, frowned slightly and said: "Snow heart, this price has exceeded our budget too much. I can't continue to bid with him."

"My business, don't worry."

Yan Xuexin glanced immediately broke free from the hands of Bai Junlong, however, suddenly, a big hand, holding her jade hand, the blame is by her side, cold: " Snow heart, you don't overdo it, five million points, this is already very large, have you forgotten this oracle's summary of the lord's account? This matter is important, not to be slow!"

"I...!" Yan Xuexin's apricot eyes sank slightly, but hesitated again and again, her jade hand was never lifted again.

This scene also made Kong Mu slightly relieved, and telling the truth to offend this cold and secluded woman really made him feel supreme.

Hey! Hey! Two consecutive sounds of hammer, watching this cold and secluded moon will be filled by Kong Mu, the audience is holding their breath.

In the beauty of Xue Xuexin, it was also the color of sorrow. However, suddenly, a big hand stopped her shoulder from the back. She was subconsciously vigilant, but when she felt the temperature of the palm, she was tender. A trembling, no longer able to resist, a look of obsession, turned back.

Qin Shi smirked at her with a smile: "This thing, do you like it?"

Immediately, he did not wait for the echo of the snow heart, holding the waist in his hand above the head: "Six million!"

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