Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1142: Snow hair

"Poly League leader?"

Qin Shi heard a glimpse of the first thing, and followed him around, suddenly causing a huge commotion, which made him can not help but frown.

"The poison ally leader? Is that woman?"

"That woman? Who is that woman? Is this poison league leader very powerful?"

"You don't even know this? Then I ask you, do you know the Tianshan singer?"

"Tianshan secluded girl? The first person in the refining field?"

&n* pig * pig * island * small * said ww.huzu; "Yes, in fact, she is the poison ally."

"What?" In the crowd of onlookers, the continually rushing, the day of the mountain secluded four words, suddenly caused a lot of panic.

The celestial woman in the Tianshan Mountains, among the eight domains, no one knows no one, but what really makes her famous in the world is not her cultivation, but the horrible poison.

"If the Tianshan singer arrives, will this kid still have a chance of winning?"

"How is it possible, Tianshan secluded girl, that is among the eight domains, can be ranked in the top ten existence, we must know that the sacrifice of the gods, she also achieved a good ranking."

"This kid is in trouble this time!"

The fears that Fu Jun and the people of the Union have exposed in an instant are unprecedented.

Between the Tianshan sorcerer and the drug squad, it is not at all a grade.

Fu Jun’s clenched fists were inextricably weak. First, Qin Shi just explained that he should not intervene. Second, the fog alliance and the drug alliance are very different.

One is the fragrant scent of the refining domain, while the other is in the chaotic domain, hitting the wall and living.

However, Wen Yan, Qin Shiyi, and the eccentric acquaintance of Haoyue.

"It turned out to be her?" Haoyue laughed out, and the original anger in his heart was also exhausted. Chong Qin Shidao: "So, let's wait?"

Qin Shi nodded. When the youth of the drug gang had just opened, he was too lazy to argue with such a person. He was ready to get up and leave. Although he is poisonous now, he is still a sure-seeing disciple. However, I did not expect the owner of this drug alliance to be Zi Lingsha? The woman who had a lot of relationships with him made him more interested in stopping.

"Then wait a minute."

The last time, in the sacrifice of the gods, when the two were separated, Zi Lingsha was in trouble because of him, so Qin Shi always worried about it, even though he saw the name of Zi Lingsha on the list of the gods, let him I know that Zi Lingsha is not in danger of life, but I can see it here, and I will confirm it with my own eyes.

Moreover, he and Zi Lingsha are always full of subtle relationships, perhaps because of the original sentence, or perhaps because of the promise he owes, or perhaps because of Zi Lingsha, Save him in the crisis.

He still remembers that when Zi Lingsha was for him, he did not hesitate to use the power of one person to be an enemy in the mall and the entire Korean family.

Seeing the appearance of Qin Shi, the disciples were stunned and horrified.

"He, what did he just say? Then wait! He, is he crazy?"

"Insane! It's absolutely crazy! This poison ally will soon be coming. He doesn't want to escape now. Is he really willing to wait for her here?"

"Oh, I really don't know how high the earth is. I want to see if our co-owners are coming. You can still turn up the wind and waves." The young man began to worry about Qin Shi forcibly breaking through, but see Qin Shi taking the initiative to stop, suddenly showing a sneer .

However, Haoyue heard the arguments, but he couldn't help but laugh out loud. Maybe others don't know, but he clearly knows the relationship between Qin Shi and Zi Lingsha.

"Hey, do you still have a mood to laugh? That woman is not simple." Yu Yue did not know the relationship between Qin Shi and Zi Lingsha, and he also heard the rumors of Zi Lingsha, the woman who used the poison to the extreme, but I am so irritated, and I am anxiously squinting at the side.

He shrugged his shoulders and smiled awkwardly: "Worry, don't worry."

"Well? What do you mean?"

"Hey, you will wait for a while, there will be a good show to be staged!" Haoyue deliberately sold a Guanzi, which made Yu Yue and Xu Qingfeng next to each other stunned, looking at each other, helpless Waiting, but never relaxed.

"The lord is coming!"

Suddenly, I don’t know who it was, shouting in amazement, and suddenly the audience fell into the breath.

Nearly a thousand disciples looked up at the same time, only to see, in the sky, a beautiful shadow, stepping on the edge of the light, from the horizon.

From the far side, Qin Shi saw the shadow, and his eyes were also exposed to a touch of gentleness. However, the gentleness, but he could not help but frown, Zi Lingsha is still so free and easy, a purple long skirt, dancing, independence .

However, after the purple, a touch of stunning white is such a dazzling, purple Lingsha's three thousand hair, this time turned into a white, short half a month, she obviously smashed a lot.

In an instant, Qin Shi clenched his fists, and in the white snow, he could feel the overdraft of spiritual power. He knew that it was the last time he was caused in the mausoleum of the sacrifice of the gods, which made his heart more embarrassing. Rich.

"Allies!" The young man saw Zi Lingsha, and he continued to flatter.

Zi Lingsha's look is indifferent, as if there is nothing in this world, it is able to cause waves in her beauty, she faintly said: "Who is hurting my drug league disciple?"

"The Lord of the League, that kid!"

The young man reached out and pointed his finger at Qin Shi.

Immediately, the beauty of Zi Lingsha, looking at the direction of Qin Shi, when the scene was seen, the audience was holding their breath.

The drug-minded disciples are all ridiculed.

However, all of a sudden, when the beautiful, and Qin Shi's black scorpion round, the unsettled beauty, but it is a touch, extremely rich cockroaches, Jiaozuo are followed by a slight tremble.

The young man, who was not aware of it, flashed his excitement in his eyes, and secretly thought in his heart: "Hey, stinky boy, this time, I can see you can't be crazy!"

The same is true of many onlookers. The heart has already treated Qin Shi as a dead person... However, a sudden scene suddenly appeared.

"long time no see."

Qin Shi took the lead in breaking the silence, licking his head and smiling.

"Yeah, it’s been a long time no see." Zi Lingsha, actually laughed out, she stepped forward step by step, stopped in front of Qin Shi, Yu hand gently licked the fortitude face, smiled: "Oh, three layers of Tianzhu, it seems In the past two months, has your progress been small?"


When I saw this scene, the audience was shocked.

"This, what is going on?"

"They, they know each other?" Lian Yuyue, they all licked their lips.

Xiaoyue smiled and nodded: "Well, and you don't underestimate the relationship between the two of them. Qin Shi is still the little lover of the mountain poison girl that day."

"What?" Yuyue was completely shocked, and then I understood the meaning of Haoyue. I couldn’t help but twitch with my eyelids: "This kid, who are all around?"

He still remembers that when the sacred ritual was just over, the icy ice girl, who was called the enchantress of the Eight Kingdoms, did not expect the Qin Shi to live with her life. This second enchantress: Tianshan demon girl, even Qin Does stone have this relationship?

The disciples of the drug alliance should not be shocked. The young man quickly said: "The lord, just him, but injured ten disciples of my drug alliance, you have to give us the master!"

"To shut up!"

Suddenly, Zi Ling Sha Yu's face sank, and a touch of anger and anger touched the audience. The young man was received by Yu Wei, and almost subconsciously, he was shaken back by a few steps.

"Don't say that it is ten people. Even if it is the entire drug alliance, there is no importance in him. Do you know who he is?" Zi Lingsha said coldly.

"He, who is he?" This huge change made the young man stupid, not only him, but also the disciples on the side, all of them are curious about the identity of Qin Shi.

"He is the protagonist of this divine summary."

"What? The protagonist of the sacrifice of the gods? Shouldn't it be the champion of the sacrifice of the gods?"

"Don't he be the champion of this godhood sacrifice?"

"No, the champion, isn't Qin Shi? And he, not Shi Qin..."

Suddenly, a group of disciples, blinked, and when they repeated the words of Shi Qin, they suddenly woke up, and the disciples were the same. They looked at Qin Shi with great eyes.

"You, are you Qin Shi?"

Qin Shi shrugged indifferently.


This time, the entire killing platform, directly into the chaos, a group of people suddenly wide-eyed, shocked: "It turned out that he is Qin Shi?"

"God, we didn't even recognize it?"

"Do not blame us, who can imagine that the championship of the Divine Sacrifice, there are only three layers of Scorpio? This is incredible."

Many disciples are shaking their heads.

On the other hand, on the far side of the pavilion, the girl with a fire is also a glimpse, sweet smile: "How? Guo Lao, I guess it is right?"

"Missy is smart and This is really not simple, but I really didn't think that he turned out to be Qin Shi. So young, you can win the crown of the gods. It is really amazing." The old man beside the girl was amazed.

The girl nodded, and the eye was also exposed to the innocent color. He smiled and said: "Really, it turned out that he is the man who is the sister of Shura, who has been worried about it? I have to go back and tell Shura sister."

After all, the girl regained her gaze, and the fire was gently twitching around her waist, stepping away from the space outside the room.

Of course, no one noticed the departure of the two men. The energy of all the disciples in the entire Sumi space was concentrated on Qin Shi and Zi Lingsha.

The young man, at this time, dare to speak more, and his face fell back into the corner with fear.

As the two approached, Qin Shi looked at the hair of Zi Lingsha, and her heart twitched again. She reached out and tried to lick: "Your hair..."

Zi Lingsha heard the words, and the beauty was flashing in shock. She subconsciously took a step back and did not let Qin Shi’s hand stunned. She smiled and shook her head: “Nothing, nothing to do with you.”

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