Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1135: 1 punch

"what on earth is it?"

He had just heard some arguments in the distance, but he still did not sort out clearly: "Where is this Feng Chunyan, who is it?"

Fu Jun was extremely angry and bit his teeth: "The Feng Chunyan is actually a small head of the creation team."

"Oh? The small head of the creation group?" Qin Shi was quite surprised. "At the beginning, was the creation group not dispersed by the fog alliance? All the disciples above the church are destroyed, how can there be a Home?"

"You don't know, this Feng Chun's life is very good. When the fog alliance and the creation team decided to fight, he just had a mission in the body, not in the chaotic domain." You Qing shook his head: = pig = pig = island = novel = www= Zhuua= "Later, he returned to the chaotic domain and immediately called for the deployment of the creation team, and has been fighting against the fog alliance."

"However, after all, the creation team has gone, and he has not been able to turn up the waves in the chaotic domain. Just this time, I don’t know how he got stuck in the refining of the drug squad.

"It turns out that." Qin Shi suddenly realized, and thought: "This creation group and the fog alliance is really a fateful family. It has been entangled for so long."

However, one thing is that Fu Jun and You Qing did not say a few people, but Qin Shi’s heart also understands that it is more than a year’s time, and the fog alliance has been subjected to various criticisms in the chaotic domain. Otherwise, With his power in the foggy field, he will never allow Feng Chunyan and the creation team to lose their lives.

This point, his heart is also somewhat flawed.

"I said, do you still fight or not? Don't delay the time of this uncle." The disciple surnamed Zhao began to scream.

Qing Qing gritted his teeth and rushed to Qin Shidao: "Brother, wait for me."

After all, he turned and wanted to rush to kill the stage.


But suddenly, Qin Shi's palm turned over, and the green was firmly held down. Qing Qing was slightly puzzled. Immediately, Qin Shichong smiled and shook his head: "You are the big brother, this little thing, let me play for you." Let's go."

"Well?" The sorrowful stunned, but my heart suddenly moved.

Qin Shi did not wait for everyone to respond, a slap in the foot, a step, a black afterimage, already appeared on the killing platform.

Seeing the sudden appearance of Qin Shi, the surname Zhao is obviously a glimpse, but when I see the repair of Qin Shi, I can’t help but sneer: “Oh, this is the bold madman who ran out, Xiao Feng, he is your mess. Disciples in the field?"

Although, Qin Shi's two words are in the chaos, no one knows, but Feng Chunyan has not seen Qin Shi, so for a while, he shook his head: "I don't know him, he is not my chaotic domain. Disciple."

"Not a disciple of chaos?"

The surname Zhao’s first is a glimpse, but it seems to be a bit difficult. After all, if Qin Shi is not a chaotic domain, it means that he is fighting with two major domains at the same time.

"Don't ask, I am a disciple of Jianzong."

Qin Shi took the initiative to express his identity, which made the surname Zhao again frown: "Jian Zong?"

Today, after the sacrifice of the gods, the status of Jianzong in the eight domains quickly rose, so the surname Zhao was obviously hesitant for a moment.

However, since both of them have stood on the stage of killing the stage, the battle is already inevitable, so he still asked: "Kid, you are three layers of heaven, it is impossible for me to be my opponent. I advise you to be better. Admit defeat, I don't want to be enemies because of you and Jianzong."

"Let the foggy boy come up." The words, the surname Zhao, pointed to the green.

call out! However, suddenly, Qin Shi’s shadow disappeared, blocking the finger of Zhao’s surname, and shook his head with a smile: “To deal with this kind of goods, you can’t use the big brother to come out.”

"Well?" Suddenly, the surname Zhao’s face sank, and he was so ignorant of the lord of the poisonous sect, where he was humiliated and closed: "Oh, stinky boy, I see you really don't want to It’s a fate, since you are not looking for it, then I will fulfill you."

boom! ! !

The surname Zhao suddenly stood up, and a loud noise rose around him, which caused the air beside him to burst, and a deep purple aperture quickly tumbling.

Seeing this scene, many disciples below are shocked.

"It's a poison domain!"

"That surnamed Zhao, opened the field?"

"The power of the domain is a watershed. It is untouchable. The boy has only three layers of Scorpio. I think he is estimated to be in the hands of the Lord Zhao, and even one face may not be able to go out?"

Fu Jun, You Qing, Dunhuang and Shen Fengchun also had a tight face, each showing a worrying color.

Ye Lingyu’s hands are dead and tight, and the whispering whispered: “You can’t have anything to do with the stone, this stone? This surname Zhao’s can’t be dealt with.”

"I don't know..." The green face is also gloomy.

In the current situation, it is not difficult for an individual to see that Qin Shi is completely at a disadvantage. In the poisonous domain of the surname Zhao, he did not even have the power to fight back.

"Hey, can you do it?"

Fu Jun gritted his teeth and said: "Look, don't forget, he is different from ordinary people."

Everyone heard the words, but also squinted, and now they can do it, and only expect a miracle to appear.

However, among the worries of the people, there were three figures, and suddenly a mocking smile was revealed. Of course, this ridicule was not for Qin Shi, but for the owner of the refining domain name Zhao.

These three people are the three men of the month.

Outside the killing station, there is a gambling table, and all three are gathered together. The most proud of the smile is: "How? Is it suppressed?"

The two men glanced at each other and nodded intently.

"That's the way, it is to have this effect. The more they are Xiaoshi Qinshi, the higher our win rate. Now the ratio has reached several hundred to one. Hey, this time I made a fortune."

Immediately, suddenly, he yelled at the stage: "Almost!"

Qin Shi heard that the pace of retreating suddenly stopped. When he turned around and saw the situation on the far-off table, he couldn’t help but smile: "The friend is not careful... a group of friends."

As early as before he took office, Haoyue strongly demanded that he must first show the inferior, and he was still unclear at the beginning. Now it is clear.

He squeezed his fist and smiled: "If that's the case, then don't delay it."

When Qin Shi stopped, everyone’s heart was followed by a tremor. In particular, several people were paid to the army. The heart seemed to stop beating. Many people even mistakenly thought Qin Shi was exhausted.

Of course, only the three people know that Qin Shi is going to start fighting back. Mo said that this is the small domain of Xiao, who is surnamed Zhao. With Qin Shi’s current cultivation, even if it is a domain big, what can it do?

The surname Zhao’s seeing Qin Shi’s stop was also a slight glimpse. The thief’s eyes flashed cold and cold: “Hey, stinky boy, why don’t you run? Do you want to admit defeat?”

Qin Shi shrugged with a smile and was very relaxed.

"Put away? That can't be done, my brothers can put their lives on me, I can't admit defeat."

"Well?" The surname Zhao was slightly surprised.

Suddenly, his eyes were black, followed by a stunned color.

He only felt cold and whistling, and a figure swooped from his front. The most exaggerated thing was that his poisonous field was instantly disintegrated by this force.

Qin Shi did not know when, it has appeared in his chest.

"Kid, you...!" The facial features of Zhao were distorted.

Qin Shi was half-squatting, his eyes suddenly became extremely cold, and there was no previous gentle, cold voice: "You should not be with the creation team, and hurt the people of the fog alliance."

"Three thousand relics!"

Three thousand golden lights, from the hands of Qin Shi.

boom! Hey! Successively, thousands of vibrations, from the Qin Shi's boxing style, he was in the boxing Zhao's chest.


In an instant, the surnamed Zhao, the facial features collapsed directly, and a bitter bite was sprayed out, and the ribs broke several roots under the naked eye.


Immediately, a scene that no one expected was unveiled. The surname Zhao’s life was attacked by Qin Shi and flew hundreds of meters away. A loud noise slammed into a stone monument outside the killing platform.

This scene came too fast, so that the disciples of the audience could not return to God.

"Oh... just, what happened just now?"

"Then, the surname Zhao's defeat? A punch? Just a punch? Is this true?"

boom! From the silence, the moment suddenly, the audience suddenly boiled.

That Feng Chunyan was even more surprised and wide-eyed: "How is this possible?"

The same is true of Fu Jun. When I look back at God, I can't help but smile: "Oh, he is still so extraordinary."


"Win!" and to say the most exciting, is undoubtedly the three months of the month, the exaggerated odds, instantly let a few people's worth, turned hundreds of times.

However, after a snoring, the whole audience suddenly became strange again. I saw that from behind Zhao, a group of uniformed drug confuces, quickly surnamed Zhao.

"This is interesting. Although this kid defeated the surname Zhao, there are still nine people who have not played in the drug league, and certainly will not make him look good."

"Well, this kid just appeared, broke the nine-game winning streak of Zhao, and he was able to win ten games in a row. Is it estimated to be mad?"

"The drug alliance will definitely not let him go When everyone saw the group of disciples, they were whispering.

However, Qin Shi was not surprised. He first turned back and looked at the army and looked at several people. He left a few people with a peace of mind. This narrowed his eyes and smiled at the group: "I heard that Are you signing a ten-game battle with Wumeng? Then, who is your second appearance?"


Qin Shi’s movements and words were suddenly shocked by the audience.

"This kid, don't want to die? If you see it, you will receive it, but you will also actively anger the drug league?"

"Insane, crazy, absolutely crazy."

Everyone thinks this way, and the drug gang, the disciple's face is cold, one of them, violently jumped out, this person is just visual inspection, less than three hundred pounds or more, holding a two-person high axe in his hand The whole body reveals a strong field of small force.

"It’s a sly boy, let me come to you!"

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