Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1129: 1 person

“Is there a fixed number?”

Qin Shi can't figure out, this is where the so-called fixed number comes from. Is it really a destiny? He does not believe that there is a reason for this.

After the words, Qi Qing’s beauty was inconspicuous. From time to time, he stayed on Qin Shi’s left arm. Qin Shi was surprised to see this movement of Qi Qing: “She found the demon?”

Subconscious, he tightened his hands.

Seeing the movement of Qin Shi, Qi Qing only converges a few points, but the accident is that she did not mention this word, but it also showed a smile, which made Qin Shi even more incomprehensible.

&* pig * pig * island * small * said ww.huzu; "little guy, I call you to come here, in fact, it is purpose."

Qin Stone had already anticipated this point, so it did not reveal any unexpected colors, just shrugged: "You say, what purpose?"

"One thing, I want to ask for you."

"Seeking me?" Qin Shi accidentally pointed to himself. He couldn't figure out that he was a disciple of Jianzong. What happened was that the sect of the Qiqingtang Church had to ask for him. He was curious: "You talk about it." ”

"You come……!"

Qi Qing will call Qin Shi to her ear.

Qin Shi stepped forward, Qi Qing volts in the Qin Shi ear, with the spirit of blessing, and whispered a few words to Qin Shi gently, after that, Qin Shi's face was slightly surprised, stunned.

"Is this true?" he was alarmed.

Qi Qing nodded helplessly: "I have been hiding for three thousand years, but also to get rid of this aftermath. I don't want Jianzong's eternal history. If I am destroyed in my hands, I can only help you."

Qin Shi was silent for a long time, and after a long time he finally nodded.

Although, he still can't imagine now, if he promised Qi Qing then what he had to experience, what an amazing thing, the danger is likely to make him die without a place to die.

However, one thing he understands is that since Qi Qing was able to anticipate his appearance today 3,000 years ago, this is a hidden mystery. Therefore, as Qi Qing said, everything is already doomed in the midst of it. I want to hide, but I can't hide it.

"Well, I can promise you, but you have to tell me, how did you expect that I would appear here three thousand years ago?"

Under hesitation, Qi Qing suddenly said: "Do you know the attack that Jian Zong received three thousand years ago?"

"I know, what happened? Is it all related to that attack?" Qin Shi listened to the month and asked.

"Yeah." Qi Qing lightly daggers: "Since you have heard it, you should know that I was seriously injured three thousand years ago. I was almost in a state of life. But, you know, how did I recover? Is it?"

"How to recover?"

Qin Shi asked, this incident was also said in the first month, no one knows how the Qiqing was restored.

"It's a person." Qi Qing mentioned this person. The beautiful eyes are exposed to sputum and condensate: "It is him, he will cure me, let me leave my mystery in Jianzong, and go to Chiyan for ambush for three thousand years. ""

"That said, all this is his arrangement?"

"Yes." Qi Qing is sure.

Qin Shi black scorpion condensed: "Who is this person?"

But suddenly, just as the key moment, Qi Qing shook his head with a smile and said: "You can't say, he has had a slap in the face, saying that this is a secret machine. Before the time is ripe, you can't let you know his name."

Wen Yan, Qin Shi was slightly disappointed, but only fleeting. He knew that it was impossible to find out the news from Qi Qingkou so easily. However, it can be known that someone is operating from it, and that is also true for him. A breakthrough, but he can't figure out what kind of high-ranking person, is there such a news for the future?

Suddenly, Qi Qing added: "However, although I can't tell you who this person is, but since you can go to Jianzong, then I think, you and this person should have had a chance to meet."

"I have seen him?"

Qin Shi was even more surprised. Then he really couldn’t figure it out. Who among the people he had met would have this kind of talent?

"It doesn't matter if you can't figure it out. I don't think how long it will take, and you will meet him sooner or later. When he will, he will naturally tell you all the truth." When it comes to this, Qi Qing pauses and can't help but be surprised. Color, only continued: "I am afraid that at this time, this world will not really calm down."

Qin Shi nodded and did not ask again, because he knew that since Qi Qing said, then how he pursued it would be useless, but his heart was full of curiosity, who this person would be.

"It seems that I can only wait."

Qin Shi thought about it, and then Qi Qing suddenly said: "Of course, I will not let you help me in vain. I will help you with the understanding of swordsmanship. After you can get here, then you The swordsmanship learned from here will be the blood of the thirty-six masters of my ancestor. If you use it properly, it will be your next supreme power."

At this point, Qin Shi has no doubt that it has gathered the inheritance of the thirty-sixth sect of the Swordsman. The horrible swordsmanship is conceivable.

It’s not that his heart is excited, so it’s not a harvest.

"In addition, your little one, killing all my swords and swords, I really have no mercy." Qi Qing's words turned and suddenly mentioned the sword magic.

Qin Shi was very embarrassed and scratched his head: "Oh, sorry, there is a little personal use, don't care too much."

"Oh, this can not care? That is the spirit that was born in the 10,000-year-old Jiange." Qi Qing smiled and immediately spread her jade hands: "However, see you promise me to help me save the swordsmanship On the top, I will not care too much with you, you will sacrifice the sword of the sword."


Qin Shi subconsciously stepped back and tightened the palm of his hand. The baby of the sword demon, but he spent his pains to cultivate, now let him hand it over? There are no doors.

See Qin Shi’s cautious appearance, Qi Qing sneaked a smile: “I don’t want it, I am ready to help you, don’t you want it to evolve into a more advanced sword?”

"More advanced swordsman?"

Qin Shi stunned, and of course he thought about it, otherwise he would never start from the twentieth floor, and he would not hesitate to lose a lot of spiritual power to hunt the swordsman, just... according to the demon, this sword should be There are no other swordsmen, how does Qi Qing make this sword baby evolve?

Qi Qing smiled and nodded, and immediately her fluorescent flash flashed. Suddenly, an extremely blue crystal floated.

When I saw the blue crystal, the demon screamed: "The heart of the sword?"

"The heart of the sword? What is that?"

The demon took a deep breath and suddenly smiled: "Little guy, this time you really have a treasure. This sword is the heart of tens of thousands of swordsmen. Only one of them can have a sword. The most pure power has been built over a million years. I was still curious before. In this sword, since there are so many swordsmen, there should be a commander, why is it not met, now I understand it thoroughly. If I didn't guess wrong, the heart of this sword is from the body of the sword and the commander, but it was only killed by this strange green."

"Is it like this?"

Qin Shi’s eyes flashed brightly, although I was a little confused, but one thing, he understood it, that is, the heart of the sword, has great benefits for the sword.

"If your baby of the sword can swallow it, I think it is possible to evolve to the green or even the green."


Qin Shi reveals the color of greed, the infant of the sword of the blue level, how terrible if it grows up completely?

When he thinks about it, he can't suppress the excitement in his heart.

"Give it to you." Qi Qing smiled lightly and sent the heart of the sword to Qin Shi.

Qin Shi quickly took over and excited: "Thank you for the Qing master."

Immediately, he quickly sacrificed the sword and the baby, and when he saw the heart of the sword, the excitement of the sword and the baby could not be covered.

A look at Qin Shi fiddling for a long time, when the sword magic baby entered the absorption, Qi Qing laughed: "Well, I have to thank you, then, then the next words are ready to comprehend swordsmanship?"

"it is good!"

Qin Shi promised that this understanding of swordsmanship is also what he always expects.

A collection of thirty-six martial arts sages, in which he can understand what swordsmanship, think about his heartbeat and start to waver.


Outside the Jiange Pavilion, the empty screen of the Jiange Pavilion has been broken for half a day. At this time, the outside world has already been chaotic. Many disciples have boldly guessed what happened in the Jiange.

Rumors have been repeated and criticism has continued.

Even some people suspect that Qin Shi has died in it.

This frenzy continues to spread, and even Fang Qing and Fengsha are also close to each other.

"Little guy... You don't really have anything wrong with it?"

Of course, in addition to this, in addition to worry, there are also many people gloating, most of them are the Jianzong disciples of the Zhangye faction, they all laughed out: "Oh, this kid, there is no news for half a day, I think he is destined Can't walk out of this sword."

"Haha, it's no wonder, who told him that he is not as greedy as a snake, and he always wanted to go to the 36th floor. He thought that the 36th floor of the sword court, can anyone really go anywhere? I don't know how to live."

Wherein, "so that, when he died, no one business can be batched over with him."

"Well, die well!"

"Animals! What do you say?" Three months, Yuyue three Hearing that the shameful arguments are all angry, the moon is fierce, stepping forward, looking at the disciples with red eyes .

"Hey, who am I? It turned out to be the timid mouse who ran out of the refuge for 30 years. Why, you are not convinced? I said to you, you are a broomstick, the original cloud It’s because you know you are dead, now Qin Shi is also, the broom star!"

boom! The moon is suddenly a fire, and the cloud is a hurdle that he never crossed in his heart: "There is a kind of you to say it again!"

"I said, how about? If Qin Shi’s kid is not dead, maybe I am still afraid of you. He is still alive and dead. What do you think you are a shit?"

"you wanna die!"

At the end of the month, I couldn’t bear it. Just in the eyes of the public, he stepped on his foot and slammed it, and rushed to the disciple.

Suddenly, however, a gentle force will slowly stop the moon, and the sound of the Sanskrit, which is full of horror, will reverberate.

"Oh, Haoyue, the dog bites you, why do you care about the dog?"

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