Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1113: Back to the sword

Think about it, Qin Shi is somewhat envious in half a second or nine days, but he immediately frowned. As a practitioner, he is very clear that this breakthrough of external force is extremely unstable, not to mention that the child is just a body. The flesh, if not well controlled, is likely to have big problems.

"Really, let her enter Jianzong, and do a good job of retreating, so that she can control her heart."

Qin Shi nodded, and slowly turned around. The end of the tunnel in the distance has emerged. Looking at the faint and glittering golden light, the place in the center is a sharp sword.

Undoubtedly, the four will soon return to the sword.

This? pig? pig? island? The novel ww.uua. Let Qin Shi gently raise his mouth, pinch his fist, listen to the light ring between the joints, and burn from his black scorpion.

In the rear, Yu Yue and Qing Er felt that the fighting spirit could not help but tremble, and the heart raised a bit of surprise and admiration.

"Su Shi, now, everything is over. It's time for us to settle the bill."

The magnificent swordsman is more and more clear in the black scorpion.

Qin Shi’s heart is fixed, he always has a kind of inexplicable hunch, that is, his real experience in Jianzong, now is about to kick off, everything before it is just a prelude, and the main melody has just begun.

Returning to Jianzong, the nephew has awakened and felt her amazing spiritual fluctuations. Yu Yue and Qing Er were shocked.

Yu Yue’s helpless sigh: “It took me decades to regain my current achievements. Did this little girl break through without any reason?”

"Nothing is plain? This is not plain no reason. Although she has not cultivated, she has paid more than many people who practice."

In other words, Qin Shi said: "Or, let you endure the pain of non-human for nearly two decades, and then give you a nine-day situation, will you want it?"

When he thought of the unbearable look of the child, Yu Yue quickly waved his hand: "That's still, now it's fine."

"The children have indeed experienced too many hardships. If they can have such achievements, they can be considered as gods." Qinger smiled happily for her children.

Jumping out of the space tunnel, Qin Shi was in the Jianfeng Mountain of Jianzong. The four forces that suddenly emerged were immediately noticed by the disciples. A total of more than a dozen figures suddenly surrounded the Qin Shi from the Quartet. .

"Who is the person? Do you dare to swear at my sword?"

Headed by an angular disciple, his voice is very honest, trying to suppress Qin Shi from the momentum.

However, a peripheral disciple, at most eight days, and the weakest of the Qin Shi, the weakest, have eight days in the middle, how could they be stunned?

Qin Shi four people look at each other, rushing to the moon to indicate, this kind of thing, as the law enforcement department's feather month to come out, it should be the best.

"The Kensington Law Enforcement Department went out to enforce the law."

Yu Yue showed the documents of the law enforcement department. When the peripheral disciples saw the documents of the law enforcement department, the serious face was relaxed.

Immediately, the leading disciple quickly said: "The original person who was the law enforcement department has just been offended."

"It doesn't matter, it just shows the defense of my swordsman." Yuyue was so polite that he turned back to look at Qin Shi.

Qin Shi nodded and went up a few steps: "Ask, just besides us, can anyone still enter the sword from the outside world?"

"Well?" The disciple paused and said, "There is indeed."

“Is there a woman?”

Qin Shi quickly asked the doubts in his heart. He just couldn't figure out what the people were. He could understand the efficacy of the Phoenix Fruit, and he had a very high status in Jianzong, which could help Qinger enter the Jianzong. But since the cover of the soul, he is more curious about this woman, can make the soul of the soul to be jealous, it must be extraordinary existence.

Unexpectedly, the disciple hesitated and suddenly shook his head: "The female disciple did not, but the brother-in-law Su Shi had just returned from the outside world, and it seemed to be very serious. After returning to Jianzong, he went directly to the Taichung Court. I don't know this. Is it related to finding a female disciple?"

Qin Shi reveals disappointment, but immediately sighs and shakes his head. This should be the expected result. This woman has tried her best to hide her identity. If this is easily cracked by him, then it is not quite right.

"Is Su Shi already back?"

Of course, although I didn't get the news of the woman, Qin Shi couldn't help but scream at the gods. The four men returned to Jianzong through space. Didn't he think that Su Shi was still ahead of them?

"It seems that I still underestimated the sword and the air."

Su Shi’s speed made Qin Shi feel tricky for the first time.

In particular, speed is still the advantage he always prides.

"In the past six months, we must not slack off."

However, the pressure is fighting spirit. This is Qin Shi's consistent for many years. Therefore, he did not show too much emotion. He just stretched out his waist and gently raised his mouth.

Of course, since he did not get the answer he wanted, Qin Shi did not go to excessive nonsense. He asked a few people and asked: "The sovereign, now in the hall?"


Several peripheral disciples are helpless and look at each other. With their identity as a sword, it is impossible to know the traces of the sovereign.

Could not help, Qin Shi took a forehead, and immediately he held his nephew in his arms, directed at Yu Yue and Qing Erdao: "Forget it, you should go back first, I will take the children to do the registration."

Qinger was somewhat worried, but under the persuasion of Yuyue, he had to gently dagger the dagger, and then he took a few words to be relieved.

Compared to Qinger, the nephew is very natural. She puts her pure smile on her mouth: "Sister, don't worry, my big brother and I will come back soon."

Qin Shi smiled and picked her up, even when she got up and walked toward the hall.

Seeing the back of the departure, the few outside disciples screamed at the gods. One of them suddenly said, "You, do you have any feelings, just that person is very familiar?"

"Family familiar? Well, when you say this, I am also a bit impressed, as if I have seen it somewhere before!"

"Right, the altar of ceremonies!"

"The ceremonial altar?" Several people slammed their eyes, and each of them opened their mouths, and even the fists of surprise could contain: "Don't you, is he Qin Shi?"

A few people regretted this, so they were so missed.

Of course, Qin Shi did not know the thoughts of several people. He and his nephew quickly arrived at the main hall under high-speed movement. He hesitated for a long time along the way. In the end, he still said to his children: "Little girl, do you want to be clear?"

"Well, what does the big brother say?" The nephew innocently stunned his head.

"I mean, do you want to know clearly, do you really want to join the Jianzong?" Qin Shi took a deep breath and said: "Joining the sword, it means that from now on, you are a practitioner, you have to bear the cultivation. The responsibility of the person, this does not want to be as easy as you think."

Suddenly, my nephew solemnly raised the toon: "Big brother, don't worry, I have already thought about it. I also know that joining the swordsman, becoming a practitioner will definitely be very hard, but... but I don't want to be my sister forever. The burden."

Qin Shi’s heart could not help but be touched by this little girl who was only a teenager.

He licked the blue silk of his nephew and nodded: "I believe in you."

"Well, I want to share the big brother in the future, so I will definitely try hard to cultivate." The child's confident appearance makes Qin Shi feel funny.

In the blink of an eye, the two fell from the main hall.

At the beginning, the hall was empty, which made him frown, but when he sacrificed his power, he shook his head helplessly.

"This old guy!"

Speaking to himself, Qin Shi’s black robe swayed and suddenly became a residual image. He moved to the right side of the main hall, below a stone pillar wrapped around a dragon.

Immediately, his palms emptied out of the air, and the space around him was shredded by him, dragging a dead hand out of his life, and the owner of the hand is not the wind and sand?

"Hey, little guy, yes, now your mind is already able to detect me?" After the sand appeared from the void, the satisfied Chong Qin stone smiled.

Qin Shi was too lazy to pay attention to this cynical old guy, and pulled the nephew forward: "Less nonsense, there is something to help you."

"What is it?" The wind and sand smashed, and the old eyes fell on the nephew: "Hey, kid, this little girl, isn't my Jianzong disciple?"

"Well, it is this thing that I am looking for to help you, giving her a reasonable status as a sword."

"You just left the sect?" The old sands of the wind and the eyes were suddenly sinister.

Qin Shiyi, immediately held his breath, but even this is still late, before the wind sand did not deliberately observe, but when he shrouded all the spiritual power to Qin Shi, Qin Shi's body in his eyes, at a glance.

That injury made him look cold.

"This sword wound is a slashing sword? Zhang Wei, the old dog, did you really shoot it for you?"

"Is it discovered?" Qin Shi shook his head helplessly. Since it has already been exposed, he has not concealed it. "No, it is Su Shi."

Bang! The wind and sand raging soaring, cold road: "A good Su Shi, really can you be in the swordsmanship can not be lawless? Hey, boy, come with me, I will take you to find Zhang Hao!"

"Old guy Don't be so big." Qin Shi reached out and stopped him. He smiled calmly: "It's a little hurt, you don't have to be like this, let alone this injury, I can always remember, he is right. What about my care."

In other words, Qin Shi’s feelings become more and more fierce.

"This way, after half a year, I can settle with him."

"half year later?"

"The annual disciple game."

"Well?" The wind and sand smashed the gods, and immediately smirked: "Is it all, you know?"

"Of course, this is the opportunity that the swords gave me. How could I easily miss it?"

The sand and sand nodded with satisfaction: "Good, good, good, good boy, then I began to look forward to, the annual disciple game after half a year."

"Okay, old guy, don't talk nonsense, hurry to help me get things done, I have to send her back to her sister, less than four days into the Jiange, I have to go back and take care of the injury. Ok, and you don't forget the promise to me."

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