Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1110: She is not dead?


Suddenly, under the jade hand, the scorpion sword in the hands of Su Shi continued to vibrate, and three bursts of crisp metal crashes, and its powerful impact made Su Shi fascinated.


After three times, a **** sound, Su Shi’s tiger's mouth was actually shattered, and the smashing sword was shot from his hands.


All of a sudden, the scorpion sword pierced the mountain behind him.

&nbs novels ww.zhu.p; this scene came too suddenly, so that Qin Shi several people are a glimpse, immediately, Qin Shi reaction is very fast, he tried to restrain the body, first step forward, protect the child in the rear This is the calming look of the eyes, looking at the independent shadow.


When the woman appeared, even Su Shi’s face was gloomy. He could not imagine that his moves would be easily resolved.

"The celebrity of the Tang Jianzong is actually killing a girl who has no strength in the hands of the chicken. Is this the same year that Zhang Wei teaches you adults?"

The woman obviously changed her voice and used a very hoarse movement to calm down.

"Hmmm?" Su Shi slightly frowned, this woman, seeing his identity at a glance, it is undoubtedly closely related to Jianzong, cold: "Who are you?"

"Who I am, it doesn't matter, but these two girls are considered to be inherited by my clothes. If you want to hurt them, then I will not allow them." The woman said nothing, the beauty looked around. And Qinger.

"is her?"

Looking at the shadow of the shadow, the sunny face of the child, the touch and gratitude can not say the overflow.

Qinger is not good at hiding emotions, so her movements are immediately noticed by Yuyue. She deliberately suppresses her voice and asks her: "Qinger, do you know her?"

"I, I..." Qinger suddenly became nervous and quickly denied: "No, I don't know her!"

"Well?" Qinger will not lie, this has been confirmed before, so her lies were quickly poked by Yu Yue.

However, waiting for the feather month to ask, Qinger suddenly said: "Month, don't ask, is it good? Please don't ask, I can't say it, I promised that she won't let anyone know that she is who."

"This...!" Yu Yue suddenly lost his mind, looking at the grievances of the grievances, how can he bear to ask this bitter girl?

He sighed and gently slid his son in his arms: "Well, I don't ask, I won't ask again."

However, Qin Shi’s mindfulness always flowed in the air, so the movements of both of them were seen by him, which made him frown and looked at the shadow.

"It seems that she should be telling Qinger that Fengxian fruit can cure the child, and help Qinger enter the woman of Jianzong?" Qin Shi secretly thought in his heart.

However, Qin Shi’s accident is that this woman has such strength. Su Shi’s cultivation has reached a perfect level. In Jianzong, even a hundred years old, he can’t be jealous of him. This woman is just free to shoot. Can you easily kill the scorpion sword?

"Don't it be that the person who has just been obscured by the soul of the gods is her?" A thought rose from the heart of Qin Shi, but now obviously not asking about this matter, he first gently slammed the woman at the woman: "Thank you. Seniors, help each other."

The woman turned slightly and tapped the dagger: "This is your own creation. How is your injury? Is it important?"

Qin Shi squatted, and some did not quite understand the meaning of the woman, but he shook his fist slightly. Through this half-day nourishment, he has restored his ability to control his body. This is equivalent to him. .

After all, there is a chaotic domain where the Holy Spirit is in his body, and he will not worry because of lack of spiritual power.

Nodded. "It's no big deal."

"No problem." The woman nodded with satisfaction and said, "That is here, give it to me, you should take them away first."

After a pause, the woman said again: "I believe that you have a way to bring the nephew back to Jianzong and let her become a disciple of Jianzong, isn't it?"

Under hesitation, Qin Shi sinks for a while and gently nods to the woman.

He also knows that even if he continues to stay here, he can't help the woman any more. He takes the three people away is the best way.

It’s just that he can’t figure out why this woman would identify him. Can there be a way for the nephew to enter the sword?

"The disciples identified by the sect, if this little thing can't be done, then I don't think there will be any chance of becoming a big event in the future." Suddenly, the woman said.

Wen Yan, Qin Shi was fiercely frowning, this woman really has a close connection with Jianzong.

But since it was all broken, he nodded bitterly.

"I will do it."

Qin Shi is sure that the woman is satisfied with the wave: "Protect them."

Qin Shi nodded, and immediately he squatted and swayed his palm at the feathers.

"Blood Wizard!"

"What do you call Laozi?" The blood wizard screamed excitedly.

"Take us to leave this!"

"Do you use Laozi as a scorpion? I don't care!"

"Do you care?" Qin Shi was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, saying: "Demon."

"Stop!" Waiting for the demon to open, the blood wizard is soft, and the look of grievances screams: "Well, you are a Qin Shi, you are so right to Laozi, if you let Laozi be free, you will not do anything. Looking for me!!!"

Qin Shi smiled smugly: "Do not worry, I will make up for you."

"Don't torture Lao Tzu, I will thank God!" The blood wizard is like a little blame, but he is not talking nonsense. He also sees the seriousness of the matter. Qin Shi’s injury at this time is the same year. In rare cases, he squirted helium from the blasting beads and shredded the space into a giant claw.

A space tunnel emerged in front of several people.

"Let's go." Qin Shichong has a few humanities, but Qinger and his nephew's eyes are very unified, and they all stay on the woman.

"Go back with him, I can help you stop here, and then you have to look at your own creation." The woman gently licked her hair, then looked at Qin Shi, Mei There are some prayers in the middle: "Take care of them."

"I will."

Qin Shi promised, and immediately this wave of palms, with a layer of golden streamer, lifted the three groups, and entered the space tunnel.

"Want to go!" Su Shi's eyes were cold, his foot was forced to step on, and the land outside the kilometer was shattered. He followed him to the space tunnel and burst into the air.

"Bad boy, I said, you must die today!" Jianqi wears the air, quickly casts under Su Shi, and circumvents the woman at the speed of thunder, and immediately he uses his fingers as a sword to stab Qin Shi.

Qin Shi slightly frowned, this Su Shi’s kendo is indeed high, and the pressure that the fingers formed by Jianqi’s sword was not possessed by Fuxi. If it was not seriously injured, it might resist one or two. But now he protects the three people and is deeply injured and hard to resist.

"damn it!"

boom! But suddenly, a shadow, from top to bottom, suddenly formed dozens of Jianguang, firmly protecting Qin Shi several people.


After several bursts of sound, Su Shi was shocked back.

"Your opponent is me." The woman said faintly.

"Drink, don't say anything!"

"You, go first!" The woman gestured to Qin Shi, and Qin Shi hesitated. This was the point of hard force, followed by the change of the palm of the hand, and the golden streamer was hidden into the void.

Su Shi almost watched with her own eyes, and Qin Shi disappeared from his eyes.

This made him angry, and all the anger and killing in desperation were all touched on the woman. He sipped: "You are looking for death!"

Immediately, he waved his hand, and the slashing sword in the distance trembled and rushed to him.

He grabbed the slashing sword and squinted at the woman.

"Do you want to do it?"

The indifferent snoring of the woman, the emptiness of the jade hand, a purely spiritual sword shaped by the spiritual power.

"Then let me know how much you have grown in these years."

"Oh, look, you seem to know me very well?" Su Shi sneered: "That, let you comprehend!"

"The mad dragon rises to the dragon!"

Suddenly, on the front of the sword, a dragon's head was sprayed.

"It will be passed on to martial arts. With this step, your talent is really amazing, but it is a pity that you are not going to use it." The woman shook her head faintly, and immediately she flipped her body, like a butterfly dancing.

In an instant, the colorful light turns into a sword.

The colorful light, as if it can purify all things, the dragon head that had just been sealed by the black dragon suddenly became a chaotic scorpio, and suddenly slammed into two halves.

"Well?" Su Shi's fierce frown, as if he was shocked by a huge shock: "This sword is, is it you? How are you still alive?"

"Oh, did you recognize it?" The woman stopped, and she smiled lightly: "Then, you still have to do it?"

In an instant, Su Shi’s face was dark and his fists were squeaky, but the movement on his hand suddenly stopped: “It turns out that you have never died?”

The woman shrugged her shoulders by default: "I am lucky to survive, is it surprising to you?"

"You are not dead, why, never return to the sect?"

"Oh, if I return to the sect, how can I let you show your feet?" The woman smiled Immediately her beauty turned to the rear, and the void that Qin Shi entered into, completely disappeared at this time. It’s gone, it makes her smile with a sigh of relief: “It looks like they’ve left? Then I don’t have to stay here.”

"You want to go?" Su Shi cold road.

"I want to go, do you think, can you stop me?"

Suddenly, Su Shi was silent. The woman knew him very well, and he also knew the woman very well, so he knew that if the woman was going to leave, he could not stop it.

"Don't worry, we will have a chance to see you again. There is a saying that you brought me to Zhang Wei. The appearance of the little guy is not accidental. All his plans will be revealed sooner or later." The woman sneered, and immediately her shadow, Suddenly, it began to become blurred, and eventually disappeared slowly on the sky.

Su Shi looked at her disappearing and did not stop.

The main thing is that he knows that he wants to stop, and he can't stop it... but in the end, he clenches his fists and his eyes become extraordinarily fierce.

"Damn, how can she still be alive?"

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