Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1058: Canoning ceremony

"Well?" The disciple was originally in a state of arrogance. This time someone shot him from behind, and even more fueled the fire. He slammed back: "Which is not open..."

Unexpectedly, he turned around and saw Qin Shi, but the latter half of the words suddenly stopped, and he was swallowed into his stomach.

It’s not because he recognizes Qin Shi, Qin Shi only enters Jianzong one day. Although his reputation is spread among the swordsmen, there are few people who have the opportunity to see it, and the main reason for letting this disciple shut up. Most of it is because of the breath exposed on Qin Shi.

Qin Shi always smiles, but in his black robe, he has vaguely overbearing spiritual pressure. Although the power is only a nine-day situation, but even after many Tianzhu disciples feel it, they are involuntarily playing. Pig _ pig \\ island \ novel www. (zhu) (zhu) (). om a chill, a few steps back.

"What is this kid?"

"The breath is not something that ordinary people can exude. It gives me the feeling that it is... is... the king! Yes, it is the king, as if in front of him, there is nothing to shake him."

"Taishan is in front of you, but the face is not changed. This guy is not simple."

A group of Jianzong disciples are serious.

Qin Shi’s stunned, this is really no stranger to him, and it’s not that he deliberately advertised. It’s just that since the sacrifice of the gods’ field, his whole body has changed, especially after the baptism of the Wushen fruit and the mud Buddha. Let him exude the pressure between them inadvertently, but when he realized it in time, he would converge and smile: "Don't be nervous, didn't you just want to see me?"

"Well?" The disciple squatted, followed by a stunned look, and he was shocked and pointed to Qin Shi: "You, you are Qin Shi?"

It is said that the disciples around him are also suddenly realized.

"He is the Qin Shi? The guy who will be a closed disciple tonight?"

"I didn't expect it to be so young?"

I began to learn about Qin Shi’s news. Many disciples of Jianzong still couldn’t believe it, but now I’m really shocked when I witnessed it.

Qin Shi smiled and nodded: "Yes, it is me, what are you looking for?"

"I..." The disciple suddenly became dumb, and his face was burning. This was really a face-lifting. He licked his teeth and suddenly said, "I, I want to challenge you!"

"Challenging me?" Qin Shi smashed, and it was very easy, and he reached out and reached for him: "Okay, come on."

"Qin Shi!" Yu Yue was helpless. In his impression, Qin Shi is not such an impulsive person. What happened this time? Slightly displeased, blocking: "Don't mess around, you will definitely have a lot of trouble when you are enshrined in a ceremony. Now don't save your strength and think about how to solve these troubles. What is your waste here?"

However, Wen Shi went to him and waved his hand, indicating that he would not say more, seeing the feathers of the moon, but not giving him the opportunity to speak, the disciple has already pulled the posture, rushing toward Qin Shi It is.

Such a feathery resentment is straightforward.

"Let me know, what kind of disciple you have just entered the sect, what qualifications are you to become a retreat disciple!" The disciple screamed and raised his fist and rushed under the door of Qin Shiyan. The power of the eight-day world was very strong. Even the surrounding air trembled, forming a wild blue vortex.

Upon seeing it, many disciples were shocked.

"This power is very simple. If you don't care, it's hard to get the benefits of a nine-day situation."

"Really, if you can't do this, Qin Shi may have been seriously injured."

The public reported their eyes on the wait-and-see attitude, but they all squatted in the same place, one by one was shocked by the next change.

"This, is this true?"

The whole audience was picked up, and even many of the disciples were untenable. One by one, they jumped up and looked at the center, revealing an unbelievable look.

I saw that in the eyes of everyone, the wild whirlpool, just near the Qin Shi face, Qin Shi mouth slightly raised a curve, followed by the light body moving step, the palm of the hand in the invisible speed of the naked eye, a scene amazing The picture suddenly appeared.

The disciples of the disciples were distorted, and then the body suddenly became lighter and uncontrollably flew out hundreds of meters away.


He slammed on the ground, and when he climbed up again, he looked at Qin Shi with amazement: "How can this be?"

"Just, what happened just now?"

Qin Shi’s movements are so fast that most of the disciples have no gaps. Even the feathers next to him are frowning. Although he is reluctant to see through the cultivation of the heavens, he asks himself if he asks himself. There is no absolute grasp, and it is possible to block the palm of the hand.

"This kid..."

He was slightly amazed, and he couldn’t help but pass the loss. It’s no wonder that when he secretly traced Qin Shi, he was only a three-day little guy, and he was wiped out in the middle of his hand. However, in less than two years, it has already been far above him. This kind of strong gap is probably for anyone, and it is difficult to accept it.

Looking at the disciple who was shot by himself, Qin Shi ignored the palm of his hand and immediately said: "If I want to kill you just now, you should already be on the way to Huangquan."

"I...!" The disciple opened his mouth and just wanted to explain it. He just said it to his mouth, but he couldn’t say it because he wiped his chest and there was a strange thing there. Spiritual shield, and the breath on the shield is not what Qin Shi reveals?

In the short moment just now, Qin Shi not only showed the rapid offensive of letting countless people lose their spirits, but also protected him at the same time. How incredible this is?

This time, he is really convinced.

"I, I lost...!" He bowed his head in vain.

But suddenly, Qin Shi smiled and walked step by step to his front and reached out to him: "Let's admit defeat, get up."

The disciple glimpsed a little, and saw that this scene was praised by others, and was impressed by the generosity of Qin Shi. For a time, no one despised this seemingly young boy in his early twenties.

The disciple shyly reached out and was pulled up under the force of Qin Shi. Immediately, Qin Shi gave him a slight smile: "You don't have to think too much. In fact, you have not lost to me, you just lost to yourself."

"However, this is nothing. If you have experienced what I have experienced and can still live to the present, it must be improved." Recalling these years, step by step, Qin Shi can not help but laugh at himself. This is a glorious appearance to outsiders. I really don’t know how much wind and rain I experienced. I smiled and said: "You are now young, you can still be crazy, no, maybe, you should be crazy, but don't worry, time Slowly erase your edges and corners, then if you are crazy, it is really helpless."

"Don't complain about it, once or now, in fact, there is no difference between the three. Everything is in yourself. You said that after a hundred years, you will be able to become a strong? Actually, otherwise, the weak crown may not be Not as good as a flower."

Suddenly, under the eyes of Qin Shi, flashing is the vicissitudes that should not exist in his age. Even Yu Yuyue can’t help but scream at the side. Wry smile: "You stinky boy, is it old-fashioned?"

Grinning, Qin Shi ignored him, and finally patted the disciple's shoulder, which made him look at the feathers: "Let's go."

Then, the three talents got up again.

Just after taking a short distance, suddenly there was a loud scream from behind the two people: "Qin Shi! You remember, I am called: Xu Qingfeng, I will definitely surpass you!"

Qin Shi squatted, suddenly stopped, followed his mouth slowly rising, so he always turned his back to Xu Qingfeng, and waved.

"I look forward to it."

After all, the three people left, and this seemingly ordinary episode changed the life of Xu Qingfeng, so that after 10,000 years, when he talked about his generation with his younger generation, he only said one sentence, that is ....

Qin Shi, the noble person he met in this life.

When the three left, Yu Yue’s face was slightly ugly. He sighed and shook his head at Qin Shi. “I thought you experienced a lot. It should be a person who understands how to hide the edge. You shouldn’t be so impulsive and Xu Qingfeng’s gas. of."

Qin Shi heard the words, they know that Yu Yue is misunderstood something, and Xu Qingfeng naturally has his reasons, but he is not in a hurry to explain anything, it will only make Yu Yue more misunderstanding, so it is just a smile : "You will understand sooner or later."


Yu Yue squatted, and it was not obvious for a while, but since the matter has passed, it is now imperative to rush to the main hall, so he did not ask more questions, but only speeded up the steps and wanted to delay the time. recover.

All the way through the crowd, when the three came to the main hall, the sky has become dim, and the moonlight is very clear scattered in the square, making the square that accommodates millions of disciples become paralyzed, especially the mysterious surrounding. The sword reflects the seven colors of light.

Among the halls, Fang Qing always sat on the throne of the Golden Sword, and Mei Lu could not help but change the softness after seeing Qin Shi.

The old sands are behind her, but the old eyes are slightly serious.

"Little guy, are you all ready? Next, what you have to face is no easier than in the sacrifice of the gods." The old sands of the winds are spoken in the sound of Hongyin, and they fall down on the shore of Qin Shi.

However, Wen Shi did not rush to respond. He also understood the implication of the old sands. First, he closed the black scorpion and slowly took a deep breath. When he controlled the emotions in his heart, he wrapped the black robes tightly. Open your eyes.

In an instant, the airflow around him changed, and the confident smile that was exclusive to him was revealed again at the corner of his mouth: "Ready."

"Well?" Winds and sands smashed This is a slap in the face: "Ha ha, yes, good."

Feel the change of Qin Shi, Fang Qing was satisfied with the dagger.

"Okay, let's go out."

Between Huo Ran, Fang Qing got up, as if the entire hall was banned, and her king waved the long skirt and walked out of the hall in a light jade step.

Qin Shi and others followed behind her. When they came outside the hall, they looked down from the steps of the thousand-story. It was the millions of disciples dressed in uniforms, the extraordinary atmosphere, and immediately let Qin Shi The heart is boiling.

"Congratulations to the Lord!"

The crouching of millions of disciples, the sound of the bright sound of the scorpio, such as Hao Ranzheng, in the resurgence of the Jianzong, long and empty, for a long time.

Fang Qing smiled slightly, and this waved his hand sleeves. When the jade hand fell, the audience suddenly became dead, and all the disciples held their breath.

"I announced that the canonization ceremony is now officially started!"

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