Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1050: Battle of the realm

"诛天剑?" The enchanting is also slightly trembled, staring at Fang Qing sneer and said: "Oh, Fang Qingzong is really generous, even the 诛天剑 are carried with you."

"诛天剑 is the command of my Swordsman. I will carry it on my body no matter where I am. You don't have to overestimate yourself." Fang Qing was very clever and mocked.

Hearing the words, the enchanting face suddenly turned a bit, but immediately he relieved a few points: "The mouth of Fang Qingzong is really a slap in the face, I don’t know if there is a bit of skill in my hand, I have never had a chance to see it in these years. Today is Let me personally understand it."

"Devil fire, burning!"

The enchanting handshake, in his five + pig + pig + island + novel + www + z + root fingers, suddenly there is a purple wildfire, the wildfire seems to be swallowed up in the world, extremely fierce turned into a mad dragon , pounce on Fang Qing.

When the mad dragon came out, it suddenly shocked a lot of people in the eight domains. Even Jing Jing and the shadow dance were condensed, and that kind of power was even the taboos.

However, such a rough force, as if the Lianshan River can be moved, but suddenly a hundred meters before the square green, Fang Qing is only a slight hand, the sky sword will rise up, a golden sword light, such as There is a power to break the gold, slamming into the dragon head.


The fierce sky trembled, the mad dragon's pain continued to roll, but under the suppression of Jianguang, everything was so futile, and finally fell into the forest.

Rumble! The earth instantly caused a frenzy, and the wildfire was like a wave of sea noise, which eventually caused a violent tsunami. It was scattered along the forest.

Numerous towering ancient woods were directly uprooted.

Jingcai was shocked by everyone, all waving in vain: "All disciples listen to orders, speed retreat!"

"The two madmen! It is really going to ruin here."

Shadow dance jade eyes helpless, indicating that the disciples retreat, Jade hand grabbed Zhuo Yao next to her, and quickly hurried into the air.

Just one hit, ten miles Pingchuan.

Qin Shi is very close to Fang Qing, and it is the clearest thing to see. The volatility caused by the attack was really enough to destroy the land. He couldn’t help but twitch: "This is the world." The power of the environment?"

The blow did not end, the sword light penetrated the mad dragon, and the enchanting force slammed down. The enchanting reaction was also very rapid. The super side flashed, followed by the ghost residue, and the hand changes between the palms. A layer of long-lasting purple flames shook hands.

boom! boom! boom!

Suddenly, several confrontations, only in the discerning people can be seen, although the power of each confrontation is swallowing the mountains and rivers, it is really letting the thousands of miles tremble, but the two are calm, never had a little bit of pressure, The most obvious is Fang Qing, who has been independent in the air and has never moved in half an inch.

This is also the chill of everyone.

"Don't this degree still use all the power?"

"The prestige of the realm is the dynamic position of the athletes. Anyone who has the power of the sky is not something we can touch."

Everyone heard the deep agreement, even those old guys who have reached the field for hundreds of years, one by one is shaking their heads bitterly.

"That height is too high."

The boundary, if it is an inorganic edge, is not a world, and it is impossible to be interested.

Jianmang once again paved the sky, the whole audience is like the solo of the two, even Shifeng perseverance behind the enchanting, is also the first time so stable, bowed.

The enchanting swayed slightly, and the force of breaking the air crossed his ears. He always smirked at the corner of his mouth: "How about Fang Qingzong? How long have you tried it? Is it time to use all your strength?"

"If your master is wrecked, perhaps even with this, but you are a younger generation, want to force me to use all strength, afraid that it is worse." Fang Qing did not agree with the sneer.


It is said that some of the disciples who have entered the eight fields in the past 100 years are twitching in the corners of the mouth. The enchanting but the domain lord of the chaotic domain, a real and powerful realm, is called a junior in Fang Qing?

Of course, Fang Qing has been in charge of the Jianzong for three thousand years. He has a very high status in the eight domains. It is compared with the wreckage of the lord in the chaotic domain, and the enchanting is only a devastated apprentice. Qualifications, the enchanting is indeed her younger generation.

The enchanting mouth was unconsciously twitching a few times. It was obviously angered by Fang Qing, and the strength of his whole body became natural, and the fierce cloud became a cloud.

"Old guy, then I will let you know how I got a junior to kill you."

"Give me a burst!"

The enchanting squatting fist, followed by the 100 meters in front of Fang Qing’s eyes, suddenly caused huge waves, and the layers of space inexplicably produced a blast, like a human bomb, and **** impact on Fang Qing.

"This is... Yin Hong sacrifices heaven?"

"Yin Hong sacrifices heaven? What is it?"

"Yin Hong sacrifices the heavens... The martial arts of the chaotic domain is also the famous martial arts of the enchanting genius. It is necessary to know that when the martial arts practiced this martial arts, it only reached the eight-day state, but the ordinary foreigner disciples in the chaotic domain... ..."

"Ah? How can he qualify for the reincarnation of martial arts?"

"This Yin Hong martial arts, extremely sturdy and sturdy, was obtained from the chaotic domain in a ridiculous mystery, but after the chaotic domain, no one can successfully cultivate, even those old guys with perfect territory, all later殇 进行 进行 进行 全 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 全 全 全

"Is it like this?"

"Well, it is also because of this, the enchanting is today."

Looking at the explosion of the approaching, Fang Qing is also showing the correct color, but it is not worth her jealousy, Qian Ying is very light swimming, all the explosions are shuttled.


Suddenly, suddenly, a burst of empty space, a scene of amazing rise, is something that everyone did not expect, just at this section of the eye, the enchanting slammed like a cannonball, a rush to the front of Fang Qing.

"What is he going to do?" everyone held their heart.

Even Qin Shi is also blind, the first time so close to the enchanting, he feels that there is only a distance between the enchanting and the Fang Qing, this distance can be touched as long as anyone raises his hand. To each other's body.

Fang Qing smashed her eyebrows. She was not unprepared. All the movements of the enchanting eyes were in her eyes, but she did not want to understand why the enchanting cockroaches suddenly came close. In the current situation, it was against him.

However, it should not be considered, Fang Qingyu's hand slightly turned, and the scorpion sword was straight and stabbed to the enchanting.


The enchanting eyes were fierce and fierce. Instead of hiding, he also raised his fists against Fang Qing’s swordsman and forced him to shoot.

This time, everyone is shocked, with the flesh to meet the 诛天剑? Even if it is enchanting, is it afraid that it will be seriously injured?

He's crazy?

For a moment, this is everyone's thoughts.


Suddenly, however, the loud noise rang, and the boxing wind and the blade collided in the air, and the wave of the earth shaking was rolling.

The earth is broken directly. Along the place where the monks meet, a gully wide and a kilometer deep gully bursts open, and the eight sides spread... Of course, this kilometer can only be estimated, with the strength of Qin Shi. Looking down, it can only be dark as the night is deep.

Next, it is a continuous explosion.

boom! Boom!

The aftermath of the two people seems to boil the underground magma, so that it will madly pass through the ground and violently emerge to form a fire pillar.

All of them saw this scene as a big shock and a fierce retrogression.

Until the 90,000 meters high, this will save the disaster that was affected, and when you lean down, you can't help but **** the air.


The tragic situation underneath was really guessed by them. It was devastated within 10,000 miles, and all the fields of vision were covered by yellow sand and dust.


At this moment, a muffled sound, the center of the dust, was picked up by layers of vortex, and a scene of shocking people was exposed to the public's vision.

I saw the enchanting, the palm of the hand was pierced under the sword, and the bright red blood flowed out. The whole person was trembled, obviously suffering a serious injury.

"This is enchanting, too self-sufficient."

Everyone can't help but shake their heads. They expected this to be the result long before.


Suddenly, however, a very strange picture was produced, and everyone’s hearts were shocked. I saw that under the serious injury of the sword, the enchanting mouth was still laughing and laughing, followed by his body. In a few steps, the palm of your hand penetrates the sword of the sky and grabs the wrist of Fang Qing.


Fang Qing is a bit of a move for her, followed by her generosity.

Rumble! !

Fierce, a terrifying force, turned up under Fang Qing’s unpreparedness, and saw the enchanting wounds pierced by the scorpion sword, healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, followed by a spurt The force beam, so that she had the advantage, she was so sturdy, slammed like a broken paper, and slammed into the cliff beyond 10,000 meters.


She gave birth to the earth, and Tian Tianjian took it out and spun a few laps in the air, standing next to her.

"This... what is going on?"

"Sovereign!" Everyone was All this came too suddenly, and even Jianjian and Jianzong were screaming.

Qin Shi was even more trembled. He was kneeling all over the place, his eyes staring at the enchanting eyes: "Just that is... the power of the evil spirits?"

Perhaps in the eyes of everyone, just that scene is inexplicable, but Qin Shi really feels clearly, at that moment, the sword is really piercing the enchanting, just under the critical moment, the enchanting wound is pan The power that is made, that is, the power that makes him white bones, restores the wound, and kills Fang Qing, is... a fierce devil.

In the field, Qin Shi may not be the strongest, or even the most humble, but he dare to say that he is the audience, the most understanding of the evil spirits and suffocating, so he is sure, can not be wrong.

"Kid, I said, no one can save you today, and I will go back to the chaotic domain to sin!"

Repulsing Fang Qing, the enchanting and fierce eyes raised, everyone was shocked for a moment, now Fang Qing is already defeated, then ... no one will be able to save Qin Shi.

"Qin Shi, this time is really dangerous."

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