Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1017: Shocking reversal

"Oh, awesome power."

Zi Lingsha shot, called many people around are sucking air, even Yin Bingming frowned, and the purple Lingsha revealed a few stunning colors.

Before he thought that Qin Shi was among the four people, headed by Qin Shi, then Kong Xianhui, the most powerful. After all, in both of them, they all have ancient weapons, but the foot is comparable to the baby of the domain.

However, from this time on, he completely changed his mind. Even from Qin Shi and Kong Xianhui, he could not tell him to feel this sense of crisis.

"I didn't expect that among the eight domains, I still hide this kind of master?" He was suspicious in his heart, but on the island > novel www.zuzud at this time, Zi Lingsha suddenly looked at him, their eyes just happened to Looking at it together, this is why he can't help but squat.

Immediately, Zi Lingsha smiled a little, and the smile seemed slightly strange.

My heart was suddenly shocked.

"Don't...what did she see?" A touch of inexplicable uneasiness suddenly rose in the heart of Yin Bingming, but immediately, he shook his head again: "No, this is impossible, with the strength of the big brother, even those two demon girls, in It is impossible to find out without knowing it. What she can never detect is that I must be more concerned."

He calmed himself and then waved Li Yan: "Li Yan, get ready."


Li Yan promised, then quietly retired to the corner.

"Qin Xiong, then, it is time to come to us." Determined that Li Yan completed his instructions, he wiped the sweat of his forehead, and Qin Shi smiled.

Qin Shi’s entire energy is on the altar, so I didn’t see Yin Bingming’s strangeness. I just nodded. Under the attack of Zi Lingsha, the mausoleum of the mausoleum has begun to fluctuate. Now there is only a last chance, as long as the opportunity arises. , you can break the barrier.

Obviously, he and Yin Bingming are the opportunities.

"The wind is alone!"

"Swallow the dragon!"

In the end, Qin Shi and Yin Bingming stood in the forefront of the disciples in the wind. One of the two sides would be the prince of the prince, and the strength of the anger from both sides of the body would rise and climb up, eventually reaching the audience. degree.

"too horrible……!"

"Two people, is this going to destroy the mausoleum?"

"It’s so crazy, Yin Bingming has tolerated it. I didn’t think of Qin Shi, but only in the seven days, I was able to display such horrible power.”

"No, no, you look carefully!"

Suddenly, one person screamed and stunned his fingers to Qin Shi.

I saw it from the body of Qin Shi, shrouded in gold and gray and black, his palms spread out from the chest, one hand is three thousand golden relics, one hand is three thousand absurd and lacking absurdity The texture, the two forces form a sharp contrast, constantly intertwined in the air, and finally turned into the power of the horrible fault.

"That, is that the soul?"

"Is he still a magician? And, this soul power, horrible, if there is no guess, should it be more than eight curses?"

"The Eight Charms Magic... oh..."

In the sacrifice of the gods, it is said that it is an eight-day world, that is, eight layers of the heavens, and there may not be a few people who care, but an eight-character magician is another matter.

The magician, as the most precious occupation on the ruined mainland, this occupation is protected by eight domains, so there will be no domain that will send the magician disciple into the sacred sacrifice, even if it is a five-curse magician. So don't say it's an eight curse.

Qin Shi is here, just like a rare treasure.

Yin Bingming looked strangely at Qin Shi and narrowed his eyes.

"Qin brother, it is really hidden."

Qin Shi shrugged. He never specialized himself because of the magician, because he and the ordinary magician are too different.

The normal demon sorcerer, as long as the refining magic symbol, attached to the protection of a huge force, can have the glory and wealth of endless enjoyment.

However, in this way, the corners of the human beings and the wildness originating from the heart will be worn away, and Qin Shi’s shoulders have too many heavy tasks waiting for him to complete, so he must keep himself alert.

This time, no one even despised Qin Shi. The seven-day environment is not enough to be scrupulous, but the Eight Charms Magic is a jealous one.

"Yin brother, do it." Qin Shi smiled.

Yin Bingming saw that Qin Shi was unwilling to respond, and he was not very vocal in his words, but he looked up and looked at the altar.


He whispered, and immediately two singular winds on his palm slammed out, like a squatting dragon, swimming the dragon's torso, forming a fierce vortex, the center of the vortex is a thousand wind blades, produced when interlaced The destructive power of terror, even the space was shredded, the darkness continued to spread, and it slammed into the altar barrier.

boom! Hey!

The translucent barrier collapsed and there was a slight crack on the road.

"The martial arts of the wind domain: the wind is alone, and it is true that the name is not lost." The cracks continue to expand, and everyone is secretly sighed.

Suddenly, the blood on the altar seemed to be broken down, flowing along the cracks and flowing into a bright red liquid.

Sniffing the smell of the liquid, Qin Shi’s heartbeat suddenly became mad, as if it had been ignited by something, and he was blackened.

"Oh... this breath, what is going on?"

The blood is too familiar, and the familiar one calls him some fear. From the deepest point of his knowledge of the sea, his gods cannot keep calm.

"I must find out!"

He clenched his fists and restrained himself with a strong restraint, and immediately pushed his hands forward, and the three thousand dragon **** slammed out.

"Give me broken!"

Following Yin Bingming's wind dragon blade, Qin Shi's fault force hit, his power overlaps and looks like a new world from a distance. Due to the constant anxiety of the two forces, the five elements in the space begin. Distorted, forming colorful colors, blue sky, green land, bright red clouds, yellowish light, constantly exchanged.

"This is... spiritual power fusion? God, it's crazy." Qin Shi's weight in the hearts of everyone rose to another level, Yin Bingming also flashed Zhuang Su.

"This kid... It’s really a trough." Yin Bingming squeezed his fists hard, and the look of the unknown did not change.


All three thousand dragon beads eventually hit a point in the barrier, three thousand times of wheel attack, at that point, the crack was instantly enlarged, and finally, under the eyes of everyone, a huge gap was exposed.

"The barrier is going to open?"

Suddenly, the audience held their breath.

Of course, it is no wonder that this is the treasure of the mausoleum of the gods, and the treasures in every tomb are shocking.

Especially the disciples of the winds near the altar, one by one, the golden light came out.

"What will it be?" Everyone is looking forward to it.


The barrier shattered and the altar suddenly changed. From the center of the altar, a golden light burst into the air, smashing the rock above the mausoleum and rushing into the sky.

Followed by the bright red liquid into a thick blood fog, wrapped around the altar.

Then, the light group rises and falls in the center of the blood fog, like the eyes of a hungry wolf hidden in the forest, giving people a deep and mysterious feeling.

"Can't be wrong, that is the treasure of the mausoleum!"

"What are you doing, you can't take it for grabbing, just get the treasure, even if you give up the sacrifice of the gods!"

Suddenly, a frenzy was caused by the altar, and all the disciples who were present were crazy. They did not care about life and death. At the same time, they burst into the air and jumped into the altar.

"A group of people who don't want to die!" Li Yan's face was fierce and gloomy, and immediately he gave orders to the disciples of the wind domain, and his palms rose upwards: "The disciples of the winds listened to the orders, dare to get close to the altar, kill innocent!"


The disciples of the windfield suddenly exposed fierce martial arts from all directions. In just three seconds, they killed a hundred disciples.

Yin Bingming glanced at the expressionless face and rushed to Qin Shidao: "Oh, it’s a greedy guy. We paid so much, but they want to be cheap?"

Qin Shiwen’s words frowned, but he did not express his opinion, because in his view, they also smashed the cheapness of others. If it were not for the joint attacks of these disciples, the barrier would be weakened, and it was decided by him and the wind. It is impossible to break this barrier.

"Qin brother, we said good before, the points here belong to me, the treasure of the mausoleum belongs to you, now, I will collect the points, and the treasure will be taken by yourself." Yin Bingming did not forget the previous agreement, this Also let Qin Shi slightly glimpse, can not help but nodded gratefully, which also called him to interrupt in the heart, is Zi Lingsha suspicious.

He is very clear, how much struggle is it for a person to give up the mausoleum treasures. Yin Bingming can do this for him, and that is really enough to make him touched.

He nodded, and the black sly looked at the altar.

"Next, let me take a look, what are you?"

Trying to suppress the instigation in his heart, he walked up the steps of the altar step by step. Every time he stepped up, he felt that he was one step closer to the truth, until the top He fell into the blood In the middle, perseverance is under the light group.

"Always calling me, is that you?"

Qin Shi’s hands trembled a little, and he pulled his hand sleeves up and grabbed the ball of light.

call out!

Suddenly, however, a scene that he never imagined appeared, and a fierce and violent figure rushed forward from behind him, circling the fierce wind in his palm, and slamming it against his back.


His face was so heavy that his body was shaken back a few steps. When he looked up again, Yin Bingming was standing under the light ball with a smirk and reached out and slowly absorbed the ball. In the bag.

"Yin brother... What are you?" Qin Shi’s heart was cold, and seemed to have understood what he was, but he still refused to believe.

The light ball was taken down, Yin Bingming rushed to Qin Shi’s cold laughter: “Oh, Qin Shi, you are so naive. This treasure of the mausoleum is made by people in the world. Do you really think that I will give it to you? ”

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