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Chapter 800 97 Four-Directions Nether Deep Great Heavenly Pillar

as everyone knows, Hidden Shadow City’s Token is divided into 7 levels: scarlet, orange, yellow, green, azure, blue, purple. Those who can get the purple color Token can look at the Central Region and can be counted on one’s fingers.

Either the Peak genius or the amazing identity background, such as the sons of Martial Emperor, the sons of Headmaster, and so on.

The fatty in front of him is unknown, and certainly not Emperor’s List Peak genius, but has an extremely amazing background.

“This … this big brother … we … I’m really sorry just now … also please Haihan …” The young dead soul frightened, and his speech became stuttered.

The “scar Young Master” also sweated coldly on his forehead.

“Come on, walk and grow your eyes later.”

Sima Kong’s face was indifferent, the flesh of Hu hu hu’s big hand was full of momentum.

If the two people were pardoned, they kept on and left in a hurry, and soon disappeared into the street.

Presumably after this incident, this pair of masters and servants, in this Hidden Shadow City, would never dare to act arrogantly.

“Fatty, I ask you, where did you steal this Purple Token?” Qin Nan immediately said to Sima Kong sound transmission.

“What is stealing? I’m a thief, Thief Emperor Successor, it’s a good idea!” Sima Kong rolled the eyes, and then proud of it, said: “It’s not me bragging. Except for a fight, there’s nothing in the world. Arrive? This Purple Token was forged by me, and Hidden Shadow Building can’t find out … “

“Fake?” Qin Nan froze, and then tsk tsk admired.

I have to say that Sima Kong is very powerful in other ways.

“Hey, one piece of was sold last time, there is one piece of left here, you can take it. It is a Martial Emperor Powerhouse in a secluded mountain forest named Wang Liang Martial Emperor. This Purple Token represents him. Successor. “Sima Kong said, took out one piece of Purple Token and handed it to Qin Nan.

Qin Nan immediately accepted it. With this Purple Token, it may be available in Hidden Shadow City.

“Aiya, right now.” Sima Kong glanced at all around, sound transmission saying: “Qin Nan, do you know the map of heaven-defying changes the fate? You should also know the gambling map? Hidden Shadow City has no Where gambling is less, I think using your pump technique, plus my means, should be able to gamble … “

Qin Nan frowned.

The so-called gambling map, which he has seen from the Central Region 10000 elephant jade slip, is a map specifically for betting on heaven-defying changes the fate.

You must know that when a map of heaven-defying changes the fate is not in the place pointed to by the map, no one knows what kind of danger there is and what kind of fortuitous encounter it is.

Therefore, some people will collect a large number of maps, and then uniformly price and sell them.

After Cultivator bought the map, there are two ways to verify it. The first one is to check it in person. The second one is a rare treasure with a “blue divine solution”. Drop it on the map. The larger the rays of light, the larger , It represents the place where the fortuitous encounter contained in the map, the stronger it is.

Of course, Lanshenye only has a 30% accuracy rate, and most Cultivator will not choose Lanshenye, because once it is an amazing fortuitous encounter, it will attract countless people.

“My pump technique is thorough and it doesn’t seem to be related to the gambling chart.” Qin Nan thought for a moment, opened the mouth and said.

“Hey, you do n’t understand. Why is there such a strange rare treasure like Lan Shenye that there is a 30% chance of finding a fortuitous encounter contained in a map? That ’s because there are heaven-defying changes the fate Opportunity maps will be contaminated with Heaven and Earth cause and effect. The stronger the fortuitous encounter, the greater the cause and effect of Heaven and Earth … “

Sima Kong laughed twice, then flashed the sperm gleam in her eyes, and said, “I have something, you can use your pump technique to observe this Heaven and Earth cause and effect. Of course, provided that your pupils are enough Strong, otherwise it would be completely blind. “

This is why Sima Kong meets Qin Nan and wants to speak.

Because only Qin Nan’s pupils meet his requirements.


Qin Nan glanced at Sima Kong in surprise.

I didn’t expect this guy, he still has such taboo means.

“Gambling on the picture, let it go aside.” Qin Nan groaned and said, “I’m here this time, mainly to go to Hidden Shadow Building, to explore some information, it is very important.”

Gambling chart, just earn Emperor Crystal.

Moreover, the means of fatty must have certain limitations, and it would not be so heaven-defying.

For Qin Nan, it is more important to accumulate world’s strength.

“Looking for information?” Sima Kong thought for a while, and said, “Hidden Shadow Building’s intelligence is quite special. It doesn’t take Emperor Crystal to find it, as long as you have to be recognized by them, and even if you have a strong identity background, No, it just depends on how strong your ability is, let’s go first. Hidden Shadow Building. “

“it is good!”

Qin Nan nodded, the rules of Hidden Shadow Building, he also knows some.

When the time is up, I will go to the site to see it.

The silhouette of the two people quickly moved towards the center of the city, but after a long time, they came to the towering black pillar that rose from the ground in Hidden Shadow City.

“en? This is…”

Qin Nan’s eyes narrowed.

Standing in front of the black giant pillar, for some reason, there is an invisible power that emanates from it, like a chain of one after another, covering him all over and around.

“Qin Nan, this is the Four-Directions Nether Deep Great Heavenly Pillar. It is one of the magic treasures of the Hidden Shadow Building 2 big town gate. It has exceeded the scope of the Emperor Item and reached the Half Step Divine Item.” Sima Kong watched With this giant Big Black column, there seems to be a flame burning in the eyes: “With this column, even the digital Martial Emperor Powerhouse wants to attack, it is almost impossible.”

“Is Four-Directions Nether Deep Great Heavenly Pillar?”

Qin Nan secretly thought, and then took a deep breath, the power of Martial Ancestor, began to cover the whole body.

Being covered by the power of this rare treasure made him feel uncomfortable.

After eliminating the strange feeling, two people followed the crystal road and entered the 1st-layer of Four-Directions Nether Deep Great Heavenly Pillar.

Outside of this big tianzhu, the silhouette of Cultivator is rarely seen, but after entering the 1st-layer, there are countless noisy sounds, assaults the senses.

“What’s going on? Why hasn’t the intelligence come yet?”

“I’ve been here for 3 hours! Is it so difficult to investigate an intelligence? I’m not giving you money!”

“Call you Elder out soon! That’s ridiculous!”

“Shit! That’s the case again!”


These sounds are almost foul-mouthed.

Moreover, Qin Nan at a glance, almost all Cultivators in this great hall existed in the existence of Martial Ancestor Realm. Only the disciples of Hidden Shadow Building are the realm of Martial Saint Realm.

“Hey, Hidden Shadow Building is such a wonderful place, no matter how rich you are, no matter your cultivation level, etc., if you are not recognized by them, they are all white …” Sima Kong looked at the foul-mouthed group People, there are rays of light flashing in their eyes.

This selling of intelligence is a very profitable method. If he steals 10000 elephant beads from Hidden Shadow Building, how could’t it be developed?

“Hello, 2 people. May I help you?”

Just then, a gentle voice sounded.

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