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Chapter 800 93 Uproar

His problem now is obvious. If he does not experience the baptism of world’s strength, his cultivation level is impossibly a qualitative leap. And 6 Martial Ancestor’s Tree looks very powerful, but Qin Nan thinks it is not enough.

This time The Skies Mountain Range made him deeply impressed. The two geniuses from Demigod’s Country are just the existence of Heaven level 2-Rank Martial Spirit. They must not rank high on the God List, but they have that. Horrible battle strength.

What about Heaven level 8-Rank, Heaven level 9-Rank, or even Heaven level 10-Rank?

Powerful unimaginable.

Qin Nan’s ultimate goal at Cang Lan Continent is to break the Southern Heaven Gate and merge all War God. Southern Heaven Gate is not so easy to break, he can only achieve this major event if he reaches an incredible point.

“Now that I am in the Central Region, whether it is the Dragon Emperor Institution or Emperor’s List, I am in a middle-grade state. Many top secrets can only be known if they reach the Martial Emperor Realm world … “

Qin Nan looked at the eight skeletons in practice, looking thoughtful in his heart.

I didn’t realize it before, he just reacted now, he was in a game and needed to break it.

The only way to break the game is to find world’s strength.

“While looking for world’s strength, I need to get Emperor Crystal, upgrade Martial Spirit, and find the remaining 2 small treasures of Breaking Heavens Great Emperor.” Qin Nan thought for a while, on his way in the Central Region, But there is a clear concept.

“This world’s strength is not so easy to find, and I ca n’t just sit back and wait. After this Human Race Peak renovation, I got a certain Emperor Crystal, I went to Hidden Shadow Building to see if I could get information on Powerhouse Transcending Tribulation … … “

It is almost impossible to find the Powerhouse of Transcending Tribulation in Nuoda Central Region.

The only way is to go to Hidden Shadow Building.

Qin Nan was very impressed with the Hidden Shadow Building. When he was at the Wandering Pavilion Martial Hall, Cui Lixu investigated his identity. It only took dozens of breaths to put Qin Nan in the lower territory and the Eastern Region. All A clear 2 investigation, intelligence capabilities, can be called terrifying.

In fact, Dragon Emperor originally promised Qin Nan that Qin Nan could go to him, but Qin Nan is not willing to have any conflicts with Dragon Emperor because the requirements of Monster Race and Monster God Restricted Area are too much. It’s blurred, and now what he wants, it is best to rely on his oneself.

“Well, just plan it that way. There is still a month to go. I’ll stabilize myself first.”

Qin Nan nodded, then closed his eyes.

Ten days passed in a flash, one month from the time Six Spirits Dragon Vein had said to other disciplines.

At this moment, at the foot of Human Race Peak.

A large group of Monster Beast disciple had already come, overcrowded, and their voices were boiling.

“What is the situation, and how has Human Race Peak been closed with Mountain’s Protection Formation?”

“Whatever it does, if he cheats, I’ll fight with them!”

“Haha, that’s not enough, a Human Race in Qin Nan, dare to oppose us at the Dragon Emperor Institution?”


Just as the demon talked, one silhouette suddenly evolved at the foot of the mountain, and it was Xian Yue.

“En? Xian Yue? Why is he here?”

“Oh, dignified Howling Sun Heavenly Wolf Young Master, I actually used Qin Nan as a mount. Shameless?”

“That’s right, damn shame on Monster Race!”


Many Monster Race disciple’s faces are exposed with a look of loathing.

After all, the Monster Beast that can come to the Dragon Emperor Institution are mostly comparable to Heaven level 1-Rank Martial Spirit, proud and arrogant.

Xian Yue heard the scolding of all directions, and sneered at the corners of his mouth, disinclined to pay attention to, and said directly: “Everyone, before I enter Human Race Peak, I want to announce one thing. This time we Human Race Peak After the transformation, it is different from the past, except that the person who practiced in the practice great hall last time can stay for ten more days. From now on, the price triples and the time is reduced by half!

A short sentence is like heavens-frightening.

The Monster Race disciple surrounding the lower part of the pupils were simultaneously shrunk, almost doubting their ears.

The price tripled, and the time was reduced by half?

This Human Race Peak Qin Nan, is it like thinking about Emperor Crystal?

Even if it has a strong Dao Source Energy, it is not worth the price Ah!

After a moment of silence, the entire Monster Race disciple reacted immediately.


“Xian Yue, are you fucking teasing me? Double it 3 times? Time is reduced by half? It’s up to you Dao Source Crystal Stone at Human Race Peak?”

“It’s ridiculous! It’s ridiculous!”

“Oh, I’ve finished practicing the rest of my time, see if I can come to your Human Race Peak!”

“Really fucking shameless!”

Most people sneer and sneer, and some Monster Race disciples without breakthrough cultivation level are ugly and swearing.

Xian Yue was indifferent in the face of the scolding voice, but said indifferently: “Now don’t talk nonsense with you, Mountain’s Protection Formation is about to be withdrawn. The last disciple that has not been practiced last time, you can enter after showing your identity.”

With the fall of his voice, the faint white mist covering the Human Race Peak began to recede.

The Monster Race disciple below was scolded and scolded, but for the rest of the time, they didn’t dare to waste it and quickly went forward to register.

However, at this time, the white mist completely disappeared, and those disciples also looked up instinctively.

From this look, the whole audience revealed shocking colors.

I only saw 5 colors and 6 colors of rays of light floating on the towering Human Race Peak. There were energetic monster birds flying in the sky, and there was another after another ten zhang tree on the mountainside. From the ground, the branches and leaves are scattered, and numerous strange flower weeds are sucking spiritual energy, blooming buds, and beautiful.

Dao Source Crystal Stone on the top of the mountain becomes more powerful, like a Great Emperor, suppressing it there.

Suddenly, a feeling of hard to describe struck the hearts of all the Monster Race disciples present.

It’s as if the peak in front of them is no longer a simple peak, but a fairy mountain!


Full-disciple, completely speechless.

How is this going?

A month ago, Human Race Peak was not like this!

Why one month later, Human Race Peak changed like this Heaven and Earth turning upside down?

This is incredible!

More than that.

When Human Race Peak Mountain’s Protection Formation was withdrawn, some Elders on other peaks, and some people in the dark, were paying attention to Human Race Peak, and the current spiritual thought came over.

But when they saw it, their faces were full of horror.

For a moment, the change of Human Race Peak, within the Dragon Emperor Institution, was like throwing a Thunder Pill in the calm lake, and it exploded instantly.

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