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Chapter 891 Changing the Heaven and Switching the Earth

I just saw that in the Mountain Protecting Divine Bead, the 5st-layer of the 1-Layer small tower, a Dao Talisman script, worked like a ray of flame.

It turns out that the Mountain Protecting Divine Bead is divided into 5 levels with a small tower. The more the number of towers that are urged, the stronger the formidable power. Qin Nan This is the first time I cast it, so naturally I dare not urge it all, we must first see the might ability.


At this moment, 57 red glows were sprayed out of the Mountain Protecting Divine Bead, just like a chain. The 58 peaks of the moved towards Dragon Emperor Institution flew quickly. Within 3 breaths, the red glow did not enter 57. The inside of the mountain peak is inserted into the one after another strange Dragon Vein.

“Qin Nan, how’s it going?” Six Spirits Dragon Vein stared wide-eyed on the side, it is not the master of Mountain Protecting Divine Bead, so the operation of Mountain Protecting Divine Bead, and red glow, etc., he can’t see all of.

In his opinion, Mountain Protecting Divine Bead did nothing at all.

“Senior, wait a minute!”

Qin Nan’s body flickered, and he was suspended in the sky. War God left pupil turned and looked down.

Wu wu wu ……

Mountain Protecting Divine Bead issued a strange suction after one after another, as if the wind was howling.

Qin Nan immediately saw that the “Antique Purple Gold War Dragon”, “Dark Qilin’s Pulse”, “Nine Tails’ Pulse”, “Headless Dragon Vein”, “Tianyi Dragon Vein”, etc. ” This red glow sucks away its power, one after another, and sucks in Human Race Peak.

In an instant, the inside of Human Race Peak’s cavern was filled with all kinds of Qi of Dragon Vein, extremely vast and extremely magnificent.

“Hahaha, okay, okay, it is indeed Supreme Treasure made by Breaking Heavens Great Emperor!” Six Spirits Dragon Vein standing by the side, seeing this scene, suddenly burst into a hearty laugh.

“Great, really amazing!”

One after another surprising look flashed in Qin Nan’s eyes.

While Mountain Protecting Divine Bead was absorbing, the Dragon Vein of each Great Mountain peak and the Powerhouse of each Great Mountain peak were unaware, and you must know that he was just urging the 5 towers 1st-layer, there is With all this might ability, what if all the urges?

I’m afraid it won’t take long, you can suck the major veins forcibly!

“Senior, can this Mountain Protecting Divine Bead be used elsewhere?” Qin Nan converged, quickly returned to the interior of the mountain, feeling the power of one after another, and quickly opened the mouth to ask.

In any case, he is now the Human Race Peak Peak Lord of the Dragon Emperor Institution.

It’s okay to absorb a little bit, but if you absorb all of it, it will definitely cause a terrible disaster.

“Uh …” Six Spirits Dragon Vein thought for a while, then shook his head: “This Mountain Protecting Divine Bead was created specifically for the Human Race Peak and the Dragon Emperor Institution and can only be used on the Human Race Peak. This Just like Breaking Heavens Great Emperor wanted to make Monster Beating Staff, it was specifically aimed at the Dragon Emperor Institution. “

When Qin Nan heard this sentence, he suddenly twitched.

At that time, Breaking Heavens Great Emperor, anyway, was also the Disciple of Human Race Peak. How did each of the magic treasures made specifically for the Dragon Emperor Institution?

No wonder the Breaking Heavens Great Emperor was so amazing that the Dragon Emperor Institution had to force him away.

Qin Nan, although somewhat disappointed, quickly calmed down and began to think.

According to the mighty ability of Mountain Protecting Divine Bead, urging 5 towers 1st-layer will not cause any mutation. If you urge 3rd-layer, I am afraid that the Dragon Vein of each Great Mountain will startle.

“Just urge 2nd-layer. With the formidable power of 2nd-layer, you can also make Human Race Peak a practice Holy Land in a few days.” Qin Nan secretly said in one’s heart, set the lord intent .

However, there is a problem. He needs to pay attention to the characteristics of Qi of Dragon Vein in the Great Mountain peaks. When the practice great hall is opened up, other Elders and Disciples can see the strangeness at a glance.

He will then need to transform these various Qi of Dragon Vein through Dao Source Crystal Stone.

“Senior, let’s go now. Let the discipline in the practice great hall leave first. After a month, we will reopen it.” Qin Nan looked towards Six Spirits Dragon Vein, and said.

“it is good!”

Six Spirits Dragon Vein 2 Without a word, stride, and you’re over the practice great hall.

“Following daoist who are retreating, now Human Race Peak has changed abnormally, here is an urgent announcement, practice great hall, stop practice!”

As he spoke, he waved his hands and used his magical skills to cut off the communication between Dao Source Crystal Stone and the practice great hall.


“Fuck, you paid Emperor Crystal for labor. Do you Human Race Peak want to cheat?”

“Shameless, it’s almost shameless. I have ten days left, could it be that?”

“Shit!, Refund money!”

A monster Beast who was retreating was startled, swearing, and extremely angry.

“Everyone, don’t worry, we Human Race Peak will naturally not do this kind of thing. When we restart Human Race Peak one month later, you can continue to practice in the remaining time. And each person will be extended for ten days.”

Six Spirits Dragon Vein said: “This incident is urgent, but it is really helpless, and I hope Haihan …”

As soon as this statement was made, the entire Monster Beast was expression moved.

After careful calculation, it would be a good thing to add ten more days.

So the anger subsided, only a few, still foul-mouthed.

It didn’t take long for all the Monster Race disciple to be wiped out, leaving Human Race Peak.

“Qin Nan, what happened?” Xian Yue and two dogs and a mouse who were retreating were also alarmed.

Heavens Secret Mouse did find something, alas, a pair of mouse eyes, flashing rays of light.

“Now, don’t tell me everything you see.” Qin Nan suspended in the air, facing Six Spirits Dragon Vein. “Senior, I hope you will take the shot and cover everything from Human Race Peak. Right … “

“it is good!”

Six Spirits Dragon Vein was full of momentum, suddenly changed, took out a piece of Token, and urged it.

Oh la la !

The cloud of one after another, like the waves, surges up and down, and in the blink of an eye, covers up the Human Race Peak.

Each of the Great Mountain peaks of the Dragon Emperor Institution has a special mountain protection formula, and all are arranged by the Great Emperor Powerhouse to arrange.

Human Race Peak’s Mountain’s Protection Formation was not only arranged by the former Dragon Emperor, but also suffered the transformation of Breaking Heavens Great Emperor, and became very powerful, even if it is Martial Emperor Powerhouse, it is almost impossible to spy on everything inside.

This scene of Human Race Peak naturally attracted countless attention.

Those people were all confused, and Human Race Peak suddenly covered the whole peak. What did they want to do?

“Qin Nan, what the hell are you doing?” Xian Yue was confused, 100 wondering.

2 The dogs are excited. With their knowledge of Qin Nan, they have engaged in such a big battle. This is a major event.

“Mountain Protecting Divine Bead, urge me, small tower 2-Layer, run fast!”

Qin Nan is standing in suspension, standing on Dao Source Crystal Stone, tossing Mountain Protecting Divine Bead and whispering.

The mighty ability of Mountain Protecting Divine Bead was revealed, and 57 red glows that were thicker than before were submerged.

next moment, mutation emerged.

One after another. The vastness of Qi of Dragon Vein from other peaks descended on Human Race Peak at an amazing speed, blowing down, making Human Race Peak countless ancient trees, flowers, and more with spiritual wisdom. They are all severe tremors.

in an instant, like Changing the Heaven and Switching the Earth.

“Fuck, this is–“

The eyes of Xian Yue and two dogs and a mouse suddenly widened.

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