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Chapter 800 89 Heavenly Blade Sect’s Pursuit

The fighting intent of these 5 War God Trees is far beyond Qin Nan’s imagination.

“Spiritual thought Huashan, stop me!”

Qin Nan reacted instantly, with a swift drink, spiritual thought seemed to evolve an invisible Great Mountain, and the town was on 5 Martial Dao Trees. This was the first time in his history that he had cracked down on the War God Tree.


With a loud noise, these 5 War God Trees actually broke the will of Qin Nan, and the countless Emperor Technique will bloom like a shooting star, hitting the Martial Dao Tree.

This Martial Dao Tree, without showing weakness, stretches its leaves and leaves that Emperor Technique will evolve to the extreme.

boom ~ boom ~ ……

With a series of explosive sounds, countless shares of astral qi, moved towards all around were opened, and several formations of Qin Nan to arrange were instantly destroyed.

Although this Martial Dao Tree is powerful, it is far from being the opponent of 5 War God Trees. In the blink of an eye, it was stabbed below.

“Oops, Powerhouse at Immeasurable Mountain!”

Qin Nan felt that several spiritual thoughts were sweeping, his heart was shocked, without the slightest hesitation, and he took out the Golden Seal.

However, after suppressing Martial Dao Tree, War God Tree seems to have been satisfied, and actively took back all Emperor Technique will and returned to within the body of Qin Nan.

The suppressed Martial Dao Tree, despite the suppression, still has the same momentum.


Qin Nan relaxed. He really didn’t want to use the Golden Seal to suppress War God Tree forcibly, but this time, it also gave him a warning. Although the idea is perfect, he will encounter extremely great difficulties in the back.

“I must figure out a solution at that time …”

Qin Nan secretly thought, recalling the Martial Dao Tree, his body flickered, and disappeared before waiting for the arrival of the major Powerhouses.

Next, Third Prince made a smooth exit, and heaven-defying changes the fate succeeded, becoming the number one genius of today’s Immeasurable Mountain. Immeasurable Mountain immediately hosted a banquet, and more than 20 3-Star forces Headmaster, simultaneously arrived, even each The big 2-Star forces also sent a bit of Envoy.

In this grand banquet, Qin Nan did not show up, but after the banquet was over, they would meet privately with Third Prince, Xian Yue, two dogs and a mouse.

“Third Prince, now I am the Dragon Emperor Institution Human Race Peak disciple, should you go to me?” Qin Nan pondered for a long time and took the lead to open the mouth to ask.

As a Peak Lord, he has 50 recruiting quotas. If Third Prince goes, it is also a good thing for their Human Race Peak. The two of them can also join forces to fight against the enemy.

“Forget it, for the time being I don’t want to join the 2-Star force, I will wait until I go to practice and upgrade to Martial Ancestor cultivation level.” Third Prince smiled and shook the head, and he wanted to take a good look Take a look at the scenery of the Central Region and fully understand this World.

“Well, come, drink.” Everyone has his own will, and Qin Nan will naturally not persuade him more.

Two people at this time, drinking, did not use their strength to resolve the alcohol, but enjoyed the slightly sloppy state, in this state, talking about things in the Eastern Region before, the names that are familiar to each and everyone.

This conversation lasted all night until Tian Ming Qin Nan rode Xian Yue and left Immeasurable Mountain.

“Come on, let’s go back to the Dragon Emperor Institution.” Qin Nan looked at Immeasurable Mountain, which was gradually distant in his eyes, turned his head, looked towards the distance, his eyes flashed with light.

He can’t wait to see it now. What kind of changes will happen to the Mountain Protecting Divine Bead made by dignified Breaking Heavens Great Emperor?

“Qin Nan, I ca n’t tell you last night. I have to tell you today that you have been spotted by Heavenly Blade Sect.” Xian Yue flew and opened his mouth, and there was still taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune in his eyes, to make you proud. Are you in trouble now?

“Heavenly Blade Sect’s eye?” Qin Nan frowned.

“Yeah, those two disciple, the Disciple in Heavenly Blade Sect, but not low, are highly valued by some Elder.” Xian Yue said: “However, there is no serious enough Sect people to hunt down your level, now you are in On Heavenly Blade Sect, he is the enemy of Bronze level. “

With that said, Qin Nan immediately remembered it.

Central Region 10000 Like jade slip said, the major forces divided the enemy into three levels, bronze, silver, gold, marked as Bronze level, then the forces have First Disciple, as long as this person is encountered, the strength is sufficient In this case, you can kill.

For Silver Rank, you must inform the top of Sect. If you have Gold level, you will be hunted down by all Sect Masters.

“It doesn’t matter, bronze is bronze.” Qin Nan shrugged.

Enemies, no one is coming!

Xian Yue’s mouth twitched, and he rationally chose silence, looking at the 2 dogs next to him, laughing absurdly.

In this way, one beast, quickly went to Central Dao City, took the formation, and entered the Dragon Emperor Institution.

At the same time, within the Dragon Emperor Institution Mysterious restricted area.

“Dean, have you summoned us to come, is there any news from the Monster God Restricted Area?” Nine Tails Monster Emperor took the lead in asking, and his voice was as impressive as ever.

“Well.” Dragon Emperor looked dignified and said, “The news came from above, it seems that the current situation in Demigod’s Country has undergone new changes. In addition to Three Great Influences, among the 7 restricted areas, it has been destroyed for a long time. Lost Herb Garden, there seems to be a Successor, and the killing of Divine Tablet in the Killing God Restricted Area broke … “

“And among the Three Great Influences, there seems to be a genius who transcends the rules of martial arts!”


Nine Tails Monster Emperor and Diablo Monster Emperor are both shocked.

Among the geniuses of Lost Herb Garden Successor, Killing God Successor, and Three Great Influences that surpassed the rules of martial arts, how can such changes happen?

“Monster God said that the most glorious era is probably coming. In these times, whether Qin Nan can set off waves is still unknown.” Dragon Emperor took a deep breath, “So, apart from the special moment, we Do n’t step in and let Qin Nan grow up on his own. If he grows to that point one day, Monster God will see him in person. “


Nine Tails Monster Emperor and Diablo Monster Emperor are both relaxed. This result, although not as good as expected, is not bad.

Letting his oneself grow is not a bad thing.

“Well, I’m still very optimistic about this kid. First, he moved the mountain and surrendered to Xian Yue. Not long ago, he also cut the inner sect disciple of 2 Heavenly Blade Sect. Over time, it will be extraordinary.” Dragon Emperor laughed and said: “At least, except for Demigod’s Country, in this Central Region, there is very little natural talent that can compare with him.”

“This is true.” The dark Monster Emperor felt the same, and said, “Then I won’t say much. The Martial Spirit of Qin Nan is still too low. I have to help him find the opportunity for heaven-defying changes the fate. “

After speaking, he flickered and disappeared.

“Giggle, I have never seen Lao Hei be so diligent, not even his son.” Nine Tails Monster Emperor covered his mouth and laughed.

Dragon Emperor watched the silhouette of Dark Emperor leaving, and was silent for a long time before he sighed, and said, “When there is hope, Lao Hei will not let go. After all, we at Monster Race have a bloody hatred on our bodies.”

Nine Tails Monster Emperor stopped talking, a pair of beautiful eyes, became extremely cold.

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