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Chapter 880 escaped to live another day

Hong long long !

Hong long long !

One after another, from the bottom of the abyss, the sound rang out, the sound went from far to near, and grew louder, from the dullness at the beginning, until the last, like a thunder, as if there was a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, coming!

“en? What happened?”

The sword-holding youth complexion changes must be dignified, and a closer look below moved towards.

Qin Nan glanced a little too.

At this moment, the entire Space-Time seems to be silent, a horrifying evil, like a volcano, erupting from that bottom, raging up!

“Not good !”

The face of the sword-bearing young man changed suddenly. He obviously did not expect that in this Ancient Evil abyss, such a majestic evil will suddenly burst out. Could it be that it was just the battle that shocked the deepest part of the inside. Mysterious stuff?

“The opportunity is coming!”

Qin Nan’s face was a joy, he did not retreat, his body quickly fell, and moved towards that evil rush. At the same time, the Golden Seal inside the body, humming and trembling, and the golden light sprayed out, is even richer and vaster, as if this evil will not be allowed, hurting Qin Nan in the slightest.

“Damn! Except Breaking Heavens Blade, what treasure is on him, and he is not afraid of such majestic evil intentions …” The sword-holding young man saw this scene, and the complexion changes were extremely gloomy.

Speaking late, then, evil intentions were surging and drowned Qin Nan’s body.

But the young man with the sword can feel that the other party is still alive and has not been affected by this evil intention at all!

“Master! Please help me!”

In crisis, the sword-bearing young man was loudly roared and used his last hole card. A Talisman suspended in his dantian suddenly burst out. Countless rays of light broke apart from it, exuding one after another vast emperor’s. Prestige, wrapped the sword-bearing youth.

Three Great Influences in Demigod’s Country, each discipline is above Heaven level 6-Rank Martial Spirit.

Because of this, every disciple is very precious. Even if you go out to experience, you must have Martial Emperor Talisman on your body, which is used to save lives at critical times!

Bang! Bang! Bang! ……

Even if Martial Emperor Talisman Shi unfolded, under the impact of this evil, it also made a sound of explosion after one after another, which could not be sustained for long.

In other words, if the sword-holding youth does not leave at this time, there is a mortal danger.

“Saved, didn’t expect this time. Good luck!”

The Qin Nan below looked at the scene, the eyes slightly shines, but he still did not dare to relax in the slightest, because the danger has just begun, and no one knows what the depth of the Ancient Evil abyss will look like.

“Didn’t expect! Didn’t expect! A Breaking Heavens Blade Successor that is unfathomable mystery and does n’t know where to jump out, it has such a powerful means! It is indeed the Successor of Breaking Heavens Blade! But even today I ca n’t get it Breaking Heavens Blade and Breaking Heavens Supreme Treasure, you also don’t want to survive in this world! “The young sword-holder above, after knowing his condition, was covered with dark clouds, and a pair of eyes revealed a crazy murderous intention.

Now Qin Nan is still very weak and he has such means. If he grows up, what terrifying will it be?

“Nine Heavens Divine Thunder, thought sword, Heaven and Earth Changkong, ten thousand li sniper!”

The young sword-bearing young man shouted, and the Ancient Sword in his hand turned out to have an amazing thunderbolt sword aura, and then he threw a large hand, a cultivation level, as if all of it was poured into it, making the entire Ancient Sword suddenly look like a star, Fall down.

Hong long!

This loud noise made Qin Nan’s hair explode immediately and scalp tingling.

He looked up subconsciously, and his face changed suddenly.

I only saw this Ancient Sword, scrolling through Heavenly Thunder sword aura, like a Thunder Dragon, rushing, in the face of such a mighty attack, Qin Nan was like a grass on the ground, looking small Unbearable and powerless.

“War God left arm! Breaking Heavens Blade! Resist me!”

Qin Nan growled, without any hesitation, raising his arms and covering his chest!

This is the strongest blow he has ever encountered. With his 6 Martial Ancestor’s Tree and so on, it has no effect in the face of such attacks.

Nothing can be done now!

Only block!

Stop it to live!


In the blink of an eye, the sky-thunderbolt sword aura was chopped on Qin Nan’s arms, making Qin Nan’s entire body move at a speed dozens of times faster than before. .

“hmph! ”

The young sword-bearing man among the evil intentions, seeing this scene, curl one’s lip, then operated within the body’s remaining Martial Ancestor power, moved towards the sky, and flew quickly.




A sky-splitting sound, a silhouette of a sword-holding youth, jumped out of the entrance to the Abyss of Ancient Evil.

“How’s the situation?” Another genius who had been waiting for a long time, and Black Sacrifice Martial Ancestor, saw this and hurriedly opened the mouth to ask.

“The situation is bad, I didn’t get something!” When mentioning this matter, the young sword-bearer’s face was rather ugly. “When the man was about to catch him, more terrifying evil broke out in the Ancient Evil abyss , Even Martial Emperor Talisman, can only support a little more time … “


Two people hearing this, their faces became extremely ugly.

I didn’t expect to spend so much effort, until the end, I couldn’t get a treasure.

“Senior Brother, I didn’t grab the forget about it! However, the Successor of Breaking Heavens Blade has now appeared, and has also obtained the Breaking Heavens treasure. This matter, we must report to the teacher immediately! After all–” Another young take a deep breath, he said.

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the sword-holding youth. Coldly said: “No need, at the last moment, I gave the strongest blow and I have killed him! Let’s go!”

“it is good!”

Even though two people are unwilling, but until now, there is no other way but to return to Demigod’s Country.

Black Sacrifice Martial Ancestor kept his face gloomy and no snoring. The two youths gave him a slight glance, without saying anything, and left.

“Shit! What the shit at Demigod’s Country is a bunch of waste!”

Black Sacrifice Martial Ancestor watched the back of the two people and couldn’t help swearing. If it wasn’t for the two people’s hole cards, just now, he must have shot the two so-called Demigod’s Country geniuses and ransacked them.

“Well, that’s all.”

Black Sacrifice Martial Ancestor sighed, shook the head, and immediately left the place.



At this moment, the deepest part of the Ancient Evil Abyss.

A loud bang and a body hit the ground heavily and smashed a large pit.

When not too much, this big pit is red by blood dyed.

This body is truly Qin Nan.

After being hit by that terrifying, even with the resistance of Breaking Heavens Blade and War God’s left arm, Qin Nan’s body was also hit by the shock of the earthquake, which was hit harder than ever, leaving only the last weak point. life fluctuation.

This is why his physique is overbearing, with 6 Martial Ancestor’s Trees.

However, if there is no rescue next, Qin Nan will surely die. His last faint vitality will not last long.

However, it is at this time.


A horrible momentum raged, and a voice sounded.

“This guy, is there a little style of this Emperor! Good, good!”

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