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Chapter 800 78 Breaking Heavens

“You … do you really have Breaking Heavens Blade?”

The mask man came back to his senses with hesitation, sound transmission said.

He just tried to perceive all around seriously, let alone the Breaking Heavens Blade, even a person’s aura did not notice it.

Of course, the most important thing is that he knew the Master ’s request for Breaking Heavens Blade Master. He felt that it was too difficult to meet that requirement, and that was why he was shocked.

“Well, I will urge Breaking Heavens Blade and suck that Mysterious Crystal Box.” Qin Nan sound transmission saying: “Senior, my whole cultivation level, only Martial Ancestor 1-layer, can’t compete against their three people, so I need you, wait to teleport me to the entrance to the Ancient Evil Abyss, can you do it? “

Rao is Qin Nan, and at this moment he couldn’t help but hang up.

If mask men can’t do it, then they really don’t have a chance.

“You only Martial Ancestor 1-layer? Do you want to jump into the Ancient Evil abyss to avoid them?” The mask man immediately understood his thoughts, complexion changed, sound transmission shouted: “I can make you teleport to the entrance, But absolutely not, you must not step into the Ancient Evil abyss, let alone you, even Martial Emperor Powerhouse, dare not go into its middle deep place, you will definitely die at this cultivation level! “

He absolutely did not expect that Qin Nan had such crazy ideas.

As soon as this word came out, Qin Nan’s face suddenly appeared happy, then complexion changes became serious, said seriously: “Senior, I have a rare treasure shield on me, not afraid of those evil intentions, this is the only way out at present Senior, no matter what, try it today, or watch them take away treasure, I am unwilling! “


The masked man listened to the decisiveness in Qin Nan’s words. For a moment, it was speechless, and he was a little embarrassed. A Martial Ancestor 1-layer guy wanted to step into the Ancient Evil abyss, avoid the strong enemy, even though he was treasure treasure. Guarding, if such a move is passed on, it will surely make countless Powerhouse laugh.

But, wasn’t the Master like that crazy?

“Qin Nan, are you thinking?” The mask man’s tone was a little heavy.

“Think better!”

Qin Nan’s voice rang in his mind without any hesitation.

“That’s good, I can help you teleport to the entrance of the Ancient Evil Abyss, and I will try to help you resist it, but the rest is up to you.” The mask man was paused, as if in a tone With a smile, he said, “I hope you can live.”

“for sure!”

Qin Nan in the distance spoke solemnly.

At this moment, the 2 geniuses of Demigod’s Country and Black Sacrifice Martial Ancestor are still shooting, and they are constantly attacking the mask man. They do not know that, invisibly, Qin Nan and the mask man have reached a cooperation.

“Senior … I’m starting!”

Qin Nan took a deep breath. First, he used the Worldly Affairs Transformation Divine Technique to change his shape. In order to avoid the time when the 2 geniuses and Black Sacrifice Martial Ancestor found his deity, he whispered, and his right arm exploded. Made Breaking Heavens Blade, and produced an amazing blade intent.

His aura is completely exposed in this between Heaven and Earth.

“En? Someone?”

The two Demigod’s Country geniuses who are fighting the mask men, as well as the Black Sacrifice Martial Ancestor, all captured Qin Nan in an instant, and they were simultaneously shocked. Obviously, they did not expect that there would be someone in this place, and they had not even noticed it!

What exactly is going on?

“Give me over!”

Qin Nan shouted, and Breaking Heavens Blade trembled in his hand, as if calling for something.

“That’s–” The two geniuses and Black Sacrifice Martial Ancestor turned their heads and looked at the long knife in Qin Nan’s hands. In his eyes, a shocking color was revealed. Many people did not know this knife. But for them, they are extremely familiar.

This is Breaking Heavens Blade!

This young man who suddenly appeared actually had Breaking Heavens Blade!


At this moment, there was an explosion on the masked man, and I saw the Crystal Box of Mysterious, as if it had received invisible attraction, spontaneously flew out, turned into a rays of light that were difficult to capture by naked eye, and flew to In the hands of Qin Nan.

Of course, it was so smooth, mainly because Qin Nan deliberately released Breaking Heavens Blade, in order to shock the two geniuses and Black Sacrifice Martial Ancestor, causing them to take a slow time and unable to shoot, blocking the treasure of Breaking Heavens.

“Get it!”

Qin Nan didn’t hesitate, quickly put this Crystal Box into a Storage Bag, flashed his body, transformed it into a blade of light, and moved quickly towards the distance.

“courting death !”

2 The big genius and Black Sacrifice Martial Ancestor, came back to his senses almost at the same time, and burst out an amazing aura, which came across, and in just one breath, came to the top of Qin Nan’s head. Expand it.

Qin Nan complexion greatly changed, a black hair, and then danced wildly.

Under these three people’s killing move, his body looks like an ant, extremely small. As long as this killing skill falls, he must surely don’t exist, and he will definitely die.

“Breaking Heavens, listen to my orders, come here!”

The mask man shot at this moment, and a magic seal was formed with his hands, which caused Qin Nan’s body in the distance to bloom rounds of rays of light, wrapping him all over.

With a sigh, Qin Nan’s figure disappeared into place and came to the back of the mask man.

It turned out that the mask man used his connection with Mysterious, the treasure of Breaking Heavens, to achieve the effect of teleportation.

At the feet of Qin Nan, and also behind the cliff, Qin Nan also completely saw the entrance of the Ancient Evil Abyss, reaching as long as the zhang, showing an oval, countless evil intentions, like black ink, being pulled by an invisible force , Constantly distorted, unfathomable.

As the name Ancient Evil Abyss, this is an evil abyss!

Jump in, there is no end!

“Senior, many thanks!”

At this moment, Qin Nan didn’t have any hesitation, loudly roared, blade intent covered his whole body, and moved towards the Ancient Evil abyss.

“Shot! Dare!”

The two geniuses who flew into the distance and Black Sacrifice Martial Ancestor saw this scene, and almost understood it instantly. There was a burst of anger in their eyes.

They fell into a trap!

Qin Nan was intentionally exposed. He deliberately sucked away the Mysterious Crystal Box and led them away. The masked man was ready to move and moved Qin Nan to the entrance to the Ancient Evil Abyss! According to their perception, although they cannot see the cultivation level of Qin Nan, they know that the cultivation level of Qin Nan is definitely not strong!

Qin Nan is now stepping into the Ancient Evil Abyss, the only vitality!

“Heavenly power, listen to my orders, Nine Heavens Divine Sword!”

2 The big genius issued a long shout, and at the same time, the power of terrifying swept away, causing that world all directions to gather a large cloud of darkness. In that dark cloud, thunderbolt rolled and turned into a statue. Another great sword hovering above it.

boom! boom! boom!

As soon as many Thunder Dao Divine Swords appeared, the surrounding void sounded one after another.

Just Jianwei, move heavens-frightening!

“Hahaha, do you still want to get treasure? Now Breaking Heavens Successor is here, you are delusional! In time, wait for my Breaking Heavens power to reappear Heaven and Earth, all of you shit God List genius, all will be crushed— — “The masked man was not afraid, and made a wild laugh, very happy.

“Cut out myriad evils!”

2 The big genius complexion changes were iron blue and roared. The Thunder Dao Divine Swords, like a heavy rainstorm, rushed down crazy, and wrapped the mask man and Qin Nan in them.

“Flicker … Breaking Heavens!”

The mask man will as if climbing to the peak, covered with black light, accumulated, bent his fingers, moved towards the void, and directly shot, from that fingertip, suddenly burst out a tsunami-like force, surged, as if Let this heaven be broken.

This is Life Source’s Emperor Technique of the former Breaking Heavens Great Emperor!

Even the masked man, who only mastered 10% of the essence, still might be scary.

Hong long!

The majestic finger force and the Thunder Dao Divine Sword collided, and a heavens-frightening dynamic blast was issued. The astral qi produced by the collision seemed to make all around fall into chaos.

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