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Chapter 800 70 6 Ancient Evil Abyss

“No, all the remaining bodies of War God are in Southern Heaven Gate. Now how does my right arm react? Could it be that means …”

Qin Nan’s heart tightened suddenly.

He remembered that when he was in the Dragon Emperor Institution, Six Spirits Dragon Vein told him that Breaking Heavens Great Emperor had exhausted all of them and refined Breaking Heavens Blade, but it was still here at Cang Lan Continent. The treasure of Breaking Heavens Great Emperor is left behind.

Now his right arm is reacting. The only explanation is that Mysterious treasure is the one left by Breaking Heavens Great Emperor. In this way, it can also explain why the 2 geniuses of Demigod’s Country have to come to The Skies Mountain Range.

After all, the treasure of the Breaking Heavens Great Emperor legacy, they want it too.

“Could it be that Crystal Box?”

Qin Nan noticed the enthusiastic gaze of the two geniuses, and looking down, he saw a water crystal box about half a foot wide and one foot long. On that box, strange lines were carved and composed. A picture of a man with open hands, as if embracing Heaven and Earth.

It’s too late, it’s fast.


The mask man yelled suddenly, and one after another blood light broke out in his mouth, and he actually inhaled the many treasures again within the body. Even the 2 geniuses and Black Sacrifice Martial Ancestor were too late.

“courting death !”

A genius of Demigod’s Country, forehead blue veins suddenly palpitates, instantaneously operated the Forbidden Technique, extracted a peculiar long sword, and from that point, swallowed the terrifying sword aura, straight into the sky, magnificent, terrifying .

“Hahaha, what about the three of you joining forces, and none of you today want these treasures, even if you let them die with me …” The mask man uttered a wild laugh, as if mad, his body shook and suddenly expanded. After that, countless star glows spewed out, and moved towards that distance, flying at an amazing speed.

“Want to escape? No way!”

The two geniuses and the Black Sacrifice Martial Ancestor all sang loudly and turned into 2 rainbows, going flying.

“Hurry up!”

Seeing this scene, Qin Nan didn’t hesitate to stand up and quickly rushed, but even if he exerted his best, he still couldn’t see the silhouette of the 3 people, so he could only go in the direction.

His cultivation level is too low, in front of these people, it is too small.

“Didn’t expect, actually encountered the treasure of the Breaking Heavens Great Emperor legacy! Is this luck or bad luck? In this way, the mask man will surely be killed …” Qin Nan flashed quickly Shape, while thinking, brows tightly knit.

He has an intuition that can urge Breaking Heavens Blade and attract that Mysterious Crystal Box.

However, even if I suddenly took the shot and got the Mysterious Crystal Box, it would have no effect. With the genius of 2 Demigod’s Country and the means of Black Sacrifice Martial Ancestor, he could be easily solved.

Unless it is Bronze Mirror’s shot, Qin Nan seems to have a glimmer of hope.

But now that Bronze Mirror is dead, there is no response, and Qin Nan can’t bet all hope on Bronze Mirror, he can only rely on his oneself.

“Let’s see it again depending on the situation!”

Qin Nan took a deep breath, and now I want to do more, it has no effect.

The first thing to do is to see if they can find a place where they fought. If these people flew out of The Skies Mountain Range directly, even if he was interested, he would be powerless.

Next, Qin Nan flew in full force and flew.

5 minutes, time it takes to burn two sticks of incense … he didn’t stop until he flew a full 4 5 minutes of time.

“Fortunately, they are not far ahead of that.”

Qin Nan looked up, looking at the distant place, one after another rising into the sky of constantly colliding rays of light, took a few deep breaths, adjusted his mind, converged the whole body aura, cautiously followed.

“Hey? What happened?”

Just after taking a few hundred steps, Qin Nan’s eyes showed a startled look.

I only saw that the trees all around were not the same as before. The whole body was dark and very thick. The leaves were like blades, extremely sharp, and fell on the ground, which actually cut out the ground.

Not only that, the Hundred Barriers Mist in the distance is more terrifying, half gray, half black, sometimes blending, sometimes separating, suppressing Qin Nan’s left pupil by 20%.

“Is there anything ahead?”

Qin Nan’s eyes flashed with rays of light.

This is The Skies Mountain Range, even the Martial Emperor Realm, and it is not a place where you dare to cross. In addition to the antique vestige, there are naturally other Mysterious restricted areas.

“It’s evil …”

After Qin Nan took a few dozen steps forward, his eyes became heavy.

Within his line of sight, he saw one after another’s evil intentions. From the depths of the woods, it was also the place where the 2 geniuses Black Sacrifice Martial Ancestor and the masked men fought, slowly drifting, walking in the air, making all around The temperature dropped rapidly, and even Qin Nan felt a chill.

It can be seen how powerful this evil is, let alone face those places in advance.

“Golden Seal Bodyguard!”

In order to prevent 10000, Qin Nan quietly urged the Golden Seal. Those evil intentions seemed to have encountered terrifying existence, and when walking in front of Qin Nan, they automatically dispersed like a bird of surprise.

At this moment, in the distance, the rays of light are still shining, and the sound of one after another heavens-frightening is trembling.

I don’t know if it was due to the war. The forest where Qin Nan walked did not meet Monster Beast.

Until 5 minutes passed, Qin Nan step one stopped.

Through the War God left pupil, he has now seen that, in that distant place, the two geniuses of Demigod’s Country and Black Sacrifice Martial Ancestor are joining forces and are constantly attacking the mask man, even if the evil is overwhelming there. Powerful attack, all shattered.

They are fighting on top of a mountain, and behind them are endless cliffs.

“The mask man can’t hold it! And, he doesn’t seem to be a living Martial Emperor, and the flesh body is very weird …” Qin Nan watched the battle in the sky far away, his heart sank.

The defeat of the mask man, Mysterious Crystal Stone, must fall into the hands of two geniuses of Demigod’s Country.

Even if he had Breaking Heavens Blade, he would never dare to bring Mysterious Crystal Stone summon.

could it be that, all this, is there no hope?

“Well, where does this evil come from?”

Suddenly Qin Nan thought of it.

This evil can cover such a large place, it must be extraordinary, and if you think about it, this mask man came here intentionally, as if to bring in 2 geniuses and Black Sacrifice Martial Ancestor.

“That is–“

Qin Nan’s eyes stared at the direction in which the evil flowed, and moved towards the rear, only because of the war, the majestic evil in the front was dissipated. It took Qin Nan a lot of work to find the evil Intended source.

However, when he saw the source, Qin Nan’s eyes were suddenly shocked.

The Golden Seal inside his body also seemed to notice something, but it was a trembling tremor, releasing one after another golden light, flowing in 4 limbs of Qin Nan 100 and guarding the rare treasure!

PS: End of Chapter 3, good night.

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