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Chapter 866 3 Big Powerhouse

“Qin Nan, you—”

Lin Miaoke turned around, and her startled look was revealed in her beautiful eyes. She absolutely didn’t expect that Qin Nan would stand up this time, but when she saw Qin Nan’s eyes, she didn’t talk anymore, and went silent. .

Yang Song, Xia Hao, Ding Buhui and the others, seeing this scene, the corners of the mouth evoke the arc of wiping.

This Qin Nan is not very good, just 3 words and 2 words, let him go forward obediently.

However, they didn’t know that this wonderful Hundred Barriers Mist was like a display in front of Qin Nan, and it had no effect.

War God left pupil can see through all at once.


Qin Nan is much lazy to say anything, and who walks ahead doesn’t matter to him. But do these two guys really think he is so bullied? Then, in this The Skies Mountain Range, see how he shot.

The crowd immediately followed Qin Nan’s figure and stepped into The Skies Mountain Range.

Time passed little by little. It didn’t take long for them to enter the depths of The Skies Mountain Range. At this time, the corners of the lips of Yang Song, Xia Hao, Ding Buhui and the others were completely absent. looked towards Qin Nan’s eyes, not as indifferent as before.

Because they came all the way, they didn’t meet any Monster Beast!

If it’s because of Xian Yue, Monster Beast is afraid to approach, but they haven’t encountered any danger. After all, in this mountain range, Monster Beast is often not the most terrifying. The terrifying are the hidden and hidden prohibitions, and the strange flower weeds with terrorist power.

This also proves that Qin Nan’s pump technique can be seen through even Hundred Barriers Mist!

“Here is Monster Beast! Monster Beast with 3-head Martial Ancestor 3-layer!”

Just then, Qin Nan’s footsteps were suddenly abrupt, shouted in a low voice, and tight.


Yang Song complexion changes become dignified, a blade intent, covering the whole body instantly.

Xia Hao, Ding Buhui and the others, their bodies were also tight, and their eyes became extremely sharp.

The 3 monsters of Martial Ancestor Realm 3-layer, although they can not threaten them, but in this The Skies Mountain Range, if the fighting movement is too huge, it will not only attract all around Powerhouse, but also attract some More powerful Monster Beast.

Only Lin Miaoke and Third Prince have strange looks.

Sure enough, after dozens of breaths, Yang Song, Xia Hao and the others also found something wrong, and his eyes immediately moved towards Qin Nan.

“I don’t think you have anything to say along the way, so just make a joke.” Qin Nan chuckled in the corner.


Yang Song, Xia Hao and the others, the breathing is stagnant, and the expression is quite ugly.

just kidding?

It’s simply teasing them all right!

“Fellow Daoist Qin Nan, this kind of joke is still less fun. After all, in this kind of wild mountains and mountains, even the Elders of the Dragon Emperor Institution, it is fundamentally impossible to want to come immediately.” Yang Song took a Deep breath, coldly, self-evident.

Xian Yue heard this, but was dissatisfied and yelled.


Qin Nan’s eyes narrowed, shrugged, and he moved forward.

He really hates threats, but now is not the time to show his strength. After all, Lin Miaoke is here to show her 6 Martial Ancestor’s Trees, and the impact is still not good.

The people continued to move forward.

Just after a while, Qin Nan’s eyes narrowed again, and his voice became extremely harsh, shouted: “This time, Monster Beast really comes! 2 Martial Ancestor Realm 4-layer exists!”

As soon as the words came out, the faces of Yang Song, Xia Hao, Ding Buhui and the others suddenly changed slightly.

2 heads Martial Ancestor Realm 4-layer Monster Beast!

It will take a bit of effort!

It ’s just the next moment, when the Yang Song 4 people saw the expression of faint smile on Qin Nan’s face, they immediately understood that they were cheated by this Qin Nan again!

“Qin Nan, you—”

Yang Song 4 people, their eyes are spitting fire, killing intent, undisguised.

“You guys, we haven’t arrived yet, could it be that we can’t kill each other here?” Lin Miaoke, standing aside, stood quietly beside Qin Nan, slowly speaking, in beautiful eyes, There was a flash of joy.

Let your group be arrogant before, let you force Qin Nan to stand up.

Just teasing you, what’s wrong?

Who can let you see through this Hundred Barriers Mist!

“Why are you all angry, Cultivator, joking, harmless. Of course, I still have a good sense, such a joke 2 or 3 times, I will not open more.” Qin Nan’s face was light, lightly said with a smile.

“Open 2 or 3 times?”

Yang Song 4 People have a stagnation in breathing, and there are blue veins suddenly palpitates on their foreheads.

In other words, do you have to drive again?

“Very well, it is indeed the discipline of Human Race Peak. Before I did, I despised you.” Yang Song took a deep breath, and the complexion changes became indifferent. According to the map, they were far away from the land of treasure. Not far away.

Why not let Qin Nan to be cocky for a while?

Of course, they dare not do it now because Lin Miaoke is here, and even if they are united, it is extremely difficult to kill these people. Once they have not killed them, Lin Miaoke and the others can spread the news and attract countless Powerhouses.

Nowadays, as long as the two parties reach the land of the treasure, everything is good to say, even if Lin Miaoke and the others escape and spread the news, they also have enough time to collect treasure.

“Let’s go.”

Qin Nan laughed, didn’t answer, and moved on.

In the next time it takes to burn two sticks of incense, Qin Nan’s speed slowed down a lot, and there was no snoring. This also made Yang Song and the others, relaxed. If Qin Nan keeps repeating ” Just kidding, “they really get angry and can’t help but fight.

Suddenly, Qin Nan pupils slightly shrink.

“Someone is here! And it’s Martial Ancestor peak Powerhouse! Everyone quickly converges aura!”

Qin Nan’s body flickered and he sank into a wood.

Lin Miaoke pretty face changed a lot, and quickly shot, covering the Third Prince, an Emperor Technique was launched, as if it had become one piece of stone, no longer has any vitality.

“Oh, Qin Nan, do you still want to lie to us? Fine, this time Lin Headmaster, you will also play with him …” Yang Song and Xia Hao and the others, both simultaneously sneered.

Is Qin Nan when they are stupid?

They cheated them 2 times in a row. How could they be fooled this time?

Moreover, although The Skies Mountain Range is one of the 100 mountain restricted areas, in general, the Martial Ancestor peak-level Powerhouse does not come to this place at all. Not to mention the peak, even the existence of Martial Ancestor 6-layer is extremely rare.

Powerhouses of that level are usually found in places such as the Forbidden City, 9 Seas and 3 Rivers.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Just then, several heavens-frightening explosions sounded.

I only saw the presence of three Martial Ancestor peaks above the sky, all imposing and undisguised, like a violent storm, sweeping past, blowing an endless astral wind, which made some Monster Beasts in the mountains look simultaneously. , Yelled, and fled in 3 places.

“what’s the situation?”

Yang Song Xia Hao and the others, his face changed suddenly, and a shocking look appeared in his eyes.

Martial Ancestor peak!

Really Martial Ancestor peak!

Moreover, there are still 3 full!

next moment their three people, without any hesitation, quickly cast Emperor Technique, converge aura, and hide.

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