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Chapter 864 The Arrival of Qin Nan


On the training field, Lin Miaoke, Ding Buhui, Yang Song, Xia Hao, Third Prince, etc. and the others looked up at the same time and moved towards the sky.

I just saw that in the sky, I don’t know when, there was an extra black spot, and it was flying fast.

Before the demon arrived, Wei arrived first!

“Very powerful monster’s prestige, just this monster’s prestige, this Monster Beast’s Bloodline is at least comparable to the existence of Heaven level 3-Rank Martial Spirit above, could it be that this is who Immeasurable Mountain is waiting for? “

Yang Song and Xia Hao glanced at each other almost simultaneously.

These monsters are also quite extraordinary in the Dragon Emperor Institution. However, the two people are not bad either. In Martial Spirit, they have reached the level of Heaven level 3-Rank.

Before long, the black spots in the sky quickly enlarged in the eyes of everyone, and the huge original appearance appeared to everyone’s eyes.

“Howling Sun Heavenly Wolf?”

Yang Song and Xia Hao, and Lin Miaoke and the others, were all shocked.

Howling Sun Heavenly Wolf, but in the Dragon Emperor Institution, the top 30 monsters.

Only Lin Miaoke and Third Prince came back to his senses, with a hint of doubt in their eyes, what’s going on, how come Howling Sun Heavenly Wolf came here?

Where is Qin Nan?

“Haha, Lin Headmaster, is this your helper? Howling Sun Heavenly Wolf Clan, so Bloodline is really good, it must be the discipline of Dragon Emperor Institution, but …” Both Yang Song and Xia Hao came back to his senses The corner of his mouth floated a disdainful smile.

What about Bloodline? What about the discipline of the Dragon Emperor Institution?

This is Howling Sun Heavenly Wolf, but only the cultivation level of Martial Ancestor 1-layer.

By that time, what kind of use can this cultivation level bring to the Skies Mountain Range?

Ding Buhui and another old man are also relaxed. If the lineup brought by the opponent is very strong, then it is not good news.

Between words, Xian Yue in the sky suddenly accelerated, landed on this training field, and made a loud noise, splashing countless astral qi, powerful and domineering.

Yang Song, Xia Hao and the others on the training field were unmoved.

“Third Prince, you are too interesting. You have to leave the customs one month in advance, and you have only sent me a message until now. What do you mean?”

However, at this moment, a faint voice sounded.

At this point, Yang Song and Xia Hao, Ding Buhui and the others, Lin Miaoke and Third Prince and the others, expressions are all startled.


what happened?

Where did this person come from?

This is not to blame them. Since Qin Nan found that the aura distributed by him is strange, he can converge on the cultivation level, let alone Martial Ancestor 3-layer. Even if it exists below Martial Ancestor 7-layer, I want to discover His existence is extremely difficult.

It was for this reason that they didn’t find Qin Nan at the beginning.

When in doubt, Yang Song, Xia Hao and the others, Lin Miaoke, Third Prince and the others, all looked toward the source of the sound. At this point, even Yang Song and Xia Hao two people On his face, there was a touch of shock.

I only saw Qin Nan standing on the wolf’s head of Xian Yue, and beside him, there were 2 aggrieved dogs and a pleasantly cheerful mouse.

Did not release any powerful momentum, so plain, but for the presence and the others, it was like a thunder.

as everyone knows, standing on the head of Monster Beast, that means that this Monster Beast has acknowledged allegiance and has become the person’s mount.

But this is a Howling Sun Heavenly Wolf Ah!

And, Howling Sun Heavenly Wolf is so high in Bloodline!

The young man in front of him can actually surrender Howling Sun Heavenly Wolf?

What terrifying is this young man?

“Qin Nan!”

When the Third Prince saw the person, his face was a happy face, and he strode forward, and then thought of something, shook the head with a grin, and said, “It’s not that I don’t want to find you, but in this Central Region. I’m going to contact you, just didn’t expect what happened now … “

“Small nonsense. After this matter is over, you must invite me to have a good drink.”

Qin Nan laughed forward, and punched him in the chest of Third Prince.

He doesn’t like drinking.

However, if it was a brother who hadn’t seen him for a long time, if he met again, he would have to drink 2 mouthfuls.

“no problem!”

The third Prince ’s mouth also evoked a smile. For a moment, there was some embarrassment. Even after he went out, things have remained the same, but people have changed. The brother in front of him is already extraordinary, but the friendship between them, But nothing has changed.

“Well, let’s talk about the old things. Let’s not talk about them first.

Qin Nan’s eyes looked towards Lin Miaoke, lightly said with a smile: “Lin Headmaster, we have met again. What is this time? I hope to tell me more. In addition, what are these people?”

Qin Nan looked towards Yang Song, Xia Hao and the others.

On Xian Yue, he has used the pump technique for a long time to see the cultivation level, Cultivation Technique, Martial Spirit, etc. of these people, all of them are clear. The general identity comes from, he also knows, just the name, he has not know.

Lin Miaoke heard this sentence, came back to his senses, mainly this time Qin Nan’s arrival method, brought her a great impact, took a deep breath, calmed down the mood, simple saying: “These two It’s Yang Song and Xia Hao, respectively, on the Emperor’s List, ranked … This is Ding Buhui, Headmaster of Heart Flame Demon Gate … “

“Under Qin Nan, I have seen you, this is Xian Yue, my mount.”

Qin Nan nodded, arched his hand.

The two dogs saw Qin Nan not introducing them. They were unwilling at the moment. They just prepared to report to their own home, but did n’t expect to speak. They actually made a “Wang” and “Wang” cry. They were shocked. Why? It’s time to drop the chain!

“Qin Nan? Hmm? Could you be it that Qin Nan of the Dragon Emperor Institution?”

Yang Song and Xia Hao were a little surprised.

I didn’t expect to come, this is the Renowned Qin Nan.

Of course, they two people can know Qin Nan, mainly because of Cui Lixu.

At the time, Qin Nan was only assessed over 2, and Cui Lixu was ranked 1000th. The benefits were far inferior to Qin Nan.

“It’s right next.” Qin Nan’s face paled, and Spiritual Consciousness and Third Prince were communicating to understand the whole sequence of events.

Yang Song and Xia Hao, when they heard this, the shocking colors on their faces were absent for an instant.

On the contrary, it is Yang Song, the corner of the mouth evokes the curvature, said with a smile: “haha, who do I think it is? Didn’t expect you to be that Qin Nan. Your assessment on the Emperor’s List, luck is real OK, but if I remember correctly, your Martial Spirit is only Heaven level 1-Rank, and Emperor’s List is only over 2 1000, right? And, not long after the Emperor’s List assessment, you ’re the most cultivation level, only Martial Ancestor 1-layer. “

After saying this, Yang Song paused, his eyes narrowed slightly, and said, “Fellow Daoist Qin Nan, should I be right?”

ps: It will be updated early tomorrow, good night everyone.

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