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Chapter 800 47

Dragon Emperor Institution, there are 3 prestigious Secret Realm. One is Myriad Monsters Field. Only Direct Disciple can enter and conduct cultivation. It is the dream of countless Monster Race disciple. The second is Dao Source Cave Heaven, and most Dragon Emperor Institution disciples who advance to Monster Ancestor rely on it.

The third one is Divine Dragon Space.

Divine Dragon Space is made by Dragon Emperor with itself keel, Dragon Blood, and countless treasures. It is specially used to help the discipline and carry out the Transcending Tribulation. Dragon Emperor Institution Most of the Monster Race disciple can achieve Monster Ancestor in peace, thanks to it.

At this moment, however, Divine Dragon Peak, the entrance to Divine Dragon Space.

An old man wearing a black robe, with a complexion on his face, exuded an invisible dragon’s prestige, which was heartbreaking.

He is Elder in charge of the Divine Dragon Space, named Ao Ling, and the ontology is the Antique Purple Gold War Dragon. He is in the Dragon Emperor Institution, second only to Hua Lie, ranked fifth.

In front of Ling Ling, Elder Hua, in charge of Dao Source Cave Heaven, smiled wryly.

“Look at it for yourself, Mu Mu, Bai Weiyang, and several middle-grade Cave Mansion disciples, now they have been repaired to Martial Ancestor cultivation level! Are you kidding me? They only went to Dao Source Cave Heaven for a few days It’s not ten days! It actually broke through? “Ao Ling shouted sharply, as if to break the sky.

“This … Elder Ao, there are special cases in everything. They have raised their cultivation level higher, so they will be promoted faster!” Elder Hua explained a row of fine sweat on his forehead.

“Is it?”

Ao Ling expressionless.

However, Mu Mu Bai Weiyang and the others, was promoted so quickly. Although it is strange, this does not mean that there is something wrong with Dao Source Cave Heaven. Ao Ling has a hard time even trying to punish Elder Hua.

However, it is at this time.

Eight beams of light came out of the sky and sank into the Divine Dragon Space.

Obviously, this is the eight disciple who broke through the Martial Ancestor Realm world and came to the Divine Dragon Space Transcending Tribulation.

“this is……”

Ao Ling and Elder Hua were both in a daze.

Eight disciples have all come to Divine Dragon Space, so there is only one explanation.

Dao Source Cave Heaven has another 8 disciplines, breaking through Boundary!

If Mu Mu and the others were previously explained, they can be explained by their high cultivation level, but now there are 8 more, it is not a problem of cultivation level, but it is a problem with Dao Source Cave Heaven. Ah!

“Elder Hua!”

Ao Ling reacted with anger.

“This, this, I will immediately contact other Elders and start Dao Source Cave Heaven!” Elder Hua was also greatly changed from the complexion and quickly pulled out the Token sound transmission.

If something goes wrong with Dao Source Cave Heaven, he will definitely take full responsibility.



At this moment, Dao Source Cave Heaven.

It took a long time for Qin Nan’s mind to return to peace.

“let’s start!”

Qin Nan loudly shouts, communicating with Mysterious Golden Seal, the majestic Dao Source Energy, was absorbed instantly, continuously, and flowed into Qin Nan’s body.

“Six senses, sense of sharpness, War God’s Spirit, listen to me!”

in an instant, Qin Nan issued shouting loudly.

Behind him, 2 rounds of red light shone, War God’s Spirit floated out, and all the Spiritual Consciousness of Qin Nan shrouded the entire War God’s Spirit at this moment.


At this moment, Qin Nan was keenly aware that between Heaven and Earth, a wonderful power spread.

This wonderful power is truly the power of Martial Ancestor that broke through Martial Ancestor.

“Capacity of Saint, capture me!”

Qin Nan’s eyes were extremely calm, mobilizing the 10000 strands of Saint’s power, breaking out of the body, like a film, enveloping the entire War God’s Spirit. At the same time, he urged the Golden Seal within the body, suspended on 5 strands of War God to prevent 10000.

Sure enough, the power of that strange Martial Ancestor seemed to feel something. After entering War God’s Spirit, he actually struggled and wanted to swim back and return to between Heaven and Earth.

“Here are all for me, still want to go?”

There was a smile on Qin Nan’s mouth.


At this moment, on the War God’s Spirit, extremely terrifying coercion was swayed, like the vast Star River.

You know, War God’s Spirit comes from Nine Heavens. Mysterious, unimaginable, even Emperor’s List is amazing. Sure enough, under this coercion, the strange Martial Ancestor’s power seemed to encounter natural enemies, and he did not dare to resist anymore, but only obediently followed War God’s Spirit and overflowed.

As soon as it overflowed, this strand of power, combined with 10000 strands of Saint, became one.

“Emperor Technique will, rise into the sky, merge into it and make Martial Seed!”

Qin Nan’s eyes flashed with the sperm light, seizing the opportunity, the Emperor Technique will within the body one after another rose into the sky, like a stream of light, submerged in it. At the same time, he urged Mysterious Golden Seal, communicated with countless majestic Dao Source Energy, and washed down.


A loud noise.

A seed exuding Ruoru Lightless has condensed, and the aura of Martial Ancestor emanates.


Qin Nan’s face was a joy, and with the strength of 10000 Saints, he separately brewed a Martial Dao’s Seed. Then, he could use the power of War God to turn it into a Martial Dao’s Seed.

However, it is at this time.

buzzzz ~.

Cave Mansion’s all around, one after another obscure world’s strength, floats up.

This is Heaven and Earth Great Tribulation!

Qin Nan’s face suddenly changed. If at this time, Heaven and Earth Thunder Tribulation were attracted, then he would become a Martial Ancestor completely. He could no longer draw the strange Martial Ancestor power from Between Heaven and Earth. Continue Conceived of Martial Dao’s Seed.

“Dao Source Energy, come here!”

Qin Nan yelled.

The Purple Crystal Stone inside the mountain peak took a breath, followed by a terrifying Dao Source Energy, like a Taikoo big dragon, through the formation, infused into Qin Nan’s within the body.

“Power of War God!”

Qin Nan calls up a ray of War God power, covering War God’s Spirit.


Between Heaven and Earth, that strange power was born again, flowing into the body of War God’s Spirit.

One of Qin Nan’s nerves was tense to the extreme, and now every breath time is extremely precious. If this step fails, then he is completely defeated and there is no more chance!

War God releases his oppression and suppresses the strange Martial Ancestor.

Communicate with Golden Seal and invite Dao Source Energy.

The power of Martial Ancestor and the power of War God are two, and Emperor Technique will all explode!

Step by step, as peers flow, it is almost to the limit.

Finally, just as Qin Nan’s dark clouds condensed, a loud pop sounded, and again a Martial Dao’s Seed, slowly condensed out. This is this Martial Dao’s Seed, which is completely different from the previous one, the whole body is glowing purple, exuding a heart-warming aura.

At this moment, the condensed world’s strength quickly collapsed and disappeared.

2 Martial Dao’s Seeds, this has exceeded the rules of Heaven and Earth, beyond cognition, so the Heaven and Earth Thunder Tribulation cannot come!

“It finally became…”

Qin Nan was relaxed, I don’t know when, his whole body was wet with sweat.

Just now it was against the clock, thrilling, even if there was a flaw in one link, he was successful today!

“However, I made the second Martial Dao’s Seed, so I can make the third and the fourth!” Qin Nan’s eyes showed great excitement, and he completely mobilized Dao Source Energy in spite of exhaustion. In the same way, start practicing the third Martial Dao’s Seed.

What Qin Nan didn’t know, however, was when he made the second Martial Dao’s Seed.

Cang Lan Continent, the existence of several horrors, suddenly shocked!

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