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Chapter 800 40 4 Dao Source Energy

All around disciple For a moment, didn’t expect Qin Nan actually bowed his head, but think about it, if they were, they would bow their heads.

Only Mu Mu startled, beautiful eyes, a hint of confusion.

Looking down?

Is this still Qin Nan she knows?

She certainly wouldn’t know!

How could Qin Nan bow his head so easily?

He didn’t leave because covered in dirt left, just like a stray dog.

Although Qin Nan’s current cultivation level, absolutely is not an opponent of Elder Hua, but Qin Nan can enter Dao Source Cave Heaven, first to achieve Martial Ancestor, and then think of a way to destroy or destroy Dao Source Cave Heaven.

Elder Hua is Elder in charge of Dao Source Cave Heaven. If something goes wrong with Dao Source Cave Heaven, he will naturally take full responsibility.

As for offending the Dragon Emperor Institution?

Qin Nan is not afraid at all, anyway, this Dragon Emperor Institution is standing, boring, meaningless, and at the worst, he will exit the Dragon Emperor Institution!

The Central Region is so large and so powerful. With his natural talent, it is easy to join other forces.

“You count!”

Elder Hua coldly snorted, facing the audience, shouted: “Now, continue to compete for high-grade Token. After the competition, start to compete for middle-grade Token!”

Above the training field, the war continued.

But all of this has nothing to do with Qin Nan.

Mu Mu and Bai Weiyang obtained 2 high-grade Tokens, which made Xian Yue feel angry. As for the remaining disciples, the winners and losers were quickly divided, which determined the ownership of the middle-grade token.

“This Qin Nan is indeed a pity …” Bai Weiyang saw Mu Mu’s beautiful eyes, and looked at Qin Nan from time to time, and couldn’t help but whisper, it must be acknowledged that something is wrong with others, and Qin Nan must admit it except Martial Spirit , Showing the natural talent, it can’t be compared at all.

Mu Mu nodded softly and said nothing more.

“Now follow the high-grade, middle-grade, and low-grade, stand up the team in order, ready to enter Dao Source Cave Heaven!” Take Elder’s face serious, loudly shouted, hands raised, one after another Monster Qi, raging open Coming into the depths of the void.

Qin Nan stood at the end of the crowd, raised his head, and immediately saw that there was a formation floating in the depths of the void. If it were not for Elder Hua’s shot, he would not have even noticed it.


In the mid-air formation, he rushed down an amazing rays of light, hitting the void.

Oh la la.

The void rippled one after another, a portal of rays of light, slowly appearing in front of everyone. Behind this portal, a piece of mountain valley was revealed, in which a densely packed azure color aura floated.

Even standing in the training field, I feel the power of this azure color aura.

“Mu Mu, Bai Weiyang, enter the valley, on the mountain wall, there are major Cave Mansion, you find your own position!” Elder Hua shouted.

Mu Mu and Bai Weiyang flickered, quickly immersed in them.

Immediately after, Xian Yue and other disciples entered, and finally Qin Nan and the others also stepped inside.

“Huh, what happened on the training field of Heavenly Law today, I will give you a lesson first. After you come out, Ben Elder naturally has other means to clean up you!” Elder Hua watched Qin Nan step into the back, coldly snorted, Slowly recovered Monster Qi.

The reason he stared at Qin Nan in this way was that he felt that Qin Nan was too arrogant.

He dignified Elder, his identity is higher than Hua Jian. I do n’t know how much, let Qin Nan hand over a little Emperor Crystal, but he dare to refuse? Isn’t this bringing about one’s own destruction!

Thinking of Qin Nan being suppressed by his own means in the future, Elder Hua’s mood improved for some reason.

However, he absolutely did not expect that this time Dao Source Cave Heaven became a nightmare of his life!



Qin Nan is the last disciple who stepped into Dao Source Cave Heaven. When he entered this small independent space, above the mountain wall, there were 2 high-grade Cave Mansion, many middle-grade Cave Mansion, and some low-grade. Cave Mansion, all entered the discipline, Cave Mansion door, shining formation, people can not be seen, aura can not be leaked.

“This Dao Source Cave Heaven, to put it plainly, is a mountain, and this Dao Source Energy diffused between Heaven and Earth is diffused from within the valley. As for high-grade Cave Mansion, middle-grade Cave Mansion , Low-grade Cave Mansion, because of different locations, the absorbed Dao Source Energy is also different … “

Qin Nan War God left pupil, flashing rays of light, immediately see through the situation of Dao Source Cave Heaven.

“But I can’t see through the contents of the mountain for the time being. I can only enter Cave Mansion to see it!”

Qin Nan flickered and walked into a low-grade Cave Mansion.

This so-called Cave Mansion is actually a caver, but the caver is cut by some kind of sharp tool, the cut is neat and not cluttered, apart from this, there is a futon inside, under the futon, a Mysterious formation spread Come on.

“This formulation connects the interior of the cavern and draws a trail of Dao Source Energy from it.”

Qin Nan glanced and saw profound mystery, followed by a flash of his figure, striding, and sitting on the futon.

Suddenly, the formation worked, and a stream of Dao Source Energy was drawn in and poured into his within the body.

Makes his whole body, such as the sea of ​​fire, feel very warm, and the power of the body is also slowly increasing.

“This Dao Source Energy is extraordinary.”

Qin Nan’s eyes flashed without any hesitation. He bowed his head and flashed a dazzling purple light in his left pupil.

“War God first style, Warriors Warriors!”

Qin Nan shouting loudly, fighting intent all over, crazy skyrocketing, the rays of light in the left pupil are also brighter.

At this moment, Qin Nan finally saw it.

Inside that mountain peak, stands one piece of Gundam ten zhang, 8 feet wide, and a round and round Purple Crystal Stone. Inside it, there are endless Dao Source Energy. No matter how many formulas are drawn, they are still unshakable. In the slightest, extremely extraordinary.

“What a Supreme Treasure!”

Qin Nan’s eyes startled look.

According to his calculations, the Dao Source Energy in this Purple Crystal Stone should at least surpass a Monster Ancestor peak, and even be comparable to the Martial Emperor.

The Dragon Emperor Institution is indeed the Dragon Emperor Institution, and sure enough the Supreme Treasure is countless!

“However, how can I draw Dao Source Energy from it?”

Qin Nan frowned.

The major Cave Mansion can only learn from this special formulation. Moreover, in this Purple Crystal Stone all around, there are various formations and prohibitions. If you want to forcibly absorb, even the Powerhouse of Monster Ancestor peak, I am afraid I can’t do it.

In other words, he had to take the initiative and ask Purple Crystal Stone to send Dao Source Energy.

However, this Purple Crystal Stone has such a magnificent Dao Source Energy, and it certainly has a certain spirituality. Will it give away a lot of Dao Source Energy in vain?

That’s not realistic at all!


ps: No. 5 is more.

Also, can everyone please comment in the book circle?

If the comment explodes, continue with 5 more tomorrow, more heaven-defying with more comments, 6 more tomorrow.

In order to prevent some people from saying that I am for a monthly pass, sorry, the evildoer is saying here, I do n’t want a monthly pass, I want to comment! comment! comment!

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