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Chapter 800 40 Dao Source Cave Heaven

The night breeze fluttered, Qin Nan’s eyes glowed brightly, “Now the idea is there, and there is a problem right now, that is my cultivation level, and it is only War God Martial Saint. If you want to break through to Martial Ancestor, you need a lot To support … “

This is indeed a problem.

Although Qin Nan’s War God’s Spirit has reached the level of Heaven level 2-Rank, compared with the power required to advance to Martial Ancestor, it is much worse and takes too long.

Even more how, Qin Nan wants to break the rules.

“Cultivator in the Central Region nowadays generally searches for Cave Heaven Paradise in hunted mountains, ten forbidden lands, nine sea, three rivers, and conducts retreat breakthrough.”

Qin Nan looking thoughtful.

So should he set out and look for it?

Suddenly, Qin Nan suddenly thought of something and said, “How can I forget Dao Source Cave Heaven?”

Dao Source Cave Heaven was developed by the Dragon Emperor Institution and has accumulated a great deal of pure power, dedicated to the use of the discipline, breakthrough Martial Ancestor.

After all, there are so many Dragon Emperor Institution disciples, you can’t let every disciple take the risk.

Qin Nan hurriedly pulled out 10000 elephant jade slips in the Central Region and glanced before saying: “Now there are ten days to go before Dao Source Cave Heaven opens, so I will cultivate at Human Race Peak first, and then go again. “

With that said, his eyes closed.


War God’s Spirit suddenly levitates, rises from the ground, and emits a horrible suction, which almost envelopes several dozen li, making the world’s spiritual energy rolling in, the natural phenomenon is very diverse, and it is extremely appalling.

Qin Nan was aura, and it went up and down.

Time passed quickly and ten days passed quickly.


Qin Nan eyes opened, and converged aura. As soon as he stepped, he left Human Race Peak.



Dao Source Cave Heaven, on the peak of the practice peak of the Dragon Emperor Institution.

On this day, not only Qin Nan, but also a lot of Monster Race disciples who have just joined the Dragon Emperor Institution and reached the Martial Ancestor peak in the cultivation level. They all set off and came here to prepare to enter the retreat.

“so many people!”

Qin Nan was standing at the foot of the mountain, and War God left pupil swept away, his eyes surprised.

In addition to him, there are more than 30 Monster Race disciple who have also come.

Then Qin Nan stepped through the layers of the great hall, the layers of woods, and came to the site of Dao Source Cave Heaven.

I only saw that on the top of the mountain was a training field.

The training field is not big, it takes up a circle of hunted red zhang, showing purple color throughout the body, and a statue of a demon is placed all around, which makes people feel very solemn.

At this moment, a lot of Monster Race disciple have gathered on the training field, talking to each other, and it is very lively.

“I don’t know if I can get high-grade this time!”

“Hey, high-grade? You just dream, high-grade is only 2!”

“Can’t say that, it depends on the specific luck Ah!”


Dao Source Cave Heaven is also divided into 3 levels, namely high-grade, middle-grade, and low-grade. The high-grade position, the power, and other aspects are much better than middle-grade and low-grade. Practice is also more beneficial and faster in it.

As for the position to come to Dao Source Cave Heaven, what position you want to get, you need to compare.

Qin Nan’s body flickered and landed directly in the center of the training field.

all around A lot of Monster Race disciple, all frowned, surprised.

Isn’t this Qin Nan?

He actually came? Do you want to break through Martial Ancestor too?

in an instant, the Monster Race disciple that was just talking and laughing, the smile converged instantly, and the eyes looked towards Qin Nan with a hint of dignity, they have to admit that this first assessment, they have achieved Emperor’s List ranking 2 1000 The Human Race at 101 is a formidable opponent.

“Yo, Qin Nan, you are here too.”

However, at this moment, a soft voice sounded.

Qin Nan and the entire Monster Race disciple turned around.

I only saw Xian Yue’s light face, aura of Monster Saint peak, without any concealment, came over with a big swing, and looked towards Qin Nan with a hint of provocation.

“Xian Yue!”

“Why is he here?”

“Damn, when he got started, it was Monster Saint peak, and now it’s time to break through Monster Ancestor.”

Many Monster Race disciple, complexion changes, have come to Qin Nan, and now come to Xian Yue.

By then, the chances of competing for high-grade positions will be even less.

“You can come, I can come naturally.” Qin Nan’s face did not change, said differentially.

“Really? Then this Sir will stop talking nonsense with you. When you will enter Dao Source Cave Heaven, please be careful.” Xian Yue stood still, frowned his hair, his face was casual, but in his eyes , But with the slightest cold light.

He still remembers that he had been a follower for Qin Nan for a few days.

That’s humiliating Ah!

How can his adult Dignified Xian Yue tolerate?

Wait a minute, must learn Qin Nan!

Of course, if before, Xian Yue would still care about Qin Nan’s identity, but he doesn’t need to worry about it anymore, because the dean did not have to be a follower of Qin Nan, and after 2 years, he also made him a Direct Disciple.

From this we can see that today’s Qin Nan must not be fancy by the dean.

Qin Nan glanced at Xian Yue, his hands crackling.

This guy is still so arrogant. If there is a chance in Dao Source Cave Heaven, he doesn’t mind teaching this Xian Yue how to be a wolf.

all around Monster Race disciple.

If this person is a wolf and they are against each other, their chances will be much greater.

However, at this moment, a distant sky, one after another powerful momentum, burst into the air.


Qin Nan noticed something and turned to look.

I can only see that Mu Mu is headed, Bai Weiyang is on the left, and another young man is on the right. The three are invincible at the cultivation level of Martial Saint.

“Her temperament …”

Qin Nan’s eyebrows shook.

Today Mu Mu, I have n’t seen it for dozens of days, she is as surpassingly beautiful, immaculately temperament, slightly changed, as if there is a little more cold intention, a little more ruthless, there is a cold feeling all over the body People are hard to reach.

“She doesn’t know what Cultivation Technique has been practiced. This Cultivation Technique can gradually make people ruthless, but this Cultivation Technique can also suppress her physique.” Qin Nan left pupil flashed and immediately took her inside the body Profound mystery, all see through.

At the same time, he couldn’t help but marvel.

To be able to come up with this approach, Mu Mu’s Master in the Dragon Emperor Institution is obviously not an ordinary person.

As for other disciples, including Xian Yue and the others, their faces changed slightly.

Here are 3 more Powerhouses!

At that time, how could’t it be harder to compete for the high-grade position?

At this time, Mu Mu 3 had arrived in the training field, Mu Mu had beautiful eyes, glanced at everyone, and then lightly paused.

“Qin Nan!”

Her voice was full of cold intention.

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