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Chapter 833 Practice Conjecture

It took a full five hours before Qin Nan took this Central Region 5 like something in jade slip, roughly remembering and clarifying the situation, which also enabled him to have a deeper understanding of the entire Central Region.

“Didn’t expect, this Central Region is so huge and so exciting, but …” Qin Nan brows tightly knit said, “According to the jade slip record, this Emperor Crystal is not easy.”

Now Qin Nan, finally understand why he got 5000 Emperor Crystal, it will make all around disciple so horrifying.

You know, in general, 2 100 pieces of Emperor Crystal, you can buy this Emperor. From 1000 to 3000 Emperor Crystal, you can purchase an Emperor Item.

This shows how precious this Emperor Crystal is.

“None of the 5000 Emperor Crystals have been promoted to War God’s Spirit. According to my estimation, at least 5000 Emperor Crystals are needed to break through to 2nd-layer Ah!” Qin Nan muttered to himself, “It seems that I have to go The Dragon Emperor Institution has taken over. “

There are many ways to earn Emperor Crystal. The most common is to pick up tasks from within Sect.

“Qin Nan, why is it so distressed?” Just then, a gentle voice sounded, it turned out to be Six Spirits Dragon Vein.

Since learning that Qin Nan has Breaking Heavens Blade, Six Spirits Dragon Vein sees Qin Nan more and more pleasing to the eye.

It’s different from that dean, but it feels that Heaven level 1-Rank Martial Spirit, with 2 1000 101, is already extremely powerful.

At the beginning of Breaking Heavens Great Emperor, the first assessment was also Heaven level 1-Rank Martial Spirit, which only won the 3000th place that’s all, and later had such dazzling rays of light, all relying on heaven-defying changes the fate.

It is for this reason that it asks.

Human Race Peak has no powerhouse to guide Qin Nan, so it can only do its best to help Qin Nan.

“Senior, I need a lot of Emperor Crystal. This is very important for my strength growth, so I plan to go to Sect to pick up the task!” Qin Nan stood up and said.

“Emperor Crystal?”

Six Spirits Dragon Vein shook his head immediately and then shook his head: “I can’t help you either. Originally, Human Race Peak had stored an extremely large Emperor Crystal, and even a small Emperor Crystal vein, but it was later used by the Dragon Emperor Institution. Take it away … “

Talking, Six Spirits Dragon Vein, what suddenly came to mind, the eyes shines, said: “I almost forgot that, Qin Nan, Qin Nan, our Human Race Peak. Although it is depressed, there is nothing, but it is the same Things, Dragon Emperor Institution did not take them. “


Qin Nan froze.

He toured the entire Human Race Peak at that time and found no treasure.

“You come with me!”

Six Spirits Dragon Vein left Qin Nan leading Qin Nan into Cultivation Main Hall.

The entire great hall is divided into 3 layers. In this 1st-layer, there are various practice Secret Realm. Heaven’s Secret Dog and Heavens Secret Mouse are among them.

“Go to 3rd-layer!”

Six Spirits Dragon Vein said that Qin Nan immediately came to the 3rd-layer.

The 3rd-layer is very small, only 8 feet long and 30 feet wide. Inside it stands 3 wooden frames. On top of these 3 wooden frames, there are books that are slightly broken ancient books. That adds up, but more than 80 copies.

“Senior, this place seems nothing special, right?”

Qin Nan glanced at him. He used War God left pupil and found nothing at all. Those ancient books were just ordinary books that’s all.

“Haha, using the pump technique, it looks really nothing special, but if you open these books and pour them into your aura, you will know the found mystery inside.” Six Spirits Dragon Vein couldn’t help laughing.


Qin Nan eyebrow raised, picked up an ancient book, opened it, and slowly filled the power of Saint within the body.

Just next moment, this ancient book, amazing changes have taken place.

The shattered old book pages, shattered layer by layer, turned into a bunch of amazing golden lights, condensing with each other, forming a golden big book, apart from this, and on top of the book, it also exuded a thick Emperor’s prestige, condensed but not scattered.

The text on the pages of the book also became deep and wonderful.

“Is this Emperor Technique?”

Qin Nan was startled.

He never thought that these ordinary books would be Emperor Technique!

“Yes, that’s Emperor Technique! When Breaking Heavens Martial Emperor was the emperor, he transformed the Cultivation Main Hall. He also transformed these Emperor Techniques at the time, even if the opponent’s pump technique was strong, he could not find True body, “Six Spirits Dragon Vein said with emotion,” It’s just didn’t expect, and it’s because of this that these Emperor Techniques can be preserved … “

Qin Nan watched the scene, and he couldn’t help but twitch a little.

It ’s a Breaking Heavens Great Emperor. Changing it a bit, it leaves more than 80 of this Emperor for Human Race Peak. Why didn’t he do more things at the time and keep more wealth for Human Race Peak?

“Senior, do you mean?”

Qin Nan frowned.

“These Emperor Techniques have no effect on Human Race Peak. You just need Emperor Crystal and you can sell them. This 86 this Emperor technique is sold at Dragon Emperor Institution for 150 Emperor Crystals. It should cause looting and be easy to sell, “Six Spirits Dragon Vein said casually with a look on his face.

Human Race Peak, without disciple, just Qin Nan. If Qin Nan wants to learn, he can learn a little, and if he doesn’t want to learn, he can sell everything in exchange for Emperor Crystal.

This can be considered, Human Race Peak’s last effort to train Qin Nan.

“Sold everything?”

Qin Nan’s eyes were stunned, but he didn’t expect that this Six Spirits Dragon Vein meant that.

However, if this 86 this Emperor technique is sold, it will also be a huge amount!

“Senior, many thanks for you!” Qin Nan responded, took a deep breath, and said seriously to Six Spirits Dragon Vein: “Sell, it can be sold. But before I sell it, I will use the Emperor Technique here, All training, after all, is the wealth of Human Race Peak. If time goes by, Human Race Peak will also recruit disciplines, which can come in handy! “

“Qin Nan, this is absolutely not possible. There are too many 86 this Emperor techniques. It takes a huge amount of time to learn all of them. Not only that, but learning too much about Emperor Technique is not a good thing. You It’s okay to learn a few books, “Six Spirits Dragon Vein said seriously.

“Senior, there is no problem with this, I have a good idea.”

Qin Nan waved his hands, his face firm.

Six Spirits Dragon Vein sees himself and is willing to give him the only thing left on Human Race Peak. Then, as the Disciple of Human Race Peak, naturally he can’t forget to favors and violate justice, and consume all the last foundations, so he has to learn all of them.

“This … okay.” Six Spirits Dragon Vein saw Qin Nan’s attitude, nodded, and was quite comforted. This kid is not a person to forget favors and violate justice.

“Let’s take a look at Emperor Technique first!”

Qin Nan said hello to Six Spirits Dragon Vein, his eyes fell on all the ancient books, and in his eyes, there was fiery enthusiasm.

Emperor Technique is also a martial skill.

This, but one of his favorites Ah!

In an instant, Qin Nan, the whole person, entered the state of heart and spirit unites, Wu Chi style showed again, holding a copy of Emperor Technique, and looked again.

As time goes by, Qin Nan is unaware, one after another, initial-stage browsing.

“This kid is still a martial artist …” Six Spirits Dragon Vein, deep in the mountain range, smiled heartily, stopped observing, and retracted Spiritual Consciousness.

After an hour.

Qin Nan acted like a tadpole, picked up an ancient book, injected power, restored his true content, and then opened it. However, at this point, his expression suddenly startedled.

I only saw a large line of words on the ancient book.

“Practice is just conjecture.”

Behind this line, the balance is Breaking Heavens.

“This is not the Emperor Technique, but the Breaking Heavens Great Emperor?” Qin Nan’s breathing was stagnation. He absolutely did not expect that among the many Emperor Techniques, there were still things left by the Breaking Heavens Great Emperor.

Immediately after, his breathing became quicker.

Breaking Heavens Great Emperor, 1000 years ago, unparalleled talent, unlimited scenery, no one can match.

Wouldn’t the precious things he left behind be precious?

Qin Nan resisted the accelerated heartbeat and continued to look through it. However, in this look, a silent thunder sounded in his mind.

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