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Chapter 800 23 Shocked 3 Great Geniuses

“Amitabha, I’ll seal him!”

Chen Zilai’s footsteps moved, he crossed the void, folded his hands, and muttered once in his mouth. With each syllable being read, the void around all began to ripple with one after another, an invisible and vast chanting sound, which suddenly resounded, gradually expanded, and became more and more fierce, like a storm. Rain Man, it seems that there are hundreds and thousands of Buddhas, simultaneously Chanting Scripture.

Emperor Technique, Vairocana Scripture!


Qin Nan complexion changed, he felt a little strange power, and actually walked before his left pupil, forming a respectful wonderful formation, which greatly restricted his left pupil ability, and could no longer see through the shatter void. .

“Resurrection Lily on, Myriad Demons Sect.”

Enchantress Qianqian ’s raised hand and magic seal are formed. In all directions of Qin Nan, blossoming Resurrection Lily blooms. When each flower is fully bloomed, an amazing power bursts out. With Qin Nan, in the blink of an eye, there were hundreds of strands.


Qin Nan yelled loudly, his body exploded, and hundreds of silhouettes exploded, filling the training field.

Chen Zilai Chanting Scripture’s voice was a meal, Enchantress Qianqian’s eyes were frozen.

“Emperor Technique, Karma Fire Burning the Heavens!”

Qin Nan’s deity hides in many Avatars, opens his mouth wide, and suddenly spit out boundless flames, sweeping the audience at an amazing speed, sing the Resurrection Lily, burn the Buddha, and burn all of them!

“Lock him!”

At this moment, Shi Qingfan in the distance suddenly opened his mouth and slowly printed his hands. Each time he printed, all directions, the pressure of terrifying surged out.

Obviously, some kind of horrific killing is being performed.

It just takes a while.

“Buddha Bell Lock!”

“10000 Magic Seal!”

Chen Zilai and Enchantress Qianqian, lightning shots, ancient Buddha bells, countless magic seals, soaring into the sky, moved towards Qin Nan, layer by layer.

“break for me !”

Qin Nan shouted, the power of Saint within the body, the power of War God, all broke out.

Hong long!

The entire Buddhist bell, the magic seal, trembled repeatedly, but there was no sign of breaking.

Chen Zilai and Enchantress Qianqian looked at each other. The Mysterious genius in front of him, although powerful, reached the point of his own Martial Saint, but the two geniuses joined forces to perform magical tricks. If they want to breakthrough, how can they succeed in a short while? ?

“War God first style! Warriors Warriors!”

In Qin Nan left pupil, an amazing purple light burst out.

The momentum of his whole body is like the violent sea, fiercely climbing, terrifying fighting intent, soaring into the sky.

“what happened?”

Chen Zilai and Enchantress Qianqian, complexion changed. They can feel that the power of this strange genius seems to have suddenly multiplied several times. Compared with just now, it is completely one heaven one earth.

“Fist of War God!”

Qin Nan slammed hard, squeezing his fist in his left arm, and burst out with a punch.

Hong long!

This time, the Buddha’s bell, the magic seal, exploded directly, exploded into countless rays of light!

Sou! sou!

However, at this moment, the silhouette of Chen Zilai and Enchantress Qianqian came across the sky and landed on top of Qin Nan.

“War God Pupil Technique!”

Qin Nan looked up.

Among the left pupil, a torrent of purple light emerged, as if turned into a big hand, moved towards two people, fiercely shot.

The two people were shocked. They unexpectedly didn’t expect that Qin Nan’s left pupil was able to attack, but now he was able to resist, but his shape was also taken a step back.

“Rising Cloud Murders Heaven Martial Emperor!”

Qin Nan without the slightest hesitation, his eyes fell on Shi Qingfan in the distance, and the right hand suddenly clicked out.

The rays of light of terrifying, like a rising sea, moved towards Shi Qingfan, drowned. Shi Qingfan’s face was like water, and remained the same. Until this attack, close to his ten inches, his last magic seal was completely formed.

“Great Emperor Destruction Technique!”


An astonishing instruction will sweep across, and the Rising Cloud Murders Heaven Martial Emperor technique was shattered as soon as it was encountered. The remaining instruction will, mercilessly, moved towards Qin Nan.

At this moment, Qin Nan seemed to see that he had an Immemorial Giant, photographed with one hand across the void.

This move is terrifying!

Even Martial Ancestor 1-layer will be killed instantly.

Qin Nan didn’t hesitate, stepped a little, his left arm suddenly lifted.

Hong long!

With a heavens-frightening explosion, countless astral qi, moved towards all directions, stirred up.

“Hu ……” Enchantress Qianqian relaxed, said: “This strange genius, although powerful, is still not that strong.”

Chen Zilai and Shi Qingfan are both lightly nodded.

With the might ability of this blow, they all knew that even if they were different geniuses, they would be hit.

What’s more, they have more powerful powers, which have not been shown.

However, at the next moment, the faces of the three people changed.

I saw Qin Nan’s figure emerged without any injuries.

“What’s the matter? He was unscathed?” Enchantress Qianqian looked stunned, this move Great Emperor Destruction Technique, she had personally taught, even if strong, she would never be unscathed.

“His left arm, he just blocked it with his left arm!”

Shi Qingfan loudly shouts.

Almost instantly, the faces of the three geniuses became serious.

Because, just now, they looked at this strange Mysterious genius!

“Strong, you really are strong enough!” Qin Nan exhaled, fighting intent in his eyes, as if condensed into substance, “but this is better! Breaking Heavens Blade!”

A long howl.

Qin Nan’s right arm suddenly exploded and exploded into Breaking Heavens Blade.

Grabbing Breaking Heavens Blade, Qin Nan’s momentum has risen again, just like Changhong!

“He’s a Blade Cultivator! He hasn’t done his best yet!”

Shi Qingfan, Chen Zilai, Enchantress Qianqian, these three geniuses, their faces changed dramatically for the first time.

Because, now Qin Nan, let them feel a touch of chill!

“Left pupil, left arm, right arm, Breaking Heavens Blade …” The white haired old man in the distance, seeing this scene, secretly nodded.

“Very good, a different genius, with all his strengths, has reached such a point. If it is a single player, there may be no rivals at the same level! Qianqian, Zilai, join forces to exert all their strengths, and This odd number, have a good fight and see what cards he has! “Shi Qingfan loudly shouts, the whole person, also showed an amazing sharp glow.

He, but a Martial Emperor reincarnated!


“it is good!”

Chen Zilai and Enchantress Qianqian are both nodded, two people’s within the body, have a vast Buddha Intent, and a vast Demon Intent, rising.

Hong long!

Qin Nan shot in an instant and chopped out Blade Aura, one after another heavens-frightening.

Shi Qingfan, Chen Zilai, and Enchantress Qianqian were all three at the same time. One after another heavens frightening invincible might came out, colliding with them.

In an instant, the entire training field is extremely trembling.

The clash after clash is wonderful and extreme!

Qin Nan also exerted his full strengths. The Warriors Warriors blessing, the left pupil penetrated the situation and penetrated the killing move, the left arm resisted powerful attacks, and the Breaking Heavens Blade released the astonishing invincible might, which was learned from the Rising Clouds Martial Emperor in the past. Various Emperor Techniques have also bloomed and integrated.


“Sure enough!”

“Cool, really Ah!”

In Qin Nan eyes, there was a touch of excitement.

It’s been a long time, it’s been a long time, he hasn’t fought like this!

As for Shi Qingfan, Buddha Chen Zilai, and Enchantress Qianqian, with this battle, the shock in their eyes became stronger and stronger. Although they were not allowed to release Martial Spirit, some magic treasures were not cast, and some Forbidden Techniques were not released.

However, the person in front of him is the one who beat them 3 Ah!

Moreover, this person seems to be born for martial arts. With the battle, he is getting more and more excited, and the will of the fight is getting higher and higher. Each style is more horrible.

All three of them have an illusion.

If you continue to fight, continue to fight, their three people, maybe they will be suppressed by Qin Nan!

“This … is the genius of Emperor’s List?”

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