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Chapter 400 51 Sweeping Everything

“How could Qin Nan be so strong …”

Flying Upwards Saint Lord, and Yang Peak Lord and so on Peak Lord are all trembling.

Didn’t Xiao Zhonghuang defeat Qin Nan with no difficulty?

With the battle strength shown by Qin Nan now, I am afraid that it is the point of equivalent to Martial Sovereign Realm 3-layer!

could it be that Xiao Zhonghuang deceived them?

Suddenly, Flying Upwards Saint Lord and the others figured out the key, complexion changes were extremely ugly.

It ’s just that Xiao Zhonghuang is closed, they ca n’t find Xiao Zhonghuang to face each other. Besides, there is a Qin Nan at the moment, asking them the entire Flying Upwards Sacred Land, and their Flying Upwards Sacred Land. If no one responds, if it is passed out, it will be 1000. Years of shame!

“Lu Tiangang, Zhou Xuan!”

Qin Nan would wait for everyone to fight, a pair of eyes, immediately locked the two people’s body shape, immediately stepped on, the body shape ejected.

“Not good !”

Lu Tiangang and Zhou Xuan two people are both complexion greatly changed. They use the movement technique, one left and one right, and run away.

“Want to run? No way!”

Qin Nan covered Phoenix Fire, erupted and turned into two flame hands. He pinched them and pulled them directly in front of him. Countless Starry Sky Thunders were wrapped around his palm, and they were punched into fiercely.

“Martial Spirit is released!”

Lu Tiangang and Zhou Xuan are both Power House of Xuan level 8-Rank Martial Spirit, Martial Spirit is powerful, both are Martial Spirit streams, and Martial Spirit is released at the moment.

“Heaven Gathering Strike!”

Qin Nan shouted, and used Heaven Gathering Strike to gather the Phoenix Fire and Starry Sky Thunder into the fist of Thunder Flame, just like howling wind and torrential rain, moved towards two people, fiercely.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sound of one after another densely packed exploded.

The former Saint Child of Two Great Sacred Land, even if Martial Spirit is released, in front of Qin Nan, they still have no power to fight back and are beaten like two dead dogs.

“This single fist it for me!”

“This single fist it for Miaomiao!”

“This single fist it for Azure Dragon Sacred Land!”

Qin Nan’s anger was knocked down with punch after punch.

The entire Flying Upwards Sacred Land people only saw that the 2 Saint Children were smashed to the ground by Qin Nan from the sky forcibly, smashing the ground into a large pit, and the screaming scream was accompanied by a punch It fell and gradually disappeared, leaving only one punch after another, which exploded in the hearts of countless people.

At this moment, the faces of the Flying Lords of Flying Upwards Saint Lord and Yang Peak Lord are simultaneously twitching, their fists clenched, and their foreheads beating, because Qin Nan ’s actions are not only a humiliation of the 2 Saint Child, but also Shame them!

However, when I saw Azure Dragon Saint Lord and Tang Qingshan on one side, I had to endure this anger.

These 3 guys are crazy that’s all, if they are crazy, any 100-year conspiracy will be ruined!

“Let you die, it’s too cheap for you, from now on, make me waste!”

Qin Nan pulled out the long knife, bursting out numerous blade aura, chopped up the 2 Saint Child’s meridian, dantian, etc., all chopped up. Wanting to repair, it is harder than heavenly ascension!

After clearing up the 2 Saint Childs, Qin Nan’s gaze turned to 4 sides.

Seen by his gaze, those disciples were all cold and could not help but take a step back.

Even the 2 Saint Child were directly tortured, they have no chance at all!

“Wan Changyan, Dao Poli, Long Shuang, Long Xuan, Lu Jin!”

Qin Nan was instantly in this person group and locked the former 5 Saint Child’s candidates of Azure Dragon Sacred Land!

These five people were seen by Qin Nan. The caudal vertebrae all blew up a cold air. They did not hesitate and made the same move as Zhou Xuan two people. They were directly moved towards 5 directions and fled quickly.

“Haha, when you betrayed the Azure Dragon Sacred Land, weren’t you arrogant? Now you want to escape?”

Qin Nan gave a loud laugh, and in front of him, 5 ancient blades behind him, soaring into the sky at the same time, with each blade, an amazing blade intent erupted!

“Hundred Steps Flying Sky!”

Qin Nan’s palm turned into an afterimage, and it was simultaneously photographed on the 5 ancient blades.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The five ancient blades seemed to have turned into five blasts of lightning. They flashed away and the speed was horrible. Even the five Saint Child’s candidates did not respond. The ancient blade of the wine glass penetrated through the chest and sent a painful scream.


Qin Nan didn’t close his hands, transfigured 5 Dao Fire, and squeezed all 5 people. He pulled fiercely to the front. He directly thrown away the flying blade, squeezed his fists with both hands, and moved towards 5 faces, directly fiercely. Drop it.

“You betray Azure Dragon Sacred Land and that’s all!”

“Finally, I shot with Xiao Zhonghuang to help him deal with me!”

“Are you fucking human?”

Qin Nan exploded in anger, punching punch after punch, falling like crazy!

The entire Heaven and Earth is silent!

The corners of the mouths of the Flying Upwards Saint Lord and the major Peak Lords twitched even more, their foreheads were blue, and they began to jump continuously. The aura on their bodies also kept flashing, faintly discernible.


Must bear!

A small leak will sink a great ship!

“Betrayed Sect for being ruthless, biting back, not worthy of being!”

The anger on Qin Nan’s chest was relieved a lot with that punch. He stopped and immediately glanced at 5 people coldly, unceremoniously, took out an ancient blade, simultaneously cut off the 5 People’s meridian, etc., all shattered!

At this moment, he didn’t hesitate!

That’s the enemy!

The softer you are against him, the fiercer he is towards you!


Qin Nan issued shouting loudly. Although he was cultivation level and consumed a lot during the outbreak of full force just now, his fighting spirit is more vigorous, sweeping all around and sending shouting loudly: “Flying Upwards Sacred Land Nobody Are you there? Xiao Zhonghuang? Jiang Bilan? What about your Saint Child’s candidate for Flying Upwards Sacred Land? Get out of here, all together, I’ll be alone, hit you all! “


It’s just too arrogant!

Flying Upwards Sacred Land and the major Peak Lords are all clenching their teeth and their eyes are spitting fire!

A Qin Nan, daring to be so arrogant towards their entire Flying Upwards Sacred Land!

The disciples of the Flying Upwards Sacred Land, despite their anger, felt more powerless and aggrieved.

too strong!

Qin Nan is too strong!

I’m afraid no one is his opponent except Xiao Zhonghuang Senior Brother.

But … Xiao Zhonghuang Senior Brother, at this time has closed!

“Qin Nan, don’t be arrogant, see how I leave your life today!”

Just then, shouting loudly, ringing through.

Come, it is Jiang Bilan.

It turned out that when Qin Nan and Azure Dragon Saint Lord and Tang Qingshan arrived, she had already guessed the situation, and immediately returned to her palace to get a killer and prepare to deal with Qin Nan.

“Is it?”

Qin Nan’s eyes narrowed, and the infinite cold light surged wildly again!

Jiang Bilan!

You finally came out!

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