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Chapter 400 48 One Person Regrets Holy Land

The entire Flying Upwards City is immensely large, crawling on the ground, under the rays of light of the sun, the majestic, daunting.

In Flying Upwards City, there are large and small palaces, including Pill Palace, Martial Palace, and so on, as well as palaces dedicated to First Disciple, Elder, and Peak Lord.

In Flying Upwards Sacred Land, the higher the cultivation level, the higher the status, and the better the palace that can live.

Because of this, large and small battles and countless disciples have erupted all day in Flying Upwards City. In order to live in a better palace, they have greater rights and crazy cultivation.

Of course, this is also related to Flying Upwards City.

Flying Upwards City is a Saint Dao Item. Except for the mighty horror, which can destroy the Peak Lord, when flying on the ground, it can erupt a powerful suction that will round the square ten thousand li, or even Spiritual energy within hundred thousand li and so on, all absorbed.

The first Flying Upwards Saint Lord used this to build large and small palaces. The better the palace, the stronger the spiritual energy, similar to the original Profound Spirit Sect.

In these 2 days, Flying Upwards City has not broken out war as usual.

Countless disciples are all smiling.

Because Xiao Zhonghuang defeated Qin Nan in a move and killed Qin Nan’s beloved woman, he made Flying Upwards Saint Lord feel happy and directly ordered that in these ten days, up to Peak Lord and down to science, you can get rich Practice resources as a reward!

This made all Cultivators lose their fighting mood, and practiced each and everyone.

In particular, they heard that Xiao Zhonghuang closed the retreat immediately after defeating Qin Nan, which also greatly stimulated them.

Xiao Zhonghuang is already so powerful, but he is still so hard to cultivate, can they be lazy?

Of course not Ah!

must good cultivation!

Those disciples with a certain natural talent are working harder!

Six months later, the Death Sea opens, and they will have a chance to perform at that time. If they can get any fortuitous encounter in the Death Sea, or unite and defeat Qin Nan, the benefits that can be obtained are boundless.

At this time, rows of disciples stood on the city wall of Flying Upwards City.

These disciples, similar to goalkeepers, are actually just doing things and showing that’s all.

Because Flying Upwards City has Flying Upwards Saint Lord and Peak lords, where do I need to stay?

A sweep of spiritual thought, all around, everything is clear.

Besides, today’s Flying Upwards Sacred Land is not a trivial matter. Which one does not have long eyes to provoke?

I’m afraid it’s Martial Venerable Powerhouse.

At this time Ying Xunlong was standing on the city wall, looking at the sky in the distance, and his face was not very good-looking.

Although he had to admit that from the more than 300 zhang high city wall, he looked towards the distance, and when the wind was blowing, don’t have some enjoyment, but he was really in a bad mood.

“How? You still believe in Qin Nan’s waste? Brother Ying, don’t say, I respect you and respect you, Qin Nan is terrific, I also admit it, but he put it in front of our Xiao Senior Brother, fart is not counted!” In Ying Next to Xunlong, a young man sent to defend the city today, opened the mouth and said.

This young man is called Jia Wei. He is a little famous among the Supreme talents of Flying Upwards Sacred Land.

“Oh, whatever you say, I just don’t believe it.”

Ying Xunlong sneered.

In his life, he has never admired people, and for the first time, he admires people, that is, Qin Nan!

What shit Xiao Zhonghuang is not relying on Martial Spirit to be cocky?

Put him at the 3-layer door, and he could n’t reach 300 steps, but Qin Nan could do it, or he did n’t rely on external force. So when he heard that Qin Nan was defeated by Xiao Zhonghuang, the first reaction was false. Yes, the second response was sad.

If it is Qin Nan’s Martial Spirit level, how much higher?

Maybe, we can reverse the big picture.

“Brother Ying, I did n’t say you. Since you joined our Flying Upwards Sacred Land, you are the person of Flying Upwards Sacred Land. Do n’t hang Qin Nan by your mouth. After all, if it is passed to Saint Child’s candidate, Saint In the ears of Child, or Xiao Senior Brother, the consequences are not so good. “Jia Wei advised kindly.

Ying Xunlong nodded, he didn’t take it for granted. He joined Flying Upwards Sacred Land, and he was here to do it. Who wants to be truly obedient?


Jia Wei suddenly surprised, and said, “A sandstorm has set off in front?”

“Dust storm?”

Ying Xunlong froze, looked up, and sure enough, in front of it, countless yellow sand, rolling up, like a big dragon, rushed towards Flying Upwards City.

It’s a little rare. For the first time in Flying Upwards City ten thousand li, this kind of storm appeared!

“It’s all right, within 100 miles of Flying Upwards City, all storm lightning will be shattered!”

Jia Wei waved his hand.

Ying Xunlong nodded, I have to admit, this Flying Upwards City dignified Saint Dao Item is really powerful.

However, the faces of the two people changed, and the sandstorm was getting closer, the yellow sand hiding the sky and covering the earth, and the turbulent storm, as if it were a demon who ate people, giving people a This is a great shock.

“Breakthrough 100? What’s going on?”

Jia Wei was startled.

This sandstorm is now only 50 li away from them!

How can this be?

When he was shocked, the sandstorm suddenly disappeared and everything was calm.

Jia Wei was relaxed, said with a smile: “We are Flying Upwards City, but the name is not in vain, just a little accident. You know, in the history of our Flying Upwards Sacred Land, once again with Azure Dragon Sacred Land fought. This Flying Upwards City killed two Venerables.


A faint crash sounded through.

Ying Xunlong interrupted Jia Wei with a wave of his hand, wondering suspiciously, “Have you heard any sound? It seems someone is beating the city gate?”

“Maybe!” Jia Wei hearing this 嗤 said with a smile: “How amazing we are at Flying Upwards Sacred Land, you couldn’t see it? Who dares to hit our city wall-“


The faint crash suddenly became extremely loud, and Jia Wei was half said, forcibly shocked.

“Someone is hitting the city gate!”

Ying Xunlong and Jia Wei looked at each other, and two people’s eyes were shocked.

Who has the courage to dare to play Flying Upwards City city gate?

Just then, there was a dull bang, and fiercely swayed throughout the Flying Upwards City.

Countless disciples, supreme talents, and so on, are all awakened in the practice, and their faces are stunned.

What is this noise?

At the same time, in a palace, Yang Peak Lord was playing with three heaven’s proud daughters halfway. One of the women suddenly said, “Peak Lord, haven’t you heard the explosion?”

“What shit sound, be honest with me!”

Yang Peak Lord yelled, and as he was about to continue playing, a loud bang exploded throughout the Flying Upwards City, frightening him.




One after another’s explosion, towering resounded, violently one by one, in the entire Flying Upwards City, like a day-to-day thunder.

The entire Flying Upwards City boils instantly.

“Who? Who?”

“Great courage!”

“I don’t think he wants to live!”


A powerful silhouette, all of them were shocked and full of anger.

In today’s lower territory, there are still people who dare to knock on their city gate.

When the whole city was boiling, Ying Xunlong and Jia Wei, who were in shock, both jumped out of shape quickly, and moved towards that city gate.

They only saw a figure entwined with Phoenix Fire and Starry Sky Thunder, like the giant god between Heaven and Earth, punch and punch, strikes on the city wall with more than 300 feet!

“This is-Qin Nan?”

Ying Xunlong glanced at the complexion greatly changed.

“Qin Nan?”

Jia Wei was also scared.

At this time, the roar of one after another resounded in that Flying Upwards City, countless spiritual thoughts, with a huge murderous intention, hiding the sky and covering the earth moved towards city gate. Here, the momentum at the door of the Flying Upwards City suddenly depressed, and one of another exploded out of thin air!

next moment, Ying Xunlong and Jia Wei, they two people saw an unforgettable scene of Eternal Life.

“Phoenix Fire, Starry Sky Thunder, break my fist, break for me!”

Qin Nan’s figure swelled and turned into a giant. He gathered all the Phoenix Fire and Starry Sky Thunder on the top of his fist. His momentum of the whole person climbed continuously, like an ancient War God. Become everything between Heaven and Earth, fell into the fist of War God, fiercely strikes on that giant gate!


A heavens-frightening blast, like an ancient curse, exploded into the hearts of every Flying Upwards City Cultivator!

All of them saw an unforgettable scene from Eternal Life!

The height of more than 300 feet, soaring into the clouds, was like the gate of a giant mountain that was suddenly blasted by a violent force forcibly turned into fragments of hiding the sky and covering the earth, soaring to the four sides, like a momentum Terrible disaster!

At this moment, they are dumbfounded whether they are Peak Lord or Disciple!

Flying Upwards City city gate … was broken!

Just at this moment, in the sky explosion, a silhouette, like a rainbow, soared into the sky, holding a long knife, issued a long howling that shook Heaven and Earth: “Flying dogs, get out of me all! Come for a pair , Kill a pair, come 1000, I kill 1000! “

one man one blade, sorry for Holy Land!

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