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Chapter 437 100 Years Conspiracy

On the 16th Peaks, Azure Dragon Saint Lord stood in Heaven and Earth. Aura was down, as if it would dissipate at any time. Opposite him, Yang Peak Lord was headed, and behind him were other Peak Lords, Vice- Peak Lord, Saint Child’s candidate, and Envoy. , Protector, etc., the lineup is huge.

Those disciples who stayed had anger in their eyes.

These people, could it be that forget the cultivation grace of Azure Dragon Sacred Land for them?

Azure Dragon Saint Lord’s face remained unchanged. He slowly glanced at everyone present, everyone who was seen by him showed a hint of guilt, bowed his head subconsciously, and only listened to Azure Dragon Saint Lord slowly after half a ring. “I don’t want to kill you in terms of my past love. You go.”

Despite his flat tone, there was also a touch of disappointment.

“Hum, go!”

Yang Peak Lord sneered.

Under his leadership, this huge team left the country in a mighty manner.

The entire Azure Dragon Sacred Land, in less than an hour, Death Qi is heavy, sparsely populated, and has no previous Holy Land style, which makes people sad.

Those remaining disciples, and Sima Kong and the others, expressions all are Spitfire.

In the past, the Azure Dragon Saint Lord had a nurturing grace to treat these people. Now that the Azure Dragon Sacred Land is in danger, all these people have left Sect?

This kind of person, simply is a beast, cold and ruthless!

“It’s all about me!”

Qin Nan’s heart was heavy.

Yang Peak Lord and the others must have been planning for a long time and launched this rebellion. Although in the final analysis, Yang Peak Lord and the others made this decision because of the plot of Death Sea several hundred years ago, and has nothing to do with Qin Nan, but Qin Nan was also involved.


Just then, Azure Dragon Saint Lord suddenly shouted loudly.

“Thank you for staying at Azure Dragon Sacred Land, but I can’t drag you down, so next, the 4 Peak Peaks will lead you and leave Azure Dragon Sacred Land!”

“Just rest assured, this time you leave, only temporarily!”

“Someday we will surely let those who betray us regret it completely!”

“Also, I am here to announce an important news. From today, Qin Nan will be our Saint Child of Azure Dragon Sacred Land! If I body dies and Dao disappears, he will inherit Azure Dragon Sacred Land!”

Azure Dragon Saint Lord spoke one after another.

Many disciples in the audience were embarrassed and came back to his senses. After half a ring, they quickly resisted.

“No, we are not leaving Azure Dragon Sacred Land!”

“Yes, never leave!”

“I was born an Azure Dragon, and I was dead an Azure Dragon ghost. Azure Dragon Sacred Land has nurturing grace to me. Now that I am in trouble, how can I leave?”

These disciples are all shouted out loud.

“Everyone, be quiet!” At this moment, the four silhouettes evolved, and they are the other four Peak Lords. One of them said: “Saint Lord said, this is a temporary departure. Do n’t worry! Now that lower territory rising winds, scudding clouds, conspiracies have begun to manifest, if we continue to stay in Azure Dragon Sacred Land, it will drag down Saint Lord’s hind legs, you understand?

This shouting loudly buzzed the brains of everyone.

They ignored a problem. Today Flying Upwards Sacred Land is definitely going to skyrocket. If they continue to stay in Azure Dragon Sacred Land, then Azure Dragon Saint Lord will protect them.

As Peak Lord said, their continued stay will be a burden!

At this moment, these disciples were all silent.

“Follow me!”

Seeing this, the 4th Peak Lord spoke quickly.

In this huge team, before leaving, the four Peak Lords looked at Qin Nan at the same time, facing Qin Nan nodded, and left without saying a word.

After half a ring, the entire Azure Dragon Sacred Land was completely quiet, uninhabited, like a wasteland.


The Sima Kong 3 people are a little dreadful.

They never thought that in the past few hours, there were only a few of them left in the huge Azure Dragon Sacred Land.

“Three little friends, please leave with them.”

Azure Dragon Saint Lord suddenly opened his mouth, waved his hand, and waited for 3 people from Sima Kong to talk, and his body was taken away.

At this moment, only Azure Dragon Saint Sacred Land, Princess Miaomiao, and Qin Nan were left in Nuoda’s Azure Dragon Sacred Land.

A sense of silence and desolation, spontaneous.

“Qin Nan, this time for you, the sacrifice is too big.” Azure Dragon Saint Lord said with a smile: “This time the plan changes, the other party will soon shoot, now Azure Dragon Sacred Land, we are the only ones left. A few people, I hope all of them are on you, you go crazy. “

Having said this, Azure Dragon Saint Lord stepped, and Death Qi’s heavy body disappeared.

Qin Nan and Princess Miaomiao were both stunned. Looking at the unpopular 16 Peaks, for a moment, they couldn’t say a word.

Why did Azure Dragon Saint Lord leave?

Just left them two people?

Yang Peak Lord and the others Why should he chase him down, why dare to betray, the conspiracy plan of the year, etc. These questions, could it be that Azure Dragon Saint Lord say nothing?

“Qin Nan!”

At this moment, a sound resounded, it was Tang Qingshan.

Tang Qingshan glanced at the huge but deadly Azure Dragon Sacred Land, and a gleam of murderous intention flashed in his eyes.

Seeing him, Qin Nan directly said solemnly without any nonsense: “Senior, I want to know, what was the conspiracy of the Death Sea that led Yang Peak Lord to want to get rid of me?”

In the past, Qin Nan wouldn’t ask much, but now it’s different!

“Death Sea is one of the top ten restricted areas of the lower territory. In the Death Sea, there is a Death God Platform! This Death God Platform can only be boarded by people with sufficient martial skill natural talent, and martial skill natural talent The higher you can get some Supreme Treasure from the Death God Platform! “Tang Qingshan took a deep breath, saying:” A few hundred years ago, my cultivation level was just Killing Sovereign peak. At that time, I was in the Death Sea with Junior Sister. , I almost met the requirements of the Death God Platform and was able to obtain Supreme Treasure. Because of this, I was hunted down by Flying Upwards Sacred Land, Business Alliance, and upper territory Eastern Region! My Junior Sister fell. In it, it becomes a dead soul! “

Qin Nan and Princess Miaomiao, thinking of Tang Qingshan’s former knee, can’t help but be silent for a while.

What turned into a dead soul is no longer the Junior Sister of Tang Qingshan, but the beloved woman of Tang Qingshan.

Qin Nan only opened the mouth to ask after a while, “Why do they want to get rid of me?”

“Death Sea is only opened once every 100 years. They also need to find someone who is very skilled in natural skill natural talent in order to reach the Death God Platform and get Supreme Treasure! Now that they have found someone That person is the big brother of Xiao Family 3, Xiao Zhonghuang! “Tang Qingshan said indifferently:” But they didn’t expect that you were born on the Two Great Sacred Land disciple Selection Great Competition, especially when you learned that After you have Xuan level 10-Rank Martial Spirit, they are in danger. They know that you are the person selected by Duanmu Peak Lord and cannot be drawn, so you can only attack you … “

With that said, Qin Nan immediately understood.

No wonder this Yang Peak Lord, like a crazy dog, chased him like 100.

It was their own existence that had affected their plans.

After all, it took them 100 years to plan this conspiracy, and if Qin Nan was summited to the Death God Platform, these people’s plans would fall short.

“This Xiao Zhonghuang, martial skill natural talent is very high?” Qin Nan’s eyes were cold.

Until now, he and this Xiao Family big brother did not have any grudges. Later, due to Jiang Bilan’s relationship, Xiao Zhonghuang secretly sent Xiao Feipeng and Xiao Hong to deal with him!

“Martial skill natural talent is unclear, but his Martial Spirit has reached the Half Step Earth level Martial Spirit!” Tang Qingshan’s eyes were dignified.

“Half Step Earth level Martial Spirit?”

Qin Nan and Princess Miaomiao look at each other.

No wonder this Xiao Zhonghuang will be selected as the supreme talent for the Death God Platform!

You know, the stronger the Martial Spirit level, the martial skill natural talent, and so on, the stronger it will be. Half Step Earth level Martial Spirit, no one can surpass the whole lower territory.

“I have a drop of War God blood on hand. If I take this drop of blood, my Martial Spirit level …”

The rays of light flashed in Qin Nan’s eyes.

War God’s Spirit, its existence, led to Qin Nan’s martial skill natural talent, which was incalculable.

Not to mention, Xiao Zhonghuang is only Half Step Earth level Martial Spirit, and Qin Nan will be able to surpass it as long as he takes that drop of War God blood.

“Tang Qingshan, what is that Supreme Treasure?” At this time, Princess Miaomiao suddenly Asking Dao.

“I don’t know yet about that Supreme Treasure …” Tang Qingshan’s eyes showed a slight complexity, and the words were astonishing. “But these people, in order to obtain this Supreme Treasure, the ultimate purpose is to deal with the Master!”

Against Azure Dragon Saint Lord?

Qin Nan and Princess Miaomiao were surprised at the same time.

In other words, this 100-year-old plan is aimed at Azure Dragon Saint Lord?

Tang Qingshan’s face was rare and dignified, and a thunder broke out in his mouth!

“300 years ago, the Master was born from the Death Sea in the Lower Territory. No one knows his origin. As soon as he came out, he had a Martial Saint cultivation level! Later, he took over Azure Dragon Sacred Land. The title is Azure Dragon Saint Lord! “

“After my investigation, I later found that Flying Upwards Saint Lord, Yang Peak Lord, Business Alliance, these people, under the direction of a Powerhouse in upper territory, secretly colluded and shot against Azure Dragon Saint Lord!”

“This question at the time made me very confused. Why did they deal with the Master?”

“Later, I investigated and found that there was a rumor that the Master was a Divine Object of Death Sea.”

“Because the Master cultivation level is too strong, they must obtain the Supreme Treasure of Death Sea in order to completely refining the Master. After refining and swallowing it, they can get everything Master has for life, heaven-defying changes the fate, surpassing Martial Saint! “

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