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Chapter 400 34 impossible!

The top ten Martial Venerables are coming at the same time, and the monstrous aura is almost going to shatter this Heaven and Earth.

Even a huge group of Ominous Beasts such as thunderstorms, fire fighters, and so on, seems to be weak at this time, not to mention facing the simultaneous attacks of the two Peak Lords.

As for Qin Nan and the others, it is like a grain of sand in the vast sea of ​​sand, as small as a ant.


Just then, shouting loudly, ringing through the Azure Dragon Sacred Land.

All directions, everything seems to be standing still, even the statures of Yang Peak Lord and Han Peak Lord, two giants, are frozen, unable to move in the slightest.


A silhouette, which appears above the top ten Peak Lord, is an Azure Dragon Saint Lord!

With a big wave of Azure Dragon Saint Lord, Qin Nan, Princess Miaomiao and the others in Azure Dragon Secret Realm all landed on the 16th Peaks. The entire Azure Dragon Secret Realm was also opened, and each of them was fighting in Secret Realm. The big protectors, before they responded, their bodies were pulled out.

“what happened?”

“What happened?”


These protectors were all blank, and when they saw the top ten Peak Lord and Azure Dragon Saint Lord in the sky, the complexion changed greatly, and what they wanted to say immediately got stuck in their throat.

Although I don’t know what happened, but the Saint Lord and the Peak Lords came, it was definitely a major event!

At this moment, the entire Azure Dragon Sacred Land is shocked. The countless disciples and Envoys have crossed their eyes and landed on the 16 Peaks. They want to know that the top ten Peak Lord suddenly opened the Azure Dragon Secret. Realm, what is it supposed to be.

“Ten of you, why open the Azure Dragon Secret Realm without permission?” Azure Dragon Saint Lord looked down and looked at Yang Peak Lord and Han Peak Lord, sternly: “your two people, dignified Martial Venerable, actually shot at a disaster What kind of system? “

As soon as this word came out, everyone froze.

“Saint Lord!” Yang Peak Lord stood in the void, looking at Qin Nan below, his hair dancing wildly and screaming, “Qin Nan is bold and violent of sect rules. He killed my son. Why can’t I take it?”

“My son was also hit by his poison!”

Han Peak Lord stood up, his murderous intention was like rainbow.

“And killed my son!”

“My son was killed too!”


The first Vice-Peak Lord who respected the Great Mountain peaks stood up and looked pale.

All disciples in the entire Azure Dragon Sacred Land are silly.

Qin Nan Is this crazy?

He actually killed all of them?


Just then, with a loud laugh, on these 16 Peaks, it was extremely loud.

Everyone in the audience glanced together and found that the man who laughed turned out to be Qin Nan.

After Qin Nan laughed, he looked up and screamed without fear. He stared directly at Yang Peak Lord and Han Peak Lord and the others, shouted: “What about killing? In Azure Dragon Secret Realm, I and Yang Taitian, Xue Wuji, Han Fei, Xiao Hong and the others, lacking hatred and enmity, but they repeatedly shot at me, trying to put me to death! At the last moment, Yang Peak Lord and Murder Blood came out. The spiritual thoughts of City City’s Lord attracted 3 Ice Edge Tigers and wanted to kill me! In this case, I killed them, why not? “

One word at a time, like a thunder blast, rattled.

The protector and Envoy and disciplines in all directions are all trembling.

Yang Peak Lord sternly said, “Animals, less blood spray here!”

“Blood spurting people?” Princess Miaomiao stood out, said with a sneer: “old bastard, don’t give you a face shameless, this Princess has exactly one piece of memory Crystal Stone here, now let everyone see if blood spurting people!”

She bent a little, playing one piece of Crystal Stone, and Crystal Stone sprayed a light curtain, which evolved everything that happened to the Bloodthirsty Lake.

At this moment, at 16 Peaks, all the disciplines of the entire Azure Dragon Sacred Land, watching everything in that light curtain, were simultaneously silent.

The Yang Taitian, Xiao Hong, and Xue Wuji shot very ruthless, simply trying to put Qin Nan to death!

In this case, Qin Nan, with his own ability, summoned the beasts, changed the situation, and killed everyone, there was nothing wrong!

Could it be that would allow you to deal with Qin Nan, would you not allow Qin Nan to fight back?

The truth is not so!

Apart from this, all the Envoys, protectors, disciples, and so on, they are keenly aware of a weirdness. Why can Yang Taitian summon the idea of ​​Yang Peak Lord? Why did Xiao Family 2 come over? Why can Xue Wuji spur the Ice Edge Tiger?

This is probably a round!

A round dedicated to killing Qin Nan!


Suddenly, Yang Peak Lord sent a scream, “Yang Taitian and the others, just a normal test with you, and in the end you released the crisis, why did you kill them? I think we Azure Dragon Sacred Land, A death sentence must be imposed on Qin Nan! Otherwise, it would be difficult to prove the justice of our Azure Dragon Sacred Land! “

“I think Yang Peak Lord is taking care!”

“Qin Nan is still too cruel. Such people, let’s get rid of it.”

“I see, Peerless Supreme Talent like him, like Tang Qingshan of that time, is addictive and must be removed!”


The Peak Peak Lord, Peak Lord Peak 4, Peak Lord Peak 5, etc. all spoke at the same time, and they all executed Qin Nan.

Disciples in the entire Azure Dragon Sacred Land are frowned.

How is this going?

This thing Qin Nan is not wrong at all, even the major Peak Lords should actually execute Qin Nan?

could it be that ……

Everyone was shocked.

Princess Miaomiao and Sima Kong and the others have anger on their faces. From the current situation, Yang Peak Lord has joined the other 9 Peak Lords specifically to deal with Qin Nan!

Qin Nan’s eyes were cold.

“Now Duanmu Peak Lord and Zhang Peak Lord do not show up. Yang Peak Lord is so blatantly trying to get rid of me. It seems that during Azure Dragon Secret Realm, outside of the realm, something happened. Unexpected change … “

Qin Nan’s brain moves fast.

However, the situation now is not that he can solve it, but it depends on Azure Dragon Saint Lord.

Azure Dragon Saint Lord watched the crumbling sound of the top ten Peak Lords, expressionless. After a long time, he slowly spoke, and said, “The major Peak Lords, for the time being, are angry. Qin Nan killed your son, it seems to have happened, but he also Just to protect myself that’s all. I have decided now that this matter has been uncovered, and no one will ever mention it again! “

In the end, the tone of Azure Dragon Saint Lord suddenly sharpened, and the voice echoed throughout the Azure Dragon Sacred Land, like the ringing of a divine bell, and everyone was in awe.

With the exception of Yang Peak Lord and Han Peak Lord, the other 8 Peak Lords all flickered their eyes and did not speak.

Everyone in the entire Azure Dragon Sacred Land is relaxed.

It seems that this farce is about to end.

“impossible !”

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