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Chapter 431 Playing Out

The audience was shocked and 10000 people were quiet.

“It’s … the blood of War God!”

Qin Nan came back to his senses, he could feel that in the face of the blood of War God, his whole blood began to stir up fiercely.

Of course, Qin Nan couldn’t look into his own body, otherwise, he would find that his whole blood formed a certain ancient pattern, intricate and interlaced, like an ancient map.

“You can’t take it at this time, just bear with me and get things done!”

Qin Nan resisted the agitation in his heart and waved his hand to take the jade box into his pocket.

All natural phenomena in all directions have disappeared and have been restored to a sense of clarity.

Whether it was Princess Miaomiao and the others, or Yang Taitian, Xiao Hong and the others, they still shook their faces, because the momentum of the blood that had just erupted hit their souls!

“Qin Nan!”

After half a ring, Yang Taitian came back to his senses, and there was a hint of greed in his eyes, and a killing intent!

Not just him, Xiao Hong and Xue Wuji and the others.

They are all Holy Land supreme talents with strong backgrounds and extraordinary insights. Although they do n’t know what the drop of blood is, they are very clear. I ’m afraid that as the Azure Dragon Saint Lord said, getting this drop of blood will be able to shedding body, exchanging bones, future impact Martial Venerable.

So Supreme Treasure, how can they not move?

“Why? Want to grab my stuff?” Qin Nan’s eyes sharpened. “The previous grudges and disputes, I can not talk to you now, but if you really want to start robbery, then don’t do that. Blame me for being ruthless! “

“Also ruthless? It’s ridiculous, hand over things, I can spare you!”

Yang Taitian sneered, only listening to a sound of whiz whiz whiz, ten and six Knights wearing armor, came out of the air, everyone’s momentum is extremely powerful.

“Ten 6 Wang Xi, integration!”

Yang Taitian screamed loudly, he was full of momentum, and merged with these ten six Knights, condensed into one piece of whole.

In an instant, a horrible coercion erupted, as if Yang Taitian at this moment is no longer a Martial Grandmaster Realm Powerhouse, but a Martial Sovereign!

Apart from this, Xiao Hong, Xue Wuji and the others, all broke out with a Murderous intention, and looked at it with cold eyes.

“It looks like I have to use the token!”

Qin Nan secretly thought.

Although he is strong now, facing such a lineup, it is impossible to win.

At this moment, a disdain resounded: “What ten six kings? Isn’t it a kind of 傀儡 Avatar, what is there to show off. This Princess had a good luck a while ago, got an insect, let you guys See for yourself, the formicable power of this insect. “

Princess Miaomiao, a raised hand, a small insect with a big eyeball, buzzed and fluttered.

This insect, like centipede, has 1000 feet, 8 pairs of wings, fangs exposed, and a red dot on the forehead.

However, the moment it appeared, Yang Taitian, Xiao Hong, Xue Wuji and the others, simultaneously look changes.

“Red centipede! This is actually a red centipede!”

“Damn, how could she have this poison!”


This red centipede is extremely terrifying. It can ignore attacks, ignore defenses, ignore formations, and contain highly toxic substances. As long as it is bitten by it, the toxin will instantly spread to the soul, even Martial Sovereign, it will be violent.

As for Sima Kong, Yan Zihan and Zhou Liqing, they are all relaxed and worry-free.

Yan Zihan has always been cold outside and hot inside, and she also knows Han Fei and the others, and can’t help it at the moment, saying, “Dear everyone, just go back and don’t force Qin Nan Junior Brother to get angry. You can’t afford it. “

She didn’t expect it at all. In this sentence, Yang Taitian and Xiao Hong and the others burst into anger.

At first Qin Nan discouraged them from doing anything, now even Yan Zihan comes to discourage them!

Can’t afford it?

Little Qin Nan, can’t they solve it?

could it be that they thought that every centipede could scare them away?

“Xue Wuji, do it!”

Xiao Hong shouted.

Xue Wuji sneered, he took out a whole body of snow-white ice flute, put it on his mouth, and blew out an ancient and melodious song, floating in all directions.

“Qin Nan, you will die today!”

Yang Taitian’s momentum was skyrocketing, his eyes stared at Qin Nan, a raised hand, and in his hand, there were 3 more Talismans.

Princess Miaomiao’s pretty face couldn’t help but change slightly. The three Talismans, she was very clear, were exactly the same as the Talisman used by Xiao Feipeng at the Martial Grandmaster Secret Realm.

Qin Nan’s eyes narrowed.

Of course, he knew Talisman, but he didn’t expect that Yang Taitian and the others used this method to deal with him.

In this case, Qin Nan did not hesitate, and made a spiritual thought on the 2 Tokens.

“Can’t afford it?”

Xiao Hong sneered, took out a Talisman in his hand, pinched fiercely, Talisman exploded and turned into 10000 1000 rays of light.

In an instant, the void in the entire Fangyuan 3 has become dark, countless gusts of wind, roaring, a kind of coercion of hard to describe, rippling, making people feel dull.

“3 Charms, One, Peak Lord Coming!”

Yang Taitian used all his strength to make the three Talismans burn and burn. His hands were slowly moving. The three Talismans were integrated into a light glow and rushed into the void.


The entire void of ten miles began to explode!

The crack of one after another, in the void, continues to spread, the cracks spread more, and the coercion revealed will become more terrifying!

“this is……”

Sima Kong 3 people froze.

They never thought that Yang Taitian and Xiao Hong were so crazy to deal with Qin Nan.

Qin Nan looked calm, looked up, and moved towards the void.

Bang! Bang!

With two explosions, the void suddenly collapsed, and two silhouettes of the great shores stepped out of it.

The arrival of these two silhouettes overshadowed Heaven and Earth and became everything between Heaven and Earth. The coercion of Venerable made everyone feel a sense of worship and smallness.

These 2 silhouettes are truly Yang Peak Lord and Murder Blood City City’s Lord!

Roar! roar! roar!

Just then, the ice flute blown by Xue Wuji suddenly exploded, exploding with less than a breath, and three earth-shattering roars sounded.

I only saw 3 huge silhouettes. From that distance, across the void, came down, like 3 icebergs, making all around everything cold and snowy.

These 3 silhouettes are impressively 3 Monster Sovereign peaks, but they are the 3rd Ice Edge Tiger in the Monster Beast list!

Seeing this, Princess Miaomiao changed her pretty face.

This group of people is crazy!

In order to deal with Qin Nan, such a huge lineup was actually used!

How did Qin Nan mess with them?

“Qin Nan!”

Silhouette of Yang Peak Lord and Murder Blood City City’s Lord, simultaneously turned their heads and looked towards Qin Nan.

The three Ice Edge Tigers are also looked towards Qin Nan, their eyes are cold.


ps: 5 more today, continue tomorrow

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