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Chapter 429 Chessboard Martial Spirit


“Burning God of Fire!”

“Virtual light sword intent!”


Yang Taitian and Xiao Hong 9 people all showed a trick of powerful martial skills or magic treasure, rays of light 4 shots, aura shaking, moved towards the center of the lake, and rushed away quickly.

The whole bloodthirsty lake is not large, they are 100 meters away from the stone pillar in the lake.

A distance of 100 meters, for their Martial Grandmaster Cultivator, it only takes a few breaths.


An explosion suddenly sounded!

I saw Qin Nan as a whole, like a Taikoo Ominous Beast, soaring into the sky, in an instant, I surpassed Yang Taitian and other 9 people, and the speed was terrifying.

“Fast speed!”

Yang Taitian and Xiao Hong were all surprised.

“I’ll stop him!”

Xue Wuji shouted, and the endless ice and snow poured out of him turned into a bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, moved towards Qin Nan, teaching and biting.

He has gained a lot in Azure Dragon Secret Realm this time. He has gained a lot of strength and strength, so Xue Wuji is very confident. With only one move, he can suppress Qin Nan.

“Give me a roll!”

Qin Nan black hair danced wildly, and one punch blasted out directly. Countless Phoenix Fires rose into the sky, melted all the snow and ice, and the remaining strength of Raging Flames hit Xue Wuji relentlessly.

Xue Wuji’s eyes showed a horror. Didn’t expect. The strength of Qin Nan actually became so terrifying. In a hurry, he ran the snow and ice Divine Art and evolved layers of ice shields to resist.


The ice and snow shields were all blown up by strikes, and Xue Wuji’s body was also directly hit by this terrible Phoenix Fire.

“How can it be!”

In the eyes of Yang Taitian, Xiao Hong and the others, there was a shock.

This is the existence of Xue Wuji, the protector’s ranked second, he can’t stop Qin Nan’s trick?

They didn’t know that Qin Nan incorporated Thunder Marrow, Flame Heart, Controlling Starry Sky, and Phoenix’s fire, which have long been extraordinary. Like Xue Wuji, they are not opponents at all.

“Clean Heart Washing Demons, all demons, all suppress and kill!”

Qin Nan seems to be transformed into a War God, which evolved into a big clock. The big clock entangles the starry sky with thunderbolt, might ability terrifying, covering Yang Taitian, Xiao Hong and the others, fiercely knocks, and makes a loud noise .

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Yang Taitian, Xiao Hong and the others, did not expect the attack to be so rapid, and had no time to respond in the future. At present, the entire body was subject to this giant bell suppress and kill, and all were shaken out.

At the same time, Princess Miaomiao 4 people, shaped like a rainbow, rushed to the stone pillar in the lake.

“Qin Nan!”

Yang Taitian roared angrily.

how come!

Why did this guy suddenly become so powerful!

Some time ago, Qin Nan was chased by himself without any counterattack. Now a killing move of Qin Nan can actually repel 9 of them!

“Work together!”

At this moment Xue Wuji had a ray of blood hanging from his mouth, and flew quickly, shouted sharply.

The 2 supreme talents are all extraordinary. They immediately joined forces, one left and one right, and moved towards Qin Nan.

“I’ll be packing you up!”

Qin Nan coldly glanced at the two people, with a tiptoe, Thunder Flame burst, speed as a sword, cut the lake surface forcibly, and rushed towards the stone pillar.

“Not good !”

Yang Taitian and Xue Wuji complexion greatly changed.

At such a speed, they two people want to stop, it is simply too late.

“Qin Nan, don’t want to get inheritance!”

At this moment, a long shout rang suddenly. It turned out that Xiao Hong was soaring on the lake. Behind him, Six Roads azure light shone. In the azure light, a black and white staggered Inky chessboard.

“Chessboard Martial Spirit, interweave Heaven and Earth, 10000 things are children, all beings are chess!”

Xiao Hong’s flames skyrocketed, and his big hand swung. The chessboard Martial Spirit expanded sharply, so that the entire lake was enveloped, and then from that chessboard, one after another rays of light fell, and it entered Qin Nan, Princess within the body of Princess Miaomiao and the others.

“this is……”

Qin Nan and the others eyes startled.


When Xiao Hong moved his finger, Qin Nan’s figure was out of control. He flew upside down and was pulled to the shore of the lake in the blink of an eye.

It turns out that this chessboard Martial Spirit can be attached to everyone, making everyone a chess piece and being manipulated by the Martial Spirit Master.


Yang Taitian and the others, with a happy look, rushed away.

“Not good !”

Qin Nan and other people expressions changed.


Princess Miaomiao, Sima Kong, Zhou Liqing, and Yan Zihan all launched powerful attacks, or released Martial Spirit, the ability to explode, falling, hiding the sky and covering the earth.

“Snow and Ice World!”

Xue Wuji and Xue Wuhen rose up and clasped their hands together. Martial Spirit rose behind, and countless ice and snow were rising. In an instant, a huge ice wall condensed and stood in front of everyone.

All the attacks, strikes on this ice wall, only led to a blast and did not destroy it at all.


Xiao Hong moved her finger again, trying to manipulate Qin Nan’s figure.

“Nothingness fire!”

Princess Miaomiao has raised a hand, and in the palm of her hand, there is a huge flame of fire, moved towards the sky, countless gray flames, like the fire of the void, quickly enveloped the chessboard.

Xiao Hong complexion changed. This nihilistic fire was so extraordinary that he could attack his Martial Spirit directly.

“Phoenix Fire, a blow in the sky!”

Qin Nan was screaming in the sky, full of flames, surging, the flames cloak, moved towards the sky.

His whole person seemed to be transformed into a god of fire, suddenly burst out, and a punch was moved towards that Snow and Ice World, fiercely smashed.

Xue Wuji, Xue Wuhen, and two people have ridicules on their faces. This Snow and Ice World is their two brothers, and how can they be broken so easily.

“Heaven Gathering Strike!”

Qin Nan was full of momentum, fiercely swayed, and the burning flame and cloak were instantly attracted by a suction force to the top of his fist, turning into a tiny flame, and hit the ice wall.


The smiles on Xue Wuji and Xue Wuhen two people suddenly froze.

The entire huge ice wall seemed to have been hit by an ancient sledgehammer and collapsed instantly. Countless pieces of broken ice were flying in the sky like a heavy snow.

Qin Nan, without any joy of victory, quickly looked up. At this look, his face froze immediately.

I saw Yang Taitian 6 people who had already reached the stone pillar.

“You are still late.”

Yang Taitian looked at Qin Nan, his mouth was smug, his right hand directly moved towards the stone seal on the stone pillar.

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