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Chapter 400 25 Cultivation, Waiting


The flame old man and the aura languished the old man, took another breath.

What is the concept of being able to create Chaos Energy with Yuan Stone?

Simply can’t imagine!

“Qin Young Master, this is the Supreme Treasure Flame Heart of my tribe. It can be formed after my tribe transforms 3 times, and contains a hint of Phoenix flame mystery!” Flame old man 2 Needless to say, a big hand turned over, in the palm of your heart, An extra heart condensed by flames.

The emergence of this heart caused all directions to rise sharply, as if even this void would be refining.

aura slumped old man, uttering words without end.

“it is good.”

Qin Nan the eyes shines, shake his hand and hit this strand of Chaos Energy.

“Qin Young Master, I don’t know if I can prepare Chaos Energy for the old man? I can continue to give you Thunder Marrow!” That aura languished the old man and saw this scene and said quickly.

If it can continue to get 5 strands of Chaos Energy, it will be able to directly upgrade to Monster Venerable!

“As long as Yuan Stone is available.”

Qin Nan contains said with a smile.

This Thunder Marrow and Flame Heart have great benefits to his practice. If you make more, the benefits are endless. Apart from this, let this group of powerful and terrifying Monster Beasts go to Yuan Stone to speed up his promotion of War God’s Spirit!


Aura slumped old man and flame old man suddenly made trouble.

They are different from Blood Slam Monster Sovereign, they don’t like those shiny things, and Yuan Stone can’t help them practice, so there are no Yuan Stone in their 2 big races.

The 500 Yuan Stone just now was taken away normally.

Qin Nan was a bit disappointed after learning about the reason, but quickly balanced off. This time when he encountered the 2 Monster Races, his gains were extremely huge.

“Qin Young Master, might as well go to the territory of our clan and conduct retreat cultivation.”

Aura slumped old man invited.

Qin Nan thought about it, and entered without following refusal.

The family of Stars Thunder Beast, in the depths of the ancient forest, is shrouded by a piece of thunderbolt wood. The lightning aura is extremely rich and is very suitable for his practice. After communicating with Monster Beast, such as aura’s slumped old man and flame old man, Qin Nan stopped talking nonsense, sitting cross-legged, and retreating.


Qin Nan took the drop of Thunder Marrow and Flame Heart and swallowed all at once.


A powerful Thunder Strength and strength of Raging Flames burst into his body within the body and merged into the 7 dragon golden marks Nascent Soul.

All the minds of Qin Nan, also sunk into the starry sky thunderbolt, Phoenix flame Profound Truth, and felt all this.

At the time of his retreat, there were also changes in Heaven and Earth turning upside down in Azure Dragon Secret Realm. Numerous amazing wars continued to unfold, but all of this was unknown to Qin Nan.

A month later, under the thunderbolt, Qin Nan a pair of eyes, sullenly opened.


From his left pupil, countless thunderbolts are intertwined, like a bright starry sky. From that starry sky, an ancient thunder is split, with imposing power and infinite power, just like Starry Sky Thunder Pupil!


Immediately afterwards, Qin Nan’s body filled with bouncing flames. These flames were extremely hot, as if to burn 10000 objects, and the formidable power was greatly improved.

“Thunder Pupil has already been fired. Now, let’s promote Nascent Soul!”

Qin Nan issued shouting loudly.

He urged all the essence of Thunder Marrow and Flame Heart to merge with the 7 dragon golden marks Nascent Soul. In the next breath, the entire 7 dragon golden marks Nascent Soul issued 7 dragon howls, heavens-frightening Ground.

From inside the Nascent Soul, countless golden lights surged again, interweaving into 2 golden dragon marks, wrapped around Nascent Soul.


Qin Nan is aura, soaring instantly, comparable to Martial Grandmaster Realm 9-layer!

“Finally we have nine dragons golden marks Nascent Soul. Now as long as we integrate it into Chaos Energy, we can become the ten dragon golden marks Nascent Soul. The cultivation level is comparable to Martial Grandmaster Realm 10-layer, and we can attract Heaven and Earth Thunder Tribulation. , Win Martial Sovereign! “

Qin Nan’s eyes were light flashed. Now he urged the remaining 2 strands of Chaos Energy. At this moment, his head trembled. Then a plain white jade hand was stretched out of the Bronze Mirror, and the 2 strands of Chaos Energy were caught. Swallow it and leave Qin Nan alone.

“Arrive 8!”

After the cold voice sounded, Bronze Mirror was dead again.


Qin Nan was quite speechless, but this time Bronze Mirror helped him a lot, and these 2 strands of Chaos Energy gave her, as it should be by rights.

“Forget it, it’s more than a month now, and it’s time for me to go out!”

Qin Nan shook the head, in his eyes, a sudden towering burst of Murderous intention!

Last time he was chased down by Yang Taitian, now he is strong enough to crush Yang Taitian!

“Qin Young Master, congratulations to the cultivation level.”

At that moment, the aura languished in the old man, the figure descended into the void, and said with a smile.

In this month, its aura is in a state of no sluggishness, is full of vitality, and the cultivation level has become even more unpredictable.

“Qin Young Master, until now, I haven’t told your name yet, old man thunderstorm.” Ailing old man continued: “Qin Young Master must be participating in the 16 Peaks great competition, right? There is one piece of Token, Qin Young Master If you want to exchange for Thunder Marrow in the future, you can find me through this Token! Of course, if you are in danger, you can also find me through the Token. Our Stars Thunder Beast family will definitely help! “

“Qin Young Master, the old man is called Huoba. This is our Token for Flame Wings Bird. If you find us through the Token, we will definitely help you!” The shape of the flame old man also came across the void.

The reason why the two people made such a move is entirely because of Chaos Energy of Qin Nan!

As long as you have a good relationship with Qin Nan, you can continue to get Chaos Energy in the future!

With enough Chaos Energy, their 2 big races and future achievements are unimaginable!

Monster Venerable, Monster Saint, and even higher Boundary are not dreams!


Qin Nan took 2 tokens, looked slightly distracted, and suddenly came back to his senses.

This is 2 big races Ah!

The Stars Thunder Beast and Flame Wings Bird 2 races add up to a total of more than 30 Monster Beasts. Each Monster Beast has reached the level of the Monster Sovereign peak, not to mention the two people of Thunderstorm and Firemaster are comparable to Half Venerable!

Such a powerful force is not inferior even to Martial Venerable!

With 2 big races behind his back, who can be afraid of this 16 Peaks great competition?

No matter what Yang Taitian or any other genius, even if all of them are united, even if Yang Peak Lord comes in person, Qin Nan can’t even look at it!

“Many thanks 2 patriarch!”

Qin Nan resisted the enthusiasm in his heart, stood up, and arched his hand.

“Qin Young Master is polite …”

Thunderstorm and Firemaster are a bit flattered. After all, in their view, this little help is not worth mentioning at all.

After chatting with Thunderstorm and Firemaster for a while, Qin Nan didn’t wait much, and quickly returned. When he had just arrived at the Blood Flood Dragon Cave, a sound filled with surprise immediately sounded.

“Qin Nan, you are still alive, you are alive!”

The person who made the sound was Yan Zihan.

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