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Chapter 404 Body Collapse

I only saw the first door and the second portal, and the 2 colorful lights spewed out, condensing into a life-like long dragon, drilling into the inside of the body of Qin Nan, making Qin Nan’s entire body surface. Formed a 7 colorful light.

In an instant, the horrible pressure seemed to cease to exist, Qin Nan’s footsteps, lifting up and down, step by step, non-stop.

In the blink of an eye, it took 2 100 50 steps!

Such sudden changes made Ying Xunlong and Xue Wuhen, Gold Hall Lord and the others, and the audience Cultivator all simultaneously startled.

“What’s happening here?”

“Why hasn’t such 7 colorful rays of light ever appeared?”

“What the hell happened?”


Gold Hall Lord came to a close, came back to his senses, and took a deep breath. , Took steps 3 3 2, and obtained the approval of the 100-layer and 40-layer doors, which led to Qin Nan’s rise to the ground! “

As soon as this word came out, everyone understood it.

When they broke through the 3-layer door, they both released Martial Spirit and even relied on magic treasure. They never depended on themselves will like Qin Nan.

In the attention of the audience, Qin Nan’s figure, although slow and hobbling like an old man, has been unheard-of, unprecedented!

After more than 80 breaths, the many Cultivators screamed again.

“2 100 70 steps!”

“History is broken!”


Qin Nan not only took 2 100 70 steps at this time, the 7 colorful lights on his body surface did not dissipate, and he continued to move forward, but the speed slowed down a lot, no matter who it was, after 2.5 minutes Taking a sip of air conditioning.

2 100 99 steps!

Qin Nan has reached 2 100 99 steps!

He was only 300 steps away from that step!

“How can it be?”

Chen Ying expression changed a lot.

could it be that Qin Nan would really take step 300?


Xue Wuhen’s face became extremely ugly.

He never expected that Qin Nan would achieve this result with no difficulty!

If Qin Nan did take 300 steps, he would have to compensate 2 100 Yuan Stone!

Unlike their two people’s minds, in comparison, the Gold Hall Lord and the others and the entire Cultivator are stared wide-eyed, and a heart hangs in their throats when they don’t know when.

If you really took 300 steps, it would be a historic scene!

Can Qin Nan step out?

In full view, the colorful light on Qin Nan’s body surface slowly dissipated. His entire will, without change, continued to move forward, slowly raised his right foot, and moved towards those 7 steps, and collapsed directly.


A thunderous noise exploded in the hearts of everyone.

I just saw Qin Nan ’s overhead, and the pressure of endless horror surged into a giant tower illusory shadow, which moved downwards, moved towards Qin Nan ’s body, fiercely, and shook Qin Nan ’s body instantly. Town lies down.

Rub and rub!

The sound of numerous skeleton breaks resounded, and on that azure color stone main road, it seemed extremely harsh.


In addition to Gold Hall Lord, the audience Cultivator and the others, even the sarcastical Chen Ying and Xue Wuhen were completely shocked.

Such a terrible crackdown, Qin Nan’s entire body, how couldn’t it be dead?

“Following … virtual … 1000 … tight …”

Qin Nan murmured an unclear voice. His whole body, in this fierce struggle, inch by inch, stood slowly from the ground, moved his right foot forward for less than half an inch.


That nifty giant tower, again down town.


A scream screamed through the sky in an instant.

This repression shattered all the wounds on and off Qin Nan’s body, and blood poured into the sky like a fountain. His hands, chest, feet, skeleton, and meridian were completely broken!

At this moment, he is no different from a derelict!

“1000 … in …”

What shocked countless people was that Qin Nan was not completely defeated. His discarded hands stretched out tremblingly, propped up on the ground, supported his entire body, and slowly stood up.


The giant tower fell again relentlessly, making his screaming louder, and his injuries more serious.

No matter who it is, at this moment, his face completely changed.


Qin Nan is really crazy!

If he goes on like this, he will be shocked to death!

Even Chen Ying and Xue Wuhen, at this time, could not utter any harsh mockery, but instead were hit by this scene by fiercely.

If they were replaced by them, how could they have done it like crazy?

Gold Hall Lord suddenly thought of something, expressing a joy, saying: “Qin Nan has not used Martial Spirit! If he uses Martial Spirit at this time, he will be able to step through this 300 step completely!”

As soon as this word came out, the thunder rolled.


They all forgot, until now, Qin Nan has not used Martial Spirit Ah!

“Can he really do it?”

Chen Ying pretty face slightly white.

Especially Xue Wuhen on the azure color stone main road, thinking of Qin Nan and Martial Spirit, his face turned pale.


Did he really lose this time?

Such an incredible thing, Qin Nan really did it?

With all eyes on the sky and stars, Qin Nan’s crushed figure struggling again fiercely, as if a Spiritual God unyielding to fate, roaring and screaming at this All Heavens!


giant tower fiercely repression.




The sound of repression of one after another bursts continuously.

The expression of the people changed again. They clearly remembered that it had been ten times. Qin Nan did not use Martial Spirit.

could it be that … he didn’t plan to use Martial Spirit?

“Hahaha!” Xue Wuhen saw this scene, couldn’t help laughing, his voice was extremely arrogant: “Qin Nan, but you are Peerless Supreme Talent, you must never use Martial Spirit! If you use Martial Spirit, what qualifications do you have to qualify? supreme talent? We all admire you, we all respect you, you must never use Martial Spirit to destroy the shape in our hearts— “

According to Xue Wuhen, Qin Nan is a arrogant bastard.

Stepped 2 100 99 steps, still not satisfied, but still want to take step 300 with Martial Spirit?

It’s just delusional, daydreaming!

Since you are so arrogant, keep it up and be killed by this giant tower!

However, before he finished speaking, he suddenly froze.

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