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Chapter 402 Stumbling

“To continue … to advance …”

“To continue … to advance …”

“To continue … to advance …”


In his heart, Qin Nan kept hissing, as if in his eyes, only this road was left. Only when this road was completed would it be the ultimate victory.

Under the pressure of horror, his feet slowly lifted and slowly dropped, and the whole body seemed to be stuck in a quagmire. Every time he lifted a step, he seemed to have defeated an extremely powerful enemy.

One step … two steps … three steps …

One hour … 2 hours … 3 hours …

When Qin Nan reached step 2 100 39, it took exactly 6 hours. The scorching sun in the sky was replaced by the stars in the dark night, and the moon emits soft rays of light, covering the earth. The entire 3-layer door training field has become dreamlike. Only on this azure color stone pavement is Qin Nan’s figure shiver coldly, constantly shaking, breathing like a volcanic eruption, and the sweat constantly flowing out and being evaporated. , Even if you look at it in the past, you can feel the tremendous fatigue that is extremely tight.

The Gold Hall Lord and the others across the lake, and the Cultivator in the audience, did not turn their eyes in these 6 hours, they looked at the difficult step taken by Qin Nan, in their hearts, as if moved When Qin Nan came to these 200th and 39th steps, their hearts were tense subconsciously.

Between 2 100 39 and 2 100 40, it is as different as heaven and earth, even Heaven’s Chosen Child, such as Ying Xunlong, are defeated. Xue Wuhen also successfully stepped in by sacrificing 3 King Dao Items.

“Hehe.” At this time, Chen Ying was opened the mouth and said: “In my opinion, these 2 100 40 steps, he will definitely step in.”

She just finished speaking, and the words turned sharply. “If I guess correctly, Qin Nan is probably going to release Martial Spirit. After all, he is the genius of Xuan level 8-Rank Martial Spirit! If not for Martial Spirit , He must not be able to step out of these 2 100 40 steps! Tsk tsk, with the Martial Spirit at the 3-layer door, what is the difference between Xue Wuhen’s approach! “

all around Cultivator hearing this, frowned, but did not refute.

At Cang Lan Continent, Martial Spirit is very strict. They saw Qin Nan, a supreme talent with Xuan level 8-Rank Martial Spirit. In addition to being in awe, they were a little uncomfortable in their hearts.

As Chen Ying said, if it weren’t for the Martial Spirit level, Qin Nan wouldn’t necessarily be stronger than them.

“Less talk here, Qin Nan is able to go to this step without releasing Martial Spirit, it is already very good.” Chen Fei glared at his younger sister, he is now a little regretful, and would not have known Bring her.

“Chen Fei, Chen Ying is right, if you rely on Martial Spirit, you can’t be proud of it.”

Gold Hall Lord shook the head.

3-layer door, experience will. If you rely on external forces, how can experience say will?

At the same time, the 3-layer door is on the azure color stone main road.

Xue Wuhen never expected that Qin Nan’s will would be so amazing that he would come to this step without using Martial Spirit, which made him a little flustered.

Qin Nan is Xuan level 8-Rank Martial Spirit. If Martial Spirit is released, how couldn’t it be farther?

Although the number of steps of 300 was impossible at all, in order to prevent it beforehand, he immediately moved his mind and sneered and said, “Qin Nan, what you call a peerless talent, I am not convinced at all! If you give me Xuan level 8-Rank Martial Spirit , My achievements will be greater than you! If you have the ability, do n’t use Martial Spirit, walk me through these 2 100 39 steps, I will serve you! ”

He just finished saying, Ying Xunlong not far away, expression furious, “Xue Wuhen, you are almost bully intolerably! Do you joke without using Martial Spirit? Why did you use Martial Spirit and 3 King Dao yourself? Item? “

He has experienced it himself, and it is clear that if his Martial Spirit is not strong enough, the terrible pressure will probably force him to be seriously injured!

“Defeated, give me less waste–” Xue Wuhen responded quickly.

It was just that his words were not finished. At this moment, Qin Nan, who was less than half a foot away from him, suddenly moved. He exhaled like a thunder. The face that was gradually distorted and painful, but with a touch of rare perseverance, he seemed to not listen Go to all around, slowly raise your right foot, go over the muddy pressure, and move forward.

This small subtle action fell in the eyes of the 2 supreme talents, the Gold Hall Lord and the others on the lake, and the audience Cultivator, but it was no less than a thunder!

No Profound Light flickers, that is, Qin Nan did not release Martial Spirit!

could it be that he wanted to step 2 100 40 with his own will?

This guy is crazy!

“Qin Nan, watch out!”

Ying Xunlong suddenly changed his face.

I only saw Qin Nan’s feet, and I just mentioned the distance of less than half an inch. The pressure that raged in the air that day like a volcano erupted and doubled, like the same ancient Monster Beast from the sky.


Qin Nan ’s already exhausted flesh body has no resistance. He was smashed down on the spot, and his head, arms, chest, back, legs, etc. were all blasted by this tremendous pressure and repression. Simultaneously exploded, blood 4 Yi, the scene was miserable.

“Hahaha!” Xue Wuhen laughed after looking distracted for a moment, and said, “Qin Nan, you are really proud, you really do n’t use Martial Spirit! Who do you think you are? Want to use Martial Spirit walked over? Without Martial Spirit, what is the difference between you and mortals! Ridiculous, ridiculous, wait for the 3-layer exam to end, and I will give you a slap in front of everyone-“

Ying Xunlong and Gold Hall Lord, Chen Fei, Chen Ying across the lake, as well as many loose cultivators, are all trembling.

Really did not use Martial Spirit!

Qin Nan really didn’t work!

That Chen Ying ’s response was only one beat slower than Xue Wuhen, said with a sneer: “This Qin Nan is really easy to be provoked! But you also see that without Martial Spirit, he is nothing—”

Gold Hall Lord, Chen Fei, and Cultivator all simultaneously shook their heads.

Chen Ying’s words sound harsh, but that’s right.

Qin Nan has lost Martial Spirit, and is really no different from everyone else, and there is nothing outstanding.

However, at this time, the voices of Xue Wuhen and Chen Fei came to an end, and everyone who shook their heads simultaneously shook their expressions.

“Continue … before … in … continue … continue … before … in …”

A faint, hoarse voice came on and off, and it seemed very loud in the dark night sky.

Qin Nan’s flesh body, full of blood, has long collapsed, a kind of will that came from nowhere to support him, swaying like an ordinary weak straw, slowly standing up, raising his right foot, Step forward.


The toes were less than half an inch off the ground, and the horrible pressure struck again without mercy and indifference. Strikes fell on Qin Nan’s body, laying down Qin Nan’s flesh body on the spot, and the wound on his body was enlarged again. , Blood dyed red that azure color stone main road.

Countless pains, just like a sledgehammer, fell from the sky, knocked on the head, huge majestic, the exhaustion brought by the steps of 2 100 39, like a volcano, erupted with pain, intertwined with pain, Qin Nan All the minds are swallowed up without leaving any trace.

But alone, in this pain, in this exhaustion, there is a light, although weak, it is firm and abnormal!

“Keep going……”

His voice was hoarse, and Qin Nan’s figure stumbled and stepped out again.

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