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Chapter 300 96 Scramble for Jade Ship

“Ying Xunlong and Xue Wuhen, both of them are in the top ten of the protector list!”

“Why did the two of them come to the 2-layer door?”

“I’m afraid it will be 3 Peaks great competition in 16 months!”


There was a heated discussion in the restaurant.

These Cultivators, who came to the 3-layer door at this time, are actually for the 3 Peaks great competition 16 months later. Because this 16 Peaks great competition is held once a year, it is the grand event of Azure Dragon Sacred Land!

Qin Nan walked into the restaurant and faced the Cultivator with a loud voice, arching Asking Dao: “This fellow daoist, I don’t know too much about the 3-layer door. I wonder if the fellow daoist can tell you?”

That Cultivator was surprised, but he felt that the person in front of him was familiar, but he was also unconscious and waved impatiently: “Are you a new disciple? Do n’t ask me such a simple question! Come on, everyone, I follow Tell us about Qin Nan Pill Refining … “

The other Cultivators in the restaurant ignored Qin Nan and began to listen attentively.

After all, this time Qin Nan Pill Refining not only shocked the Vegetation Peak, but also countless people in the entire Azure Dragon Sacred Land were shocked.

Just then, one silhouette suddenly came.

This man was dressed in a silver robe, black hair was coiled up, and a white feather was inserted. His eyes were so dazzling and spotless that he was aloof from the earth and made him worship.

When he was walking, he was in a cultivation level of Martial Grandmaster Realm 7-layer, without any concealment, rolling out, attracting everyone’s attention.

“This is not Xue Wuhen!”

“He came!”


The Cultivator in the restaurant was simultaneously surprised.

Xue Wuhen expressionless is very arrogant, but when he is ten meters away from the restaurant door, he suddenly frowned and did not take a look at Qin Nan, saying: “I have a rule, that is, within my square ten meters, the cultivation level is lower than Martial Grandmaster Realm 5-layer, you have to retreat. Miss your first offender, this time to spare you, but the next time you remember, see me, retreat yourself. “

After speaking, he didn’t look back, entered the building, and sure enough, the Cultivator in that building quickly dispersed and gave way to it, so he didn’t dare to provoke it.

After all, in the protector ranking, they are very different from Xue Wuhen.

Qin Nan is quite speechless. He just wants to know about the 3-layer door. Ignored and forget about it, but he is also regarded as an obstruction.

“Forget it, keep finding someone!”

Qin Nan turned and was ready to leave.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a burst of vigorous laughter sounded: “Xue Wuhen, you are really overbearing, why can’t anyone be within ten meters of your circle?”

I saw a burly young man striding forward. Unlike Xue Wuhen, he was dressed in sackcloth and rough, and looked extremely simple.

But everyone can see that in him within the body, there is a majestic force hidden, just like Ominous Beast!

“Ying Xunlong!”

Many Cultivators in the restaurant, slightly look changes.

Xue Wuhen sat in the restaurant 2nd-layer, expressionless, and said, “Ying Xunlong, the lesson that seemed to give you last time is not enough Ah!”

“Hey, what lesson? I tell you, 3 Peaks great competition after 16 months, I will definitely beat you!”

Ying Xunlong grinned.

He is not really Xue Wuhen’s opponent, but he believes that one day he will definitely surpass it.

At this moment, Ying Xunlong suddenly gave a soft sigh, and only felt that this person in front of him was very familiar. Now, Asking Dao: “Do you know this brother?”

“We don’t know,” Qin Nan laughed. “Senior Brother, don’t know if you can tell me the rules of the 3-layer door? I don’t know yet.”

The Cultivator in the restaurant are all weird looking.

This guy is also bold, such a simple question, actually came to ask Ying Xunlong.

Unexpectedly, Ying Xunlong was not angry, said with a smile: “I must know you, at least where I have seen you, and tell you the rules are OK, but you have to tell me your name!”

“no problem.”

Qin Nan nodded and said.

At this time, Xue Wuhen in the restaurant, but coldly, said: “Ying Xunlong, you are really boring. The name of this character, could it be that you keep in mind?”

“It’s your business!”

Ying Xunlong rolled the eyes, saying: “brother, leave him alone. He is so proud and look down on people. I will tell you about the 3-layer door. After 3 days, a protector will come and lead us to the 3-layer door . But this is a bit different. We need to compete for Jade Ship. There are only 30 Jade Ships. Only occupying Jade Ships can we enter the 3-layer door by boat! “

“Battle for Jade Ship? So that’s how it is …”

There was a spark in Qin Nan’s eyes.

This 3-layer door is also interesting. Unlike other penance Holy Land, there is a quota limit.

From the perspective of Cultivator in this town, there are at least 2 100 people, right?

2 100 people are competing for 30 places, and I am afraid it will be a big war.

“Brother, what’s your name?”

Ying Xunlong opens the mouth to ask.

If it were an ordinary person, he wouldn’t be so stubborn, but he has a kind of intuition, and someone who can make him familiar is definitely not simple.

“Under Qin Nan, many thanks Senior Brother, I’m leaving now!”

Qin Nan glanced at all around and found that there were too many people. He arched his hand and turned away quickly.

“Qin Nan?”

Ying Xunlong froze.

Not only him, Xue Wuhen and other Cultivators in the restaurant are stunned.

Until after dozens of breaths, everyone’s face changed.

No wonder this guy is so familiar!

It turns out he is really Qin Nan!

Especially the loud Cultivator, he expressed his regret. Qin Nan asked him for an inquiry just now, and he refused impatiently!

If you did n’t refuse, tell Qin Nan, wouldn’t it be possible to become friends with Qin Nan?

You know, Qin Nan is not just a genius, but also a scary Alchemist Master with natural talent!

“Hahaha, didn’t expect Qin Nan actually came, this time is really good, this trip to the 3-layer door, I will compare with him!” Ying Xunlong expression was extremely excited.

As a genius on the protector list, he has always wanted to see Qin Nan’s heroic appearance, but he has no connections and can only give up.

How can he not be excited when he meets now.

Suddenly, Ying Xunlong remembered something and said to Xue Wuhen: “I said, don’t be arrogant, how come? You are not allowed to stand in the range of your ten meters? You also want to pay attention to the next time ? Tsk tsk, Xue Wuhen, you are amazing! “

all around Cultivator, came back to his senses, looked towards Xue Wuhen, weird eyes.

Xue Wuhen’s arrogance, they have seen it, they are not happy, now Xue Wuhen met Qin Nan, they also find it quite interesting.

Qin Nan is not an ordinary person, at least you Xue Wuhen is not qualified to drive people away!

Xue Wuhen complexion slightly changed. In the eyes of everyone, he just felt his face burning, and expression couldn’t help sinking.

ps: The next change is before 1pm.

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