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Chapter 363 Secret Realm On

Qin Nan laughed, a little shy.

When I first met Princess Miaomiao, he couldn’t wait to kill her. With the following contact, in addition to her love for face, like Medicine Pill, robbery, and unreasonable, many times, she was very short, at least for him. such.

“Okay, let’s fight her together. Must teach her a lesson!”

Qin Nan said to her sound transmission.

Princess Miaomiao looks like relaxed, pats the chest, and doesn’t say much.

At this moment, a heavens-frightening bang suddenly sounded, and I saw the undulating sea surging upwards, a huge island, shrouded in a layer of yellow light curtain, slowly rising and rising Countless waves, heavens-frightening moving ground.

This island occupies more than 2 miles, with ancient trees, spiritual energy surging, and mysterious endlessness. In its center, there are faintly, there are 100 towering stone statues, faintly discernible.


The blue-haired old man and Flying Upwards Sacred Land Envoy, simultaneously shouted.

2 big Martial Sovereign Realm shot in an instant, with a flick of sleeve, wrapped the disciple into the sky.

As soon as Qin Nan stepped on that void, he stepped deep into the island.

When I saw the Disciples of Two Great Sacred Land, I entered them. Near Sea City City’s Lord shouted out now: “All Cultivator, you remember, there are only 24 places! Who would not break into those 24 places? Will be killed by that island’s ban! “

The entire square boiled instantly, and the 100 Martial King Realm Cultivator showed off the secret secret technique, entered the sky, and slid into the island of Secret Realm.

For them, the achievements of Martial Grandmaster Realm, extremely rare, despite the genius of Two Great Sacred Land, all have to fight!

Xiao Feipeng took the lead, and behind him were Zhao Fang and Princess Miaomiao, who kept flashing into the island.

In a blink of an eye, 24 people were full.

Among them was an elderly Martial King Realm Peak Cultivator, unwilling to break in, forcibly broke into it, was instantly banned by the island, bombed and shattered, and dead souls that scared countless people were taken.

“This time, we are Flying Upwards Sacred Land and must be first!”

That Flying Upwards Sacred Land Envoy, faintly discernable glanced at the blue-haired old man, and spoke proudly.

Blue hair old man sneered, didn’t answer.




Silhouette of Qin Nan, falling down in the sky.

The moment he broke into the island, there was an invisible force that reversed Space-Time, causing him and Liang Kai and the others to separate positions and not fall together.

Qin Nan touched his waist, he already had one piece of 3 fork Tokens on his waist, I do n’t know where he came from, but he did n’t research the Token and took the lead in releasing the Spiritual Consciousness. After finding that there are no silhouettes within 7 miles, Settled now.

“Liang Kai, did you guys meet the enemy?”

Qin Nan quickly pulled out the sound transmission Token.


“I am alone!”

“Qin Nan Senior Brother, where are you?”


Five people came over for sound transmission.

“Keep in touch at all times, if anything, sound transmission immediately!”

Qin Nan didn’t answer too much, and then contacted Princess Miaomiao via sound transmission Token. The position between the two people was not far away, and Princess Miaomiao came quickly.

“Hu, choke this Princess.”

Princess Miaomiao breathed a sigh of relief, and her body of rays of light flashes changed back to her fair-skinned, exquisite and delicate look.

“Princess, can you lock the body of Jiang Bilan and the others?”

Qin Nan opens the mouth to ask.

“No!” Princess Miaomiao shook the head, saying: “My cultivation level used the secret technique to suppress it to Martial King Realm, so I cannot explore on a large scale …”

“It doesn’t matter, now we two people, unite and pursue Jiang Bilan!”

Cold glow flashed in Qin Nan’s eyes.

This island is only 2 miles in radius. His Spiritual Consciousness is extremely heaven-defying. It can cover 100 miles in radius. It doesn’t take much time to find the body of Jiang Bilan.

For Jiang Bilan, until now, Qin Nan will not show mercy.


Princess Miaomiao expression moved and took out a piece of sound transmission Token, saying: “This is issued by Jiang Bilan, she has a message!”

Qin Nan’s eyes narrowed.

Princess Miaomiao ’s raised hand, the sound of Jiang Bilan immediately sounded in the sound transmission Token: “Cultivators, as everyone knows, Martial Grandmaster Secret Realm Only 3 people can get a place, forgive me to speak bluntly, this time Two The Peerless talent Qin Nan of Great Sacred Land, and myself, Xiao Feipeng, Jiao Shiyi and Jiao Zhe are here, as well as other Holy Land geniuses, and you want to get 3 places, I am afraid it is a bit difficult. “

“Don’t be angry, say these words, just want to cooperate with everyone.”

“How to cooperate? Frankly speaking, I and peerless talent Qin Nan are a bit off holiday. I need something on him. If everyone is willing to help me, I will get 3 pieces of King Dao Item for everyone. Reward, in helping me, if you are aware of the danger, you can leave on your own, it is also good. As for the credibility, presumably the five words Business Alliance Saintess are more than enough. “

“I hope everyone can join hands with me to defeat the peerless talent in lower territory and break the legend!”

“My current position, in the middle of the island, I am waiting for everyone!”

These words are impassioned and have all kinds of benefits.

Princess Miaomiao gave Qin Nan a sideways glance, and faint smile said, “Three King Dao Items per person, this is great generosity.”

“Good Jiang Bilan, it really is this move!”

Qin Nan took a deep breath, and said, “Go, let’s go to the middle of the island!”

The shape of 2 people, without a stay, moved towards the center of the island.

In less than 5 minutes, two people arrived.

The center of this island is different from the island all around. It is a training field in a circle of 2. The training field is paved with some kind of spirit jade. It seems to have gone through countless years and looks extremely ancient.

In the center of the training field, a statue of three long to reach 5 feet stands up.

These three statues are the same man, standing across the hands behind the back, in a long gown and waist-length hair, looking at the sky in three different directions.

Somehow, the statue was dead, but it gave people the impression that it was alive.


Qin Nan shivered.

He just used the War God left pupil and looked towards the three statues, and he saw faintly that in the depths of the three statues, there seemed to be three kinds of power floating. Although aura was weak, it was extremely powerful, like a heart. , Is beating fiercely.

“Could it be that … alive?”

Qin Nan’s mind popped up.

At this time, he suddenly thought of what Near Sea City City’s Lord said, that this island appeared 100 years ago, and there is also a legend of terrifying. If it is open seal, it will bring ominousness.

Could it be that these 3 statues that can give people a breakthrough Martial Grandmaster Realm, are the ominous beings suppressed by this island?

He’s not dead yet, he’s alive?

Qin Nan glanced at the island subconsciously, but the profound mystery contained in the island was far beyond what he could peer into.

“Forget it! Regardless of this, mainly against Jiang Bilan!”

Qin Nan quickly came back to his senses, and flickered with Princess Miaomiao at the same time, floating in midair, looking down.

In the center of the training field, there are Jiao Shiyi, Jiao Zhe, Xiao Feipeng, and the other side is Jiang Bilan.

Jiang Bilan is slim, watching Qin Nan in the sky, lightly said with a smile: “Fellow Daoist Qin Nan, you are here.”

ps: updated today

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