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Chapter 361: The Old Heroes Gathered

The golden light in the Qin Nan left pupil bursts out, with endless coercion.

The strong wind that surged in the Imperial Palace instantly solidified. Xiao Feipeng’s big hand was stiff and mid-air, as if there was an invisible barrier in front, preventing him from reaching 30%.

“Peng Mo’s left hand!”

Xiao Feipeng loudly roared, his entire left hand, burning black gas, as if turned into a big devil, actually crushed the mighty pressure and grabbed it again.

This is no longer a simple fight. If this capture is made, then Lin Xiaoyu must be seriously injured.


Qin Nan made a sudden move, his body seemed to explode countless flames, and punched.


Xiao Feipeng’s body was blown out on the spot, and his body was in the sky, backed up again and again, breaking through ripples of void and blasting.

The audience at the Imperial Palace was horrified.

Just before the thunderbolt fight, they seemed to see a Great Desolate beast roar.

Who is this young man in front of him?

“Haha!” Xiao Feipeng regained his momentum, expressing not anger but smiling, saying: “It is indeed Qin Nan, and it is possible to let the two Saint Lords fight at the same time, and it is extraordinary!”

This statement seemed like a thunder.

Qin Nan?

The young man in front of him is actually the Qin Nan who is owned?

“Qin Nan Senior Brother …”

Lin Xiaoyu was almost crying.

She didn’t expect that because of her existence, she caused that many troubles for Qin Nan.

“It’s okay, he just made you an excuse and came at me!”

Qin Nan shook the head to her, and then passed a look to the Liang Kai people, looked towards Xiao Feipeng, coldly said: “I and you lack hatred and enmity, why do you do this kind of shameless thing? ? “


Xiao Feipeng didn’t even realize it, but was sneaked, saying: “Qin Nan, although you are a peerless talent, but you offended someone you shouldn’t offend. I won’t tell you nonsense, today is not the day of you and me. When the Martial Grandmaster Secret Realm opens, I will certainly exert my best efforts to kill you! “

Speaking of this, Xiao Feipeng tiptoed a little, driving the wind, and if thunderbolt soon disappeared.

Everyone in the audience, look at each other in shock.

They didn’t expect, Xiao Feipeng, one of Murder Blood City 3’s children, arrived today, just to deliberately test Qin Nan, specifically issued a war book.

This also makes them excited, legendary peerless talent Qin Nan, and Xiao Feipeng confrontation, strong and weak?

“Senior Brother!”

Liang Kai and the others came around.


Qin Nan waved his hands, his face paled.

Behind this, who the hell is going to let Xiao Feipeng attack him?

Although Qin Nan is not afraid of fighting, he doesn’t like it very much, and he is constantly staring in the dark.

“let’s go.”

The blue-haired old man came over. As a protector, he naturally understood that the news of Qin Nan’s participation in the Martial Grandmaster Secret Realm contest could not be concealed. This time the Martial Grandmaster Secret Realm contest was unknown. The change.

Hong Feng Sovereign and Hong Feng Crown Prince are naturally hard to dissuade and can only turn a blind eye.

Under the leadership of the blue hair old man, Qin Nan 6 people left Imperial Palace of Hong Feng Empire, but came to a small town called “Near Sea City”. This Near Sea City, as the name suggests, is close to the sea, apart from this, this Martial Grandmaster Secret Realm is an island. In the depths of the sea, the island automatically moves from the depth of the sea floor on August 8th. Come here, turn on the ban, turn on Secret Realm.

Near Sea City was originally underdeveloped. It was because of the Martial Grandmaster Secret Realm that it began to gain fame, especially near August 8 each year, when Near Sea City was overcrowded and gathered countless Cultivators from lower territory.

Qin Nan and the others, who landed directly in an Inn, were silent and did not alarm anyone.

“There are 3 days left until the opening date.” Lan Fa old man said lead solemnly: “The news is leaked now, what do you think now?”

“Confront soldiers with generals and stem water with earth!”


“I’m not afraid of them!”


Liang Kai said 5 people.

From this time Qin Nan maintains Lin Xiaoyu, they know that Qin Nan is a very short-minded person and jealous. Apart from this, five of them, all of them are genius figures of Azure Dragon Sacred Land. They have pride and will be directly deterred by the threat of Xiao Feipeng.

“I can attract firepower.” Qin Nan thought for a while, said with a smile: “They came at me, just to attract their attention, Liang Kai, you guys, just can take the opportunity to move, when we Should it be foreign, how? “

“Senior Brother, you—”

Liang Kai and other people expressions are in a hurry. Although this method is good, the danger facing Qin Nan is even greater.

Qin Nan waved his hand, his face determined.

This time, it is absolutely certain that Xiao Feipeng is definitely not the main firepower. Behind him, there is another person, who has a stronger history than Xiao Feipeng.

Until the situation is clarified, Qin Nan does not want to affect Liang Kai and the others.

“That’s it.” Lanfa old man seemed to have expected it, and nodded said, “In the past few days, you’re here to take a good rest. I’ll let you know what news I have.”

Liang Kai and the others nodded, expression went silent.

Qin Nan no longer talks, sits cross-legged, nurses aura, and waits for Martial Grandmaster Secret Realm to open.

On the 3rd, hurry by.

The entire Near Sea City, on this day, became very lively.

“Hey, have you heard that, I heard that Eight Arms Crazy Blade, even came to this Martial Grandmaster Secret Realm!”

“Oh, what is Eight Arms Crazy Blade? Do you know that Qin Nan is here!”

“What? Qin Nan is here? Is there anything wrong?”

“His, this is the peerless talent Ah that caused the 2 Saint Lords to compete! Rumors even Killing Sovereign Tang Qingshan cannot compare with him!”

“You know the fart, except that Qin Nan spurred Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth asking Dao fish, and also promoted to Martial King Realm that day, do you know how many Thunder Tribulation he brought in? I tell you, 9000 Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth, It is said to cover Azure Dragon Sacred Land! “

“Fuck! Such a pervert!”


When the Martial Grandmaster Secret Realm was opened in previous years, only a certain number of people were able to participate in the Martial Grandmaster Secret Realm. As for the other Cultivators who came here, they were all here to see the super talent.

But this year, all the rays of light have been covered up, and only the protagonist is Qin Nan!

At this moment, Near Sea City.

Overcrowded in this square, almost every statue is the Cultivator of Martial King Realm, these people are waiting quietly, waiting for the opening of Martial Grandmaster Secret Realm.


“Azure Dragon Sacred Land is here!”

“That’s Qin Nan!”


The crowd boiled instantly, and countless gazes came over.

The blue-haired old man walked ahead, behind him, Qin Nan, Liang Kai, and the others in turn. Qin Nan’s expression remained unchanged under these eyes, without being affected in the slightest.

At this moment, a powerful momentum, without hesitation, soared into the sky, it was Xiao Feipeng.

“Xiao Feipeng is here too!”

“It is rumored that he issued a war book to Qin Nan while he was in Hong Feng Empire!”


The crowd was boiling again, full of anticipation, but they were quickly disappointed. Xiao Feipeng and Qin Nan 2 did not look at each other and did not experience any friction.

“Flying Upwards Sacred Land is here!”

Suddenly, a scream came from the crowd.

If usual, the arrival of Flying Upwards Sacred Land will certainly attract most of the eyes, but the eyes of the audience today were all attracted by Qin Nan. Only a few people cast their eyes. In this regard, it was unexpected. Great change.

“Fuck? Jiao Shiyi, Jiao Zhe!”

“What, are Jiao Family 2 brothers here?”


Jiao Zhe and Jiao Shiyi have a certain reputation in the lower territory. Although they are completely covered by the rays of light of Qin Nan on Azure Dragon Sacred Land ’s discrete Selection Great Competition, they are also Peak supreme talents. By the attention.

This time the Martial Grandmaster Secret Realm opens, and these two talents are playing at the same time.

Behind Jiao Zhe and Jiao Shiyi, there were 3 other disciples, with a carriage in the back.

The carriage was lifted by the Powerhouse of the 8-bit Martial Grandmaster Realm. Between walks, the posture was 10000 1000.

This made the audience’s attention fascinated by the past, who actually came, there was such a grand pomp.

I saw the carriage stopped, the door opened, and a white clothed woman walked out of it. The audience at the loose cultivator saw the woman for a moment, she was slightly lost, and her eyes were full of surprise.

The white clothed woman came out, moved towards Qin Nan step by step, and walked in front of Qin Nan with a smile, saying, “Fellow Daoist Qin Nan, long time no see, the little girl misses you very much.”

Come on, Jiang Bilan!

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