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Chapter 300 57 Suppression

“What are the rewards for this honorable mission?”

Qin Nan Asking Dao.

“This time the Martial Grandmaster Secret Realm opens, Azure Dragon Sacred Land and Flying Upwards Sacred Land will send 6 Martial King Realm Peak Powerhouse to participate. Apart from this, there are some loose cultivators in the lower territory, each “Peerless talent in big countries.” The protector said: “Martial Grandmaster Secret Realm has 3 places. If you can get a place, you will be rewarded 3 Yuan Stone. If you lead the other 2 Holy Land disciples, help them win. The quota will reward you with ten Yuan Stone! “

Ten Yuan Stone!

There was a burst of fiery rays of light in Qin Nan’s eyes.

He went to Dark Hand City and ransacked it twice. He only got 2 contribution points, and he could only redeem 11,000 yuan a day. This time, the reward was really generous.

Apart from this, Qin Nan ’s cultivation level has reached the Martial King Realm Peak, which is just right to participate in this Martial Grandmaster Secret Realm, seize the quota, and raise the cultivation level.

“Thanks Senior!”

Qin Nan moved towards protector, arching his hand, leaving Mission Palace in the expression of the other’s flattering expression, and returning to his true body.

“Just participate as Qin Nan, I hope this time Martial Grandmaster Secret Realm, those geniuses, dare to fight me!”

There was a slight smile in Qin Nan’s mouth.

Today he is famous for the lower territory. Unlike in the past, many people dare not ask him for trouble.

However, if he did not even have the courage to challenge him, he would not have the slightest interest.

“Accept the mission!”

Qin Nan took out the Azure Dragon jade slip and completely took over the honor task.

“Congratulations, Saint Child’s candidate Qin Nan, for receiving the honor mission. Now 6 people are full, please quickly go to Duanmu Feng Comparing Martial Arts Stage to gather …” Among the Azure Dragon jade slip, a Spiritual Consciousness resounded. .

Qin Nan stepped forward and moved towards Comparing Martial Arts Stage.

Meanwhile, in Mission Palace.

Suddenly, a Cultivator, seeing the name of the honor mission, screamed.

“Fuck!! Qin Nan is at the Martial Grandmaster Secret Realm!”

This scream, as if it were a thunderbolt, fell into the ears of everyone.


“Haha, the Bastard of Flying Upwards Sacred Land, this time it will be miserable!”

“Tsk tsk, last year Flying Upwards Sacred Land won the championship, this year must be our Azure Dragon Sacred Land!”


All Cultivator boils.

The so-called honor task is to bring honor to Sect. Not only does Sect care, they also care about Cultivator.

Martial Artist cultivation, sometimes, the fight is a face!

“Qin Nan? Was Qin Nan involved? Hey, the Little Brother just now, there is no chance now!”

The protector I just talked to Qin Nan sighed. In his opinion, the new recruit recruited by Azure Dragon Saint Lord is not inferior to Qin Nan, but it is a step slower.



Duanmu Feng, Comparing Martial Arts Stage.

On this Comparing Martial Arts Stage, a blue-haired old man floats in the void, with the terrifying Martial Sovereign Realm over his body.

Below, 5 disciples, some meditate cross-legged, and some are meditating.


The blue-haired old man was surprised by the expression, and then happily said: “Qin Nan participated in this Martial Grandmaster Secret Realm!”

As soon as this word came out, the five disciple’s faces were immovable, and then a pair of eyes began to flicker, intertwining various complex ideas.

“Senior, I’m Qin Nan!”

At this time, Qin Nan had arrived, and said to the blue-haired old man.

The eyes of the five disciples all fell on Qin Nan, with a complex meaning.

The old man with blue hair rejoiced and said, “didn’t expect your kid to come. This time, your kid will have to fight for it, and clean up the Flying Upwards Sacred Land. OK, these five people, yes This time I went to the disciples of Martial Grandmaster Secret Realm. They are all top ten talents in Azure Dragon disciple.

“Jiu Yang’s name, Zhang Fei!” A Crude and Wild man grinned first.

“I’m Lin Xiaoyu.” Among the five people, the expression was weak, with a little nervous girl, whispered.

“My name is Wang Yang!”

“Hello Brother Qin, just call me Xiao San.”

“hmph! ”

The four disciples in the front had a enthusiastic attitude, but the last young man in black clothed, coldly snorted, expressed a little disdain.

This hum is extremely loud, people look, and all move slightly, looking towards this black-clothed youth.

“Liang Kai, what is your attitude?” Lanfa old man complexion sank, shouted: “I tell you, Qin Nan Junior Brother is the Saint Child’s candidate for Azure Dragon Sacred Land, and it is also the most in our team this time. Powerhouse, this honorable task, you all have to rely on him, you have a little respect! “

Qin Nan’s complexion was calm, without emotional changes.

The name Liang Kai, which he is quite familiar with, is in the Azure Dragon disciple leaderboard. Ranked second exists, second only to him. Qin Nan also glanced at him, he has Xuan level 6-Rank Martial Spirit, the martial arts boundary reached the potential of gathering potential, and is fully qualified as a peerless talent.

“All rely on him?”

Liang Kai sneered, said: “Protector, I don’t agree with this sentence! Although Qin Nan is very powerful, but this time Martial Grandmaster Secret Realm, I’m afraid he can’t do it alone? I have to say, I don’t like it!”

At the same time as he was speaking, he was so outrageous that he rose into the sky from him.

As a peerless talent, Liang Kai could have amaze the world with a single brilliant feat, but who knew that suddenly a Qin Nan came out, snatched all the limelight, and snatched his first position on the Azure Dragon disciple list. Apart from this, he originally wanted to take advantage of this Martial Grandmaster Secret Realm to show his fist, who would have encountered Qin Nan again!

This makes him endless, I and you lacking hatred and enmity, why are you focusing on me?

“You—” Lan Fa old man just wanted to get angry.

“Protector, slow down,” Qin Nan laughed. “He’s not convinced. It’s his business. Don’t waste time. Let’s set off quickly.”

“This …” Lan Fa Old Man was a little hesitant. He just said it intentionally just to provoke Liang Kai’s anger and let Qin Nan take the lead, but it was different from what he expected.

Who said Qin Nan was hot-tempered?

Why is there no response now?

“No need to waste time?”

Liang Kai heard this sentence, and was furious at the moment, saying, “Qin Nan, I want to challenge you, see how!”

This Liang Kai’s temper was rather hot. Aside from that, he had a toe, his body rushed out like a cannonball, and a punch moved towards Qin Nan.

He this fist, no trivial matter, erupted the will of the gathering potential Boundary, and used some Cultivation Technique. On the tip of the fist, the invisible energy became tangible, turned into a vortex, and stirred up as if it could break everything. , So that the other four genius disciple, all expression changes. Such a move will gather the potential Boundary and use the idea to the point of perfection, which is far less than that.


Qin Nan expression Yi Han, from his left pupil, boundless coercion, surging out.

Now he has reached the Martial King Realm Peak in cultivation level, and his War God coercion has been extraordinary.


A loud noise.

The vitality of Liang Kai’s fist vortex was instantly shattered into shatters, which made Liang Kai expression greatly changed. He was about to escape, but he was too late to be completely smashed by the War God’s coercion.

“Ah! ”

A painful cry sounded, as if there was an invisible Great Mountain, pressed on Liang Kai, causing him to bend his back. If it were not for Liang Kai’s support, he would be directly overwhelmed by this coercion.


4 great geniuses are gone.

Even the blue-haired old man was stunned.

Is this still a person?

A word roll, let Liang Kai of Azure Dragon disciple leaderboard second place directly defeat?

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