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Chapter 355: Return My Love

“Ah! ”


“Ahhhh Ah!”

One after another screamed, as if howling wind and torrential rain, in that Dark Hand City, suddenly rushed up.

The remaining 900 Cultivators, when they saw Qin Nan holding a giant stick and sweeping everything, a chill suddenly burst from their spine and spread their whole body.


“Monster! Monster!”

“Run away Ah!”


These more than 900 Cultivators were immediately terrified by the immediate scene of violence.

They have completely lost their clamor at the beginning, and they only have one idea in their minds, which is to escape, to escape quickly!

“Want to escape?”

There was a sneer in Qin Nan’s mouth.

Come to the door yourself, and now he is not addicted, do you want to escape?

“Give me a fight!”

Qin Nan strode, the flames sprayed under his feet, and the silhouette of his entire body seemed to be a storm, rushing into the crowd. The black stick in his hand was lifted high, fell quickly, and transformed into countless numbers. The afterimage, the wide tip of the foot, was drawn mercilessly on the head of a Cultivator.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Peng ~ peng ~!

With the sound of one after another collision, the Cultivator’s body was simultaneously pumped away, and he screamed heavens-frightening!

This is mainly because Qin Nan has deliberately converged his strength, hitting everyone, it will only make them extremely painful, without any substantial harm.

That’s it, so that Dark Hand City, in just a few dozen breaths, rang out countless screams, shaking the entire city.

At this moment, outside of Dark Hand City, Zheng Kuo, who had just received 3000 contribution points, was full of contentment, and he could laugh in the future, and suddenly heard the heavens-frightening scream, which scared him. A shivered.

“This group of people is really hard to start with, what does this have to torture Duan Qing …”

Zheng Kuo couldn’t help but sigh, but he didn’t have the slightest apology. Who let Duan Qing break through the prohibition of their Dark Hand City and make him lose face?

Well, youngster just wanted to make him suffer a bit more and exercise hard.

However, Zheng Kuo’s expression began to look awry, because the screams from within Dark Hand City became extremely violent in just a few dozen breaths, and it didn’t seem like a person was screaming, and There are hundreds of people screaming simultaneously!

“Not good !”

Zheng Kuo complexion changed, his body shape flashed, and he landed over the Dark Hand City, looking down.

At this look, he was dumbfounded.

I just saw that on a street in Dark Hand City, Qin Nan looked like an ancient giant creature with a human figure, waving an iron of an incomparable gigantic, and a stick kept pounding on the head of each Cultivator The loud noise of the peng peng sounded as if it had fallen into Zheng Kuo’s heart, hitting his head, making him chill in his heart.

If he were to change him, the stick would be on his head, and the pain would be imagined!


Zheng Kuo suddenly realized the problem, and complexion greatly changed.

Isn’t Duan Qing suppressed at cultivation level?

The existence of a Body Tempering Realm, how could it sweep so many Cultivators?


Zheng Kuo glanced and his face turned green!

Martial King Realm Peak!

This cultivation level of Duan Qing is actually Martial King Realm Peak!

What the hell is going on here, he took the shot himself and spurred the strongest formation of Dark Hand City, but he couldn’t suppress it?

“Zheng City’s Lord, Help Ah!”

Below that, there were hundreds of Cultivators who were constantly fleeing, and suddenly saw Zheng Kuo in the sky, like a straw for help, and hurried to call.

Zheng Kuo subconsciously glanced at this group of people. He has an impression of this group. In normally, they are all Envoy and protector levels, but didn’t expect such a group of people. Powerhouse, the soul flew away and scattered, like a stray dog.

“Duan Qing, stop me!”

Zheng Kuo suddenly came back to his senses, and shouted to Qin Nan below.

“Stop? Zheng City’s Lord, this game isn’t over yet! Didn’t you say that breaking through the ban on your Dark Hand City is not a rule violation at all?”

Qin Nan looked up without fear.

Zheng Kuo’s throat narrowed, as if blocked, and he couldn’t say a word.

What should we do now? Forcibly terminate the game? Or forcibly win Duan Qing?

Either way, it will produce bad results Ah!

“You just called it, right?”

Just as Zheng Kuo City’s Lord wondered, Qin Nan’s sneer sounded, and when he saw his steps, he looked like a devil and landed in front of the 100 Cultivators.


The Cultivators of 100 normally powerful 8-sided faces were scared and looked pale. When they just wanted to speak, they saw a black one before them, and that giant stick appeared in front of them without any warning. On their heads.


Those Cultivators only felt their heads were hit by a rare beast, and their brains buzzed, their bodies flew away instantly, their voices screamed, and they blurted out.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

It was another burst of explosions. The 100 Cultivators were swept away!

At this moment, a team of 1000 people led by Zhao Fang and Bai Shao two people were all knocked down by a giant stick, their bodies were scattered all over the street, and the Dark Hand City large and small buildings were all The incoherence of the impact formed an extremely violent picture.

“Finally finished!”

Qin Nan exhaled a long breath, with a thick smile on his face.


This time is so cool!

He had never thought that it would be as if he were breathing in a breath and letting out all of these 1000 people with ease, making his whole body extremely happy.


When Zheng Kuo saw this scene, he almost spit out a mouthful of blood, all shaking.

Why is it that there are more than 1000 Cultivators, including Envoy, protector, and some people with long history, but now they are all knocked out by Qin Nan’s use of Dark Hand City rules?

“Duan Qing! Do you know what you did?” Zheng Kuo couldn’t bear it at the moment, and immediately blasted: “Most of them are your Senior Brother. You actually rely on your cultivation level, so bullying them- — “


Zheng Kuo City’s Lord is not finished, Qin Nan, who is in a good mood, gives a casual whisper, carries the giant stick, and starts to search on the ground-breaking each and everyone Cultivator, and they second round points, all taken away.

The only thing that made Qin Nan feel flawed was that he just beat with a stick just now. He accidentally hit these Cultivator figures in all directions. He had to spend a lot of hands and feet to get all these points away.


Zheng Kuo’s lips trembled with anger.

He dignified Dark Hand City City’s Lord, when was he so ignored.

At this moment, Qin Nan step one stopped, it turned out that he was slamming away, and Zhao Fang was smashing into the pit, and his body kept shaking.

“You … you … you …” Zhao Fang discovered Qin Nan, as if he saw the enemy of life and death, and was extremely grieved, and said, “You little shameless man, took everything from me, and you … I love … and I love-Ah! “

As soon as Zhao Fang’s words came out, Qin Nan’s face turned dark, and he waved the big stick, and moved towards his face fiercely and fell.


ps: 4 is more complete, it is gone today.

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