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Chapter 300 40 Scramble for Saint Lord

There is a huge gap between Innate Realm and Martial King Realm, like mortals and Martial Artist.

Only by becoming a Martial King Realm can you truly enter the martial arts World.

At this moment, when the huge dark cloud formed by Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth, Qin Nan has become the only rays of light of Duanmu Feng!

“Thunder Tribulation is down!”

Qin Nan is full of blood, boiling, as if with boundless fighting intent, surging out, echoing that Dragon-Marked Golden Core!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In the dark clouds of Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth, numerous purple color thunderbolts, meandering and splitting, seem to fall like a storm, and mapped the entire Comparing Martial Arts Stage into a purple light.

Under this countless thunderbolt, the Dragon-Marked Golden Core has rays of light, without any damage, like receiving a baptism!

“Martial King!”

Qin Nan thundered.

The entire Dragon-Marked Golden Core, soaring up under Heavenly Thunder, actually rushed forward and smashed the thunderbolt impact on the Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth. Boom into shatters.


A group of power belonging to Martial King Realm, in the Dragon-Marked Golden Core, is like a whirlwind, scrolling up and climbing up to peak.

boom! boom! boom!

At this moment, Qin Nan’s entire human cultivation level issued a change of Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

Martial King Realm 1-layer!

Martial King Realm 2-layer!

Martial King Realm 3-layer!

It didn’t stop until Qin Nan climbed to the point of Martial King Realm 10-layer.

“Clean Heart Washing Demons Arts!”

Qin Nan was so powerful at the moment. The Sea of ​​Consciousness in his mind suddenly rose sharply, and it was not until the time when Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth was in control. Similarly, the Clean Heart Washing Demons Arts of his practice sent out waves With a sound, it seems that it broke through the barrier and reached the level of Perfection!


Behind Qin Nan’s mind, countless Monster Beast illusory shadows have evolved and merged into one big bell, humming, and every sound can directly shatter all demons, formidable power endless!

“My blade intent!”

Qin Nan shouted.

All of his will will be sent to Dragon-Marked Golden Core. The success of Dragon-Marked Golden Core Transcending Tribulation is not just his cultivation level. All his things have passed baptism and broke through the barrier!


From Qin Nan, a blade of intent, blooming, magnificent and amazing, from Fine and Detailed Stage to Gathering Potential Realm!

What is gathering potential?

Swiping a knife, Heaven and Earth trend, gather for it!

“War God left pupil!”

Among the Qin Nan left pupil, the numerous golden glows that shone out were even more turbulent, as if they had become golden flames, flowing with the air.

War God left pupil, after all, is the left pupil of War God. It is extraordinary. It is not an enhancement of the inner core. It can reach the new Boundary, but the power of snooping, along with the promotion, also mentions the high high.

“I will!”

Qin Nan’s expression was suddenly solemn.

In his within the body, the blood made a loud noise, and it seemed to condense into a formation, forming a unique prototype of Bloodline.

When the left pupil was once fused, Qin Nan within the body condensed this kind of Bloodline power, but it was very weak and not obvious. Until now, things have just begun to take shape. Although Qin Nan does not know what Bloodline’s power represents, the boiling battle will be even more surging!

“Last step, Raging Flames Golden Armor Body Secrets!”

Dorattle, Qin Nan’s black hair suddenly burned and turned into a golden flame, followed by all parts of his neck, shoulders, chest, arms, etc., layers of flames, constantly burning, making him The whole person is like a fire man.


Qin Nan’s whole body flame, fiercely exploded, turned into a golden flame armor, densely covering the whole body joints.


From behind Qin Nan, a 5-foot-long golden flame cloak stretches out from towering, rippling in that sky, dancing without wind, hu hu.


In the sky, there seems to be Heaven and Earth, and a loud noise is congratulated.

At this moment, wearing armor, blade intent like rainbow, cloak sky, Qin Nan became extremely solemn, in him, not angry, like a War God, standing between this Heaven and Earth!

The audience of the Peak Lord, Envoy, and the supreme talents of the audience watched this scene, and their eyes were full of shock.

What a monster Ah!

A cultivation level, Cultivation Technique, and everything, soared to the point of Martial King Realm Peak!

Apart from this, the surging forces and the solemn atmosphere during that period were not like a Martial King at all, but a Martial Sovereign!

It’s just that they don’t know.

When Qin Nan was promoted to Martial King, various difficulties appeared. The Martial King inner core was almost completely broken. Until then, it consumed many resources, polished his Martial King inner core, and integrated War God left pupil and Chaos Energy. .

It is for this reason that when he succeeds in Transcending Tribulation, he can fly into the sky!

“Golden Core is back!”

Qin Nan shouting loudly, the 9-line Golden Core in the sky immediately fell, integrated into Qin Nan’s within the body, so that Qin Nan’s aura was completely outlined as a whole.

Qin Nan’s face had no joy, and in front of the eyes, he sat directly on his knees, and the golden flame cloak fluttered to the sky.

The success of his Transcending Tribulation, he is aura, and it is too big. He must let itself ’s Golden Core, his own flesh body, and so on.


Along with Qin Nan’s silence, he breathed a breath, thunderbolt, and fell into the ears of everyone.

Between Heaven and Earth, there is silence, no one snoring.

To this day, even Peak Lord feels that his brain is not enough.

The existence of an Innate Realm, promoted to Martial King, was able to stir such turmoil, dare to ask who in this lower territory can compare with it?

Tang Tangshan of the past can’t!

“Grab someone!”

Suddenly, a hissing roar broke the silence of Duanmu Feng first.

The person making the noise is Luo Luo Lord!

The Peak Lord and Envoy of Flying Upwards Sacred Land reacted quickly at this time. Each and everyone looks like a wild wolf, casts a spell of sky, and takes Qin Nan’s body shape along with the other 5 miles of land. go!

“courting death !”

Duanmu Peak Lord was furious.

The same goes for other Azure Dragon Sacred Land Peak Lord, Envoy, and so on.

At this instant, there was no warning, and a world war broke out directly.

This battle is no better than the previous one. Although it won’t kill people by hand, many Peak Lords have already begun to show their hole cards. Each move is played by heaven falls and earth rends.

This is all because of Qin Nan!

Just kidding, it can motivate Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth Asking Dao fish to condense into a Dragon-Marked Golden Core that surpasses 9-golden Golden Core, and attracts Heaven and Earth Thunder Tribulation from Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth. These eonius genius, what about them? Can let go!

You have to snatch Qin Nan!

If Qin Nan falls into what kind of Holy Land, and no accident, that Holy Land will surely shine in the future!

Just then, all of a sudden, the sky above Duanmu Feng suddenly darkened, and within 1000 miles, there was an invisible power.

A sound seemed to come from above Nine Heavens, blasting away.

“Qin Nan, we want Flying Upwards Sacred Land!”

Flying Upwards Saint Lord, kill directly!

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