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Chapter 300 34 Two Great Sacred Land Battle!

“Duanmu Feng has mutation!”

“Peerless talent is born! Peerless talent is born! Quickly go to Duanmu Feng!”

“Go! Come on!”


If Jiang Bilan motivated the natural phenomenon brought by 659 Asking Dao fishes and attracted most of the Envoy and Peak Lord of Azure Dragon Sacred Land, then the natural phenomenon brought by Qin Nan would make even the retreating Peak Lord All were alarmed, and the fastest speed broke out, rushing to Duanmu Feng!

whiz whiz whiz whiz!

one after another powerful silhouette, simultaneously descended!

Azure Dragon Sacred Land The other 4 Peak Lords and dozens of Envoys are here!

In other words, except for Envoys who are not in Azure Dragon Sacred Land, all the great characters of Azure Dragon Sacred Land come together!

It was just that when they arrived and saw the scene in front of them, they were just like everyone else, and there was a huge shock on their faces!

At this moment, even on Duanmu Feng, there are a total of 20 Peak Lords, more than 500 Envoys, and more than 600 disciplines. There is still only this earth-shattering sound of red rays of light, and there is no more noise!

Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth Asking Dao Fish!

What is this concept?

At that time, Killing Sovereign Tang Qingshan only attracted 666, and Qin Nan had more than 333 more!

In an instant, the 3 Peak Lords of Flying Upwards Sacred Land seemed to be struck with a thunder, enlightenment, everything, and instantly understand.

Why did Duanmu Peak Lord give them those 4 talents?

Why did Luo Peak Lord fight with Duanmu Peak Lord and the others for Qin Nan?

Why did Qin Nan dare to go up after seeing Jiang Bilan’s results without any worry?

All this is because Qin Nan is a true peerless talent!

Duanmu Peak Lord, Luo Peak Lord and the others, because of knowing this, will be crazy for Qin Nan!

Qin Nan is even more confident. He believes in himself and will never lose!

Not only the 3 Peak Lords understood it, but all the Envoy and Peak Lord in the audience, they all understood it.

In the face of this shocking fact, their previous anger, ridicule and so on Duanmu Peak Lord looked so ridiculous!

Jiang Bilan looked at the scene in front of him, as if he was shocked by a giant beast, a pretty face, and suddenly pale.

How can this be?

The existence of Qin Nan Huang level 10-Rank Martial Spirit, how can it make all the Asking Dao fish crazy?

Could it be that the secret of Martial Fate Pavilion, with such a large formidable power?

As for those supreme talents like Sima Kong, Jiao Zhe, etc., the already shocked brain is blank and I don’t know what to say.

Luo Peak Lord was in that shock, and his eyes were completely excited. It was indeed Qin Nan. He broke history and achieved such a shocking result in one fell swoop, but he came back to his senses soon and gave a roar first. , Break the peace, “He shit! You fools, now your dog eyes can see clearly? What the fuck are you doing! Hurry up and do it! Take Qin Nan away! Otherwise, I will die completely you guys!”

This roar made the 3 Peak Lords, Envoys, etc. of Flying Upwards Sacred Land wake up, their faces burning.

But now is not the time to be ashamed. There is a one after another long howling, and moved towards Qin Nan at the same time, like a hungry wild wolf in the desert!

“Flying Upwards Sacred Land, you are almost shameless. According to the agreement, Qin Nan is our Azure Dragon Sacred Land!”

Duanmu Peak Lord was angry.

Now you know you’re starting to grab people?

When I started to be cocky, why didn’t I expect this scene?

“Haha, Duanmu Peak Lord, we never said that!”

The 3 Peak Lords of Flying Upwards Sacred Land, don’t care, their eyes are hot, and shameless is shameless. Today, in any case, you must grab Qin Nan!

“Azure Dragon Sacred Land everyone gave me an order, grab the Flying Upwards Sacred Land, give me fiercely!”

Duanmu Peak Lord was completely angry and shouted.

“Give me up!”

“It’s almost shameless, and want to rob us of Azure Dragon Sacred Land!”

“Damn it, I dare not say anything in Azure Dragon Sacred Land, I will educate you today!”


This group of Peak Lord and Envoy, soon came back to his senses, each and everyone was extremely angry, completely without the attitude that they had just started to Duanmu Peak Lord and Qin Nan.

All of a sudden, a horrific war raged on the entire Duanmu Feng, causing the entire Great Mountain to shake.

If you look down from the sky, you will find this Qing Long Shan vein. Only the towering Duanmu Feng is covered by countless various rays of light. Aura is turbulent and shakes the entire Long Shan. pulse.

If it wasn’t for Duanmu Feng’s guardianship of Taigu’s prohibition, I’m afraid it would have vanished under the power of destroying heaven extinguishing earth!

Also on Duanmu Feng, with the outbreak of the war, Azure Dragon Sacred Land has a geographical advantage. The 6 Peak Lords and a few 100 Envoys joined together at the same time, using only a few breaths, Flying Upwards The people of Sacred Land, suppress the dead.

“Azure Dragon Sacred Land! You bully intolerably!”

Just then, suddenly a heavens-frightening banged and resounded, and I saw the void collapse. From the crack, Flying Upwards Sacred Land’s other eleven Peak Lord and several hundred Envoys turned into a mighty An army is coming.

“Good time! Quickly defeat the group of Azure Dragon Sacred Land and take Qin Nan away! Remember not to affect Qin Nan!”

Luo Peak Lord has long been invincible, and now seeing the arrival of reinforcements, now expression is a joy.

Duanmu Peak Lord, Zhang Peak Lord and other people expressions changed slightly. Didn’t expect this Luo Peak Lord, but it quietly spread the news, top secret.


The Peak Lord and Envoy of the Flying Upwards Sacred Land looked at the moving towards Comparing Martial Arts Stage.

Before they arrived, they received Luo Peak Lord’s sound transmission. According to the sound transmission, there was the birth of peerless talent, and they immediately rushed around, carrying the power of the clan.

To this day, they don’t know how powerful this peerless talent is, but when they look at the Ning Hundred Ninety Ninth Asking Dao fish in Comparing Martial Arts Stage, everyone’s expressions are simultaneously shocking.


Isn’t that fucking right?

Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth!

When did more monsters appear in the lower territory?

“Grab someone!”

A Peak Lord took the lead in came back to his senses, hissing.

“Go! Grab someone!”

The other Peak Lord and Envoy quickly came back to his senses. Now is not the time to shock, grab it first and then talk!

This in an instant, accompanied by the army of Flying Upwards Sacred Land, the killing sound on Duanmu Feng shook the sky with a radius of 1000 miles into a void, and the prohibition on the entire Duanmu Feng was even more severe. Rao is so, it is also shaking violently, as if the whole mountain will collapse for it!

Just for the birth of one person, Two Great Sacred Land went straight to war!

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