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Chapter 320 6 Jiao Shiyi’s shot

Azure Dragon Sacred Land, Duanmu Feng.

The six Peak Lords, all Envoys, have their eyes on the Comparing Martial Arts Stage.

I saw a supreme talent shouted after everyone was silent for a long time: “I’m coming first!”

The comer is Leng Jianxiong!

After taking a deep breath, Leng Jianxiong took an aura, calmed down, and in front of the eyes, slowly moved forward, his feet firm.

He is very clear. Now supreme talents are gathered. If you want to get attention, natural talent is not enough. The first one, and also created a good result.

When Leng Jianxiong walked under the group of Asking Dao fishes, he paused and looked up, and saw 4 cluttering Asking Dao fishes in the sky, of which there were 2, 100, 39, and his eyes fell on Leng Jianxiong. After staring for a while, there were 2 100 18 Asking Dao fishes swaying around and dancing around him, setting off his whole body into a bluish rays of light.

Many supreme talents have confused eyes. I don’t know if this result is good or bad.

Envoy, who was all around, caused a commotion.

“This child is not bad, it actually attracted 2 100 18!”

“This achievement, although not Peak, is definitely not bad!”

“Eun, what’s his name? I think we can attract our peak!”

“What are you talking about? This person deserves our Azure Dragon Sacred Land! Do you know where it is? Be careful when you get stunned!”


Many Envoys started to argue, their faces turned red, and they were urged to fight.

In Two Great Sacred Land, most of them have a cultivation level of Martial Sovereign Realm, which basically has a difficult future. It is for this reason that they have a love of talent and hope that under their own teaching, they will be a child The disciple, collected as its own Successor, became a side powerhouse.

In the martial arts world without the realm, wealth, status, power, and fame are extremely important, but the disciple of the doormen has also received much attention.

Fang Jian smiled at this moment and said, “Yes, this is a very good result. I remember your name was Leng Jianxiong, and then I remember entering Duanmu Feng!”

“many thanks Senior Brother !”

Leng Jianxiong looked excited, he took the initiative to stand up, and it seemed that he was right!

All around Envoys, especially the Envoy of Flying Upwards Sacred Land, are furious, like a Fang Jian, it is almost shameless, and they have not yet begun to choose. They actually took advantage of it and took the lead. This simply cheat!

Many Supreme talents on the Comparing Martial Arts Stage, seeing this scene, immediately awakened, eyes full of envy.

“I’m coming, I’m coming, I’m coming second!”

“Let me come first!”

“Fuck, then I’ll be the third one!”


The original silent Comparing Martial Arts Stage, boiling in time, was extremely lively, and each and everyone supreme talent were scrambling to participate in the assessment.

With the start of the assessment, the audience ’s supreme talents fully understood and attracted 2 100 18 Asking Dao fishes. These results were truly extraordinary. Because many of them have the existence of Xuan level Martial Spirit, they only attract more than 100 Asking Dao fishes, which can not be compared with Leng Jianxiong at all.

Of course, there are also geniuses such as Hong Fu and so on, which motivated 2 100 or a few Asking Dao fishes, causing a scramble among Envoys.

If someone was standing outside Duanmu Feng at this time, he would be shocked by the loud swearing of heavens-frightening on that mountain.

“Ben Fat is here!”

When this assessment was carried out in half, shouting loudly, it echoed and attracted the audience’s eyes firmly.

Because of this person, it is Sima Kong!

Sima Kong is Peak Lord appointed. How many will this Asking Dao fish test attract?

In the eyes, I saw fatty swayed up and came under the group of Asking Dao fishes. His expression suddenly became serious, making everyone all around tight, and a momentous smile was squeezed out on the face of next moment fatty. He raised his hand and ate more than half of the greasy chicken drumsticks, with a charming expression on his face: “Dear fish masters, please please do me a favour, come over to me! I have good chicken drumsticks here! Guaranteed freshness! Guaranteed delicious! If you don’t try it, you will regret it for life! “

As soon as this word came out, the thunder was rolling, all the supreme talents, all the Envoys, were all silly, making the whole Duanmu Feng quiet.

What the hell is this …

Actually holding half a chicken leg and bribing the Asking Dao fish?

However, at this moment, a full 480 Asking Dao fish turned simultaneously and turned their heads on the fatty, followed by 400 79 Asking Dao fish. The body rushed quickly around and around the fatty, Constantly dancing, it is very joyful.

At this moment, there seems to be a heavens-frightening thunderbolt that fell into the hearts of all Envoy and supreme talents!

What are you kidding?

Such a cumbersome move can actually attract 480 Asking Dao fish?

This is 480 Ah!

No matter what year the assessment of the discipline is, it is an extremely powerful result!


Sima Kong with her hands on her hips couldn’t help but laughed wildly and said, “I fucking know, this group of shit Asking Dao fish, simply is a group of food! It seems that this fat brother is really wise and brilliant!”

All supreme talent: “…”

All Envoy: “…”

Top 6 Peak Lord: “…”

Until after dozens of breaths passed, the whole Duanmu Feng was noisy.

It’s just that at this time, those Envoy didn’t scramble, but could not help but fight.

Who is willing to accept such a wretched and arrogant guy?

Even if you motivated 500 Asking Dao fishes, that’s no way!

Qin Nan was also full of black lines. At this moment, the inner core of his within the body was loosened again, as if he wanted to awakens.


Qin Nan expression freak, it seems that this inner core of himself is about to break through again.

“Fatty, I’m so ecstatic here. The Asking Dao fish is a Heaven and Earth Spiritual Item. You are not allowed to be so disrespectful to them!” At this moment, Jiao Shiyi suddenly broke out and shouted loudly: “Now I will let you You know, there are 480 bars, nothing at all! “

Jiao Shiyi had long seen fatty and Qin Nan unhappy, and had been preparing to suppress the two people on the Asking Dao fish, so seeing fatty so arrogant, he couldn’t bear it now.


Sima Kong disdain of twisted his lips.


Jiao Shiyi expression Yi Han, resisted killing intent, coldly snorted, stepped out, and moved towards Asking Dao.

His appearance immediately attracted the whole audience!

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