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Chapter 315 The Epee Has a Edge for the Sword

The epee has an edge, but Jiang Huang accidentally obtained it. Although it is not a magic treasure, it contains spiritual wisdom. It is inserted into the ground and cannot be pulled out under the Martial Sovereign.

The major supreme talents who participated in the Two Great Sacred Land disciple Selection Great Competition, after trying again and again, they finally understood that if they want to sharpen the epee, they will not only need strength, but also will The will of Martial Spirit or the will of Cultivation Technique will awaken the spiritual wisdom of the epee, the higher the degree of awakening, the more inches you can pull out.

However, on this day, just because of a word from Qin Nan, the entire epee has a sharp edge, but it is actually overflowing the heavens sword aura, and the natural phenomenon is diverse.


A Jin Ge symphony, like dragon’s roar, soared into the sky, and has not yet waited for everyone to respond. The entire two-zhang-long giant sword, countless people cannot shake the giant sword, in Qin Nan’s hands, it seems that there is no The weight, drawn directly, pointed to the sky, the wide blade of the azure color seemed to spray out 10000 dazzling rays of light.


At this moment, all geniuses, all great characters, completely lost self-control, and their faces were shocked.


The entire epee Yufeng was actually pulled out?

The existence of a half-step Martial King Realm, just one sentence, pulled out the entire sword?

“How is it possible!” Jiang Huang stood up with his body brushed, his eyes staring at the scene, his face inconceivable: “impossible! This is absolutely impossible! Just because of one sentence, how could the epee with a sword be pulled out? Out? “

The epee has a sharp edge, which is the treasure of Jiang Huang. Following his countless years, he naturally knows best.

Even him, so far, has not fully awakened the spiritual wisdom of the epee.


Flying Upwards Sacred Land Envoy is gone.

This Qin Nan was not appointed by Fang Jian on the background of itself?

How is this going?

Only Fang Jian had no shocked expression on his face, an expression that I had expected.

Qin Nan Xuan level 8-Rank Martial Spirit, can not even pull out a epee with a sharp edge?

No wonder you can’t pull it out!

At this time, Leng Aotian’s face was completely stunned. He studied hard for a whole year, cleared the secret of the Martial Spirit, and strengthened himself will, only then had this epee got a sharp edge and pulled out a 40-inch powerful result.

But what happened?

In front of this guy pulled out the entire sword!

Looking at the Two Great Sacred Land disciple Selection Great Competition in previous years, this kind of thing has never happened!

“impossible !”

Leng Aotian screamed during this drowsiness: “Your flesh body is just the point of equivalent to Martial King Realm 1-layer! And you have not used any will, why can you put the epee? Feng’s Awakening of Item’s Spirit? You must be cheating, otherwise, it is impossible at all—— “

Not just Leng Aotian, other great characters and geniuses are subconsciously nodded.

They saw with their own eyes that Qin Nan just used his flesh body and then released his momentum. After saying a word, the epee was pulled out.

What a joke, could it be that one sentence can also pull out the epee?

“Is it?”

In the face of the audience, Qin Nan questioned his eyes without fear, but only said indifferently: “From your point of view, I really pull out this sword. It is really strange. Then I will let you see and see, the true face of this sword!”

Real face?

Everyone is one, including Jiang Huang, is no exception.

“Heaven and Earth is a rare object, and it has manifested itself in ten years!”

Qin Nan held the hilt of the sword and felt the trembling surprise of the giant sword. At the moment, there was a long shout, and the sword pointed at the sky. From his palm, there was a flame of one after another. Wrapped in it.

If it is a magic treasure, or Heaven and Earth rare object, it is impossible to be burned by the flame.

However, everyone in the audience saw that the entire giant sword was like a dead tree branch. Not only did it not resist the burning of this flame, but its entire huge sword body ignited at the touch, making this flame more burning Fierce, up to ten zhang, the light of fire shines on everyone’s face.

The epee was burned, but it was broken, but in this flame, a humming sound was heard clearly, ringing in everyone’s ears, followed by a bit of amazing divide glow, in the flame, suddenly burst into the sky !!


ten zhang The flame, chopped abruptly, revealing the original appearance of the giant sword.

Everyone can see that this huge sword is different. On the surface of that blade, there is a crack after one after another, like a spider web. As long as it is broken, the entire blade will be broken. .

“this is……”

Jiang Huang eyes pupils shrank.

“The epee has a sharp edge, but it is World breeding, belongs to rare object, not magic treasure. In its within the body, although there is no Item’s Spirit, it has given birth to a strong spiritual wisdom.” Qin Nan’s indifferent voice resounded. : “You think that pulling it up is to awaken its spiritual wisdom, but you are all wrong. To pull it out, it is not spiritual wisdom that you need to wake up, but its true body. I can see its true Body, so you can pull it out in one sentence! “

“This is because the epee has an edge, it is not a sword!”

“The epee has no edge, it is the sword! The epee has the edge, it is the sword!”

The last ten or four words seemed to have a magical power that struck everyone’s hearts.

The huge sword in Qin Nan’s hand suddenly buzzed, and the surprise was abnormal. At this moment, all the cracks on the sword were broken and dropped all around. A whole body was white and the blade was as crescent as two zhang. , The huge sword entwined with cold glow emerges!

At this moment, the boundless blade aura surged up, as if the winter moon was coming, and countless chills fell into the hearts of everyone.


The whole giant knife, uttered a dazzling blade glow, carried out the sky, stood proudly.

For many years, its true body has finally been revealed!

At this moment, everyone’s supreme talent, all great characters, and Jiang Huang were so disoriented that they couldn’t say a word.

Who would have thought that there was a huge sword hidden under that giant sword!

Who would have thought that this is the true face of the epee!

“The epee is the sword, and the epee is the sword … didn’t expect, didn’t expect, it turns out that this sword cannot be pulled out. It has been waiting, and someone wakes it up. Really! “Jiang Huang was distracted and mumbled to himself, and then his eyes showed joy and joy, saying:” didn’t expect, I dignified Half-Step Martial Venerable, I haven’t even found it yet. Qin Nan, you It really gave me a huge surprise. “

After saying this, he expressed his righteousness and shouted loudly: “I announced the disciple selection great competition in the name of Jiang Huang City City Lord’s Mansion, Qin Nan … the first!”

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