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Chapter 313 Broken Arm Martial Spirit

Leng Jianxiong is famous in the Disciple Selection Great Competition because he has Xuan level 4-Rank Martial Spirit. Before his big brother Leng Aotian didn’t appear, he was on the top of the primary disciple list and ranked first. The presence.

“How many inches can you say Leng Jianxiong can pull out?”

“I estimate at least ten inches or more!”


A lot of knowledgeable supreme talents flashed rays of light in their eyes and said.

Their natural way Epee has a reputation for being sharp and knows it very well.

“Green Vine Martial Spirit!”

Leng Jianxiong loudly shouted, Martial Spirit was released, and it was a green monster vine, followed by Leng Jianxiong’s thoughts, the green monster vine, like a poisonous snake, spread out from the epee’s sharp hilt. The layer is entangled, and in less than a breathing time, the entire blade body is entangled.

“My green vine, for my sake!”

Leng Jianxiong once again shouting loudly, the green demon vine suddenly burst into bright green light, the vines kept shrinking, and then moved towards the rear, suddenly yanking.




With the sound of one after another, under the eyes of everyone, the huge epee of this disease continued to be pulled out of the ground, one inch two inches three inches … until it was ten ten inches, it stopped abruptly, letting the green vine pull wildly , This epee, do not move the slightest.

“Pull out the ground ten inches and pass the assessment!”

The examiner yelled.

Jiang Huang and other great characters in the stands all flashed surprising look in his eyes. With Martial Spirit, he pulled the epee with a ten-inch edge. These scores are really good, and they are one of the top geniuses. spell!

“I am coming too!”

Tenderly shouted suddenly sounded, and Hong Fu, who was ranked first in the ranked list of the disciple, rushed out, like a flame, and fell on the giant sword. Hong Fu didn’t delay, she did not release Martial Spirit, but only from her On his arm, layers of flames flickered, apparently a powerful mystery was running, and he pulled back!

clang clang clang 铿 …… Ten full ten inches!

All around everyone, seeing this scene, they are all colorful, even Leng Jianxiong has a slight look. Without the use of Martial Spirit, Hong Fu can achieve these results, and it is really powerful. But having said that, some people release Martial Spirit, I am afraid that it will not play any role, such as pen Martial Spirit, armor Martial Spirit, etc., can not pull at all, Hong Fu belongs to this category.

“Hey, interesting, see how this genius pulls out 20 inches!”

“Oh! See how I hit you!”


With the opening of the 2 geniuses, the atmosphere of the entire 4-party training field became hot. After all, these people are all supreme talents, they will not easily admit defeat, and will not be easily convinced.

Jiang Huang saw this scene, the smile on his face grew stronger.

Sure enough, with the development of the game, the supreme talents of each and everyone in the audience began to change countenance one after another, and there was no more confidence like that before.

Because apart from Leng Jianxiong and Hong Fu, the best result among them was only 9 inches!

This epee has an edge, and sure enough its name is not in vain!

At this moment, the Envoy of the Flying Upwards Sacred Land, sneaked, said: “The game has progressed here, and it is almost the same. Now I will let Leng Aotian play, Fang Jian Envoy, I hope you Qin Nan here, do n’t Refuse to fight! “

After speaking, he directly typed a spiritual thought and went into Jiang Huang City.

Qin Nan slightly frowned, he didn’t seem to offend the Envoy, and then heard Fang Jian’s explanation, his brows slowly relaxed, a pair of eyes, a fighting intent, and towering burning.

Leng Aotian?

Seems very powerful?

I hope you are stronger and better, so that is interesting!

Qin Nan sat on the stand, without knowing when, his back was straight, expressionless, and ancient waves were not shocked, so many great characters couldn’t help secretly speaking, just this calm and calm cultivation proves that Qin Nan’s origin is extraordinary However, everyone knows that the blood of Qin Nan within the body is gradually boiling, like a flame, waiting for an explosion at any time!

The whole game has been for more than half. The original more than 300 disciples have been eliminated by half. Those eliminated supreme talents are dissatisfied and sigh, but some people have not lost their confidence, but their eyes are firmer.

Just then, suddenly, a white Changhong rushed from below, directly above the square Platform, and made a loud laugh.

“Hahaha, after a year, I finally set foot on this place again, this time I will come first!”

This man is a young man, wearing a white shirt, dashing eyebrows, and a strong confidence on his face. He is aura, even reaching the point of Martial King Realm Peak.

“Leng Aotian! It really is Leng Aotian!”

An experienced and knowledgeable genius, his face changed slightly, and his mouth shouted.

With that said, countless geniuses have changed countenance.

“Leng Aotian, he is Leng Aotian? Very powerful aura!”

“His, when I saw him last year, he only had the cultivation level of Martial King Realm 3-layer. Now one year has passed, it turned out to be a peak!”

“Tsk tsk, I don’t know how many inches this Leng Aotian can pull out, is it stronger than his younger brother.”


Leng Aotian ignored the audience’s voice directly, his eyes fell directly on an appraiser, and shouted out loudly: “How many inches is now ranked first?”

The assessor immediately said: “Leng Jianxiong, ten four inches!”

“Leng Jianxiong is 4 inches?” Leng Aotian’s eyes crossed the crowd and fell on Leng Jianxiong. He laughed, “My younger brother, didn’t expect you to come to participate in this assessment this year, I Did n’t I tell you long ago that I will show up in person this year, so I must be the first in this game! Why do n’t you listen? Or, do you want to challenge me? ”

“Leng Aotian, needless to say, quickly draw the sword. If I lose, I will convince myself!”

Leng Jianxiong said sternly.

“That’s what you said. Today I will let you know how big a gap there is between you and me!”

Leng Aotian tone barely fell, his figure was like a white rainbow, and his toes fell on a giant sword. From his body, 5 azure lights shone, an old broken arm rising up on that arm. Countless archaeological runes, twinkling like stars.

“For a whole year, I communicated with Martial Spirit, kept on exploring its mystery, and finally realized its founder mystery! Dry Kun Wuji, with broken arms and empty hands, with 5 fingers and 5 fingers covering the sky!”

Leng Aotian uttered a howl. The Broken Arm Martial Spirit, rays of light erupts, actually swelled and turned into an archaic giant hand. 5 fingers, like thick iron rods, instantly held the huge sword handle, Pull towards the sky.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

One after another heavens-frightening, the explosive sound of the ground suddenly resounded, and the entire 4-square training field suddenly trembled at this time, like an earthquake.

At this moment, everyone looks at changes!

ps: 7th complete. Regarding the character problem and the Martial Spirit problem, the character will not say much, and the evil spirit’s writing power is temporarily insufficient. As for the Martial Spirit problem, there is a layout already, you can taste it, and sooner or later you will realize it.

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