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Chapter 311

On this square training field, Jiang Huang sits first, and on his left hand is Fang Jian, and on his right hand, there is a gloomy middle age person, like a poisonous snake, but Envoy of Flying Upwards Sacred Land!

The remaining 2 sides are Jiang Huang City’s famous great character.

In the center of this training field, there are several thousand disciples. These people come from the major kingdoms and Sects in the lower territory. Each of them is of good cultivation level and has a great momentum, which is called super genius.

Qin Nan stood in the middle, using War God left pupil, and glanced, expression can’t help but get excited.

“Interesting, among these Martial Artists, there are actually 3 Xuan level Martial Spirits. Apart from this, and several people’s cultivation level, they have reached the peak of Martial King Realm!”

Two Great Sacred Land Selection disciple, regardless of cultivation level, even Martial Grandmaster Realm, Martial Sovereign Realm Powerhouse, can also participate in it, but the kind of Boundary Powerhouse that needs to participate in the assessment, to stand out from the masses.

Originally after seeing Leng Jianxiong and Hong Fu, Qin Nan didn’t expect much from this Selection Great Competition. Now seeing this grand scene, he is starting to move in the blood of the body.

This is his War Blood!

Meet the 8 party supreme talents for a while and win this grand prize!

“The first stage assessment is a strength assessment, the second assessment is a Martial Spirit assessment, and the third assessment is a sword drawing assessment.” Jiang Huang said, “You are the supreme talents from lower territory, Two Great Sacred Land sent a total of 2 appraisers. You choose your appraisers for your own assessment! “

As soon as his voice fell, from Jiang Huang City, 20 silhouettes, simultaneously flew, men, women and children, from Flying Upwards Sacred Land and Azure Dragon Sacred Land.

The atmosphere of the audience was instantly hot.

Many geniuses have long been unable to excite their blood and began to participate in the assessment.

Qin Nan flashed in shape and was ready to take part in this first pass assessment.

At this moment, mutation suddenly emerged, and the Martial King inner core of the inside of the body was so eager to move, as if he wanted to awakens over.

“Not good !”

Qin Nan complexion changed.

Martial King inner core, this time absorbed Chaos Energy, if it is mutation here, it will definitely attract Martial King Thunder Tribulation, which makes this assessment impossible.

“It would be so coincident!”

Qin Nan is a little didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

This Martial King inner core, do not wake up early, do not wake up late, but at this critical time.

When he was in trouble, Fang Jian on the high platform, when he noticed the abnormality of Qin Nan, immediately said loudly: “I announced as the Azure Dragon Sacred Land assessment Envoy, and Qin Nan was promoted directly without participating in the assessment!”

When the words came out, the audience was stunned.

“What? Go straight? Who is this Qin Nan?”

“Tsk tsk, isn’t this Qin Nan the one who was under siege by the Business Alliance a while ago? I heard that this guy seems to have a long history. Even Envoy of Azure Dragon Sacred Land has to respect him! “

“Cut, it turned out to be a relationship, what’s so great!”

“That is!”


A lot of supreme talent, unhappy.

They are different from other Martial Artists. For such people with backgrounds, they may respectfully respect them. In their own country and Sect, they are all called number one genius. Naturally they have pride. For this kind of power , Most disgusting.

Qin Nan expressionless, although he does not like the feeling of relying on power, but from the current situation, he is unable to participate in the assessment. He must first calm down the aura of the Martial King inner core, otherwise, once promoted, No one can assess!

At the moment he no longer hesitated, his body flickered, he came to Fang Jian, sat down, his eyes closed.

“Tsk tsk, Brother Fang, is this the genius you fancy? Why is Half-Step Martial King Realm?” At this moment, the middle-aged Envoy of Flying Upwards Sacred Land opened his mouth with a smirk and a harsh voice.

Fang Jian flashed a strange look in his eyes.

What does this article mean?

Could it be that was mocking Qin Nan?

Do you know that the adult of your Flying Upwards Sacred Land is one of the backers behind Qin Nan.

Middle-aged Envoy ignored Fang Jian and ignored him at the moment. This is mainly because his until now is extremely jealous of Fang Jian. Why everyone is Envoy, you can get the first Peak Lord in Holy Land. Appreciation, and he is still just unknown?

Middle-aged Envoy resisted the anger, and suddenly thought of something, his eyes flashed proudly, and he said aloud, “I announced in the name of Flying Upwards Sacred Land assessment Envoy that Leng Aotian did not need to participate in the assessment and directly advanced!”

This statement was no less than a bomb blast.

Based on the evaluations of previous years, Envoy is basically not appointed, but now, two Envoys are speaking at the same time.

It’s just that at this time, the response of the supreme talent of the audience was completely different, but complexion changed greatly.

“What? Leng Aotian actually took part in this assessment?”

“Damn, he participated in this assessment, so how can I win first?”

“Shit !, this time the loss is so big, I didn’t expect him to go out this year!”


The faces of these supreme talents are extremely ugly, just like the enemy.

Not only them, but the major Cultivators in Jiang Huang City are all fretting and excited.

They absolutely did not expect that Leng Aotian would actually participate in this assessment.

Who is Leng Aotian?

Leng Aotian is Leng Jianxiong’s big brother with Xuan level 5-Rank Martial Spirit. Last year, he participated in the Disciple Selection assessment of Two Great Sacred Land. Because of his natural talent, he was met by Flying Upwards Sacred Land and Azure Dragon. The robbery of Sacred Land made the world famous. It was only last year that another horror genius suddenly rose and suppressed Leng Aotian, which made Leng Aotian Xinru dead, rejected Two Great Sacred Land, returned to Sect, and closed cultivation.

Now after a year, Leng Aotian is back in the mountains!

In the stand of Jiang Huang City, the great characters and expressions were moving slightly, and they couldn’t help showing their expectations.

Jiang Huang’s eyes flashed with wonder, feeling: “didn’t expect, you Flying Upwards Sacred Land, actually attracted Leng Aotian. Just where is Leng Aotian now, why am I not in this group of disciplines, Found his silhouette? “

“Jiang Huang, Leng Aotian is in this city. Because the assessment was a bit boring, he didn’t come to participate.” Flying Upwards Sacred Land Envoy looked proud, looked towards Fang Jian, and then said, “But, Brother Now that Fang has been Appointed to advance to Disciple, I will ask Leng Aotian to come over and wait for the third pass to draw the sword, and compare it with Qin Nan on your side to see who is more powerful. “

Jiang Huang frowned.

Although he doesn’t like Leng Aotian, Leng Aotian’s natural talent has to admit that looking at lower territory, the existence of super genius is very promising.

Regardless of Qin Nan’s Martial Spirit, depending on the cultivation level of Qin Nan Half-Step Martial King Realm, if it is more than a trial drawing sword, I am afraid it will be a loss.

But he wanted to speak, but he didn’t know where to start, because Flying Upwards Sacred Land and Azure Dragon Sacred Land would compete with each other for players with natural talent. Nowadays, the two big Envoys are all appointed, so naturally they will compete. See who the appointed supreme talent is more powerful. This is a normal state.

Only Fang Jian, expression is even more weird.

Is this head kicked by a donkey?

Actually want Leng Aotian to compare with Qin Nan?

Fang Jian thought that last year, Leng Aotian was suppressed by that genius, but this year, when he met Qin Nan, he couldn’t help twitching.

ps: 5 more chapters in the afternoon and updates before the early morning

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